
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W _ 
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accept(MongoCollection<JsObj>) - Method in class jio.mongo.Watcher
ACCESS_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND_CODE - Static variable in class jio.Failures
accessToken - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
accessTokenReq - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
accessTokenReqAttempts - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
accessTokenReqAttempts - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
ActionBeforeRetry<I> - Interface in jio
Function that takes the result and the number of remaining attempts, and returns an action.
addContext(String, HttpHandler) - Method in class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder
Aggregate<O> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
Aggregate(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<AggregateIterable<JsObj>, O>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.Aggregate
aggregateResult2JsArray - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
All - Class in jio.exp
All() - Constructor for class jio.exp.All
alternative(Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.IfElse
andThen(Lambda<HttpResponse<R>, O>) - Method in interface jio.client.HttpLambda
andThen(Lambda<O, R>) - Method in interface jio.Lambda
Any - Class in jio.exp
Any() - Constructor for class jio.exp.Any
append(Val<JsValue>) - Method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
append(Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.ListExp
appendAll(JsArrayExp) - Method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
appendAll(ListExp<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.ListExp
apply(String) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.RefreshAccessTokenReq
apply(HttpResponse.ResponseInfo) - Method in class jio.client.JsArrBodyHandler
apply(HttpResponse.ResponseInfo) - Method in class jio.client.JsArrSpecHandler
apply(HttpResponse.ResponseInfo) - Method in class jio.client.JsObjBodyHandler
apply(HttpResponse.ResponseInfo) - Method in class jio.client.JsObjSpecHandler
apply(HttpResponse<JsObj>) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ReadNewToken
apply(MyHttpClient) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.GetAccessTokenRequest
apply(FindOptions) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOne
apply(JsArray) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.Aggregate
apply(JsArray) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.InsertMany
apply(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.Count
apply(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteMany
apply(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteOne
apply(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndDelete
apply(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.InsertOne
apply(JsObj, JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndReplace
apply(JsObj, JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndUpdate
apply(JsObj, JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.ReplaceOne
apply(JsObj, JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateMany
apply(JsObj, JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateOne
authorizationHeaderName - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
authorizationHeaderName - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
authorizationHeaderValue - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
authorizationHeaderValue - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder


BATCH_SIZE - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
batchSize - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
batchSize(int) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
BiLambda<A,​B,​O> - Interface in jio
bindings - Variable in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
bindings - Variable in class jio.exp.MapExp
bodyRespAsArrOfBytes - Variable in class jio.client.MyHttpClient
bodyRespAsJsArray - Variable in class jio.client.MyHttpClient
bodyRespAsJsArraySpec - Variable in class jio.client.MyHttpClient
bodyRespAsJsObj - Variable in class jio.client.MyHttpClient
bodyRespAsJsObjSpec - Variable in class jio.client.MyHttpClient
bodyRespAsStr - Variable in class jio.client.MyHttpClient


ClientCredentialsBuilder<R> - Class in jio.client.oauth
ClientCredentialsBuilder(HttpClient, Function<MyHttpClient, Val<HttpResponse<R>>>, Lambda<HttpResponse<R>, String>) - Constructor for class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
ClientCredentialsHttpClient<R> - Class in jio.client.oauth
code - Variable in exception jio.JioFailure
collectionSupplier - Variable in class jio.mongo.functions.Aggregate
collectionSupplier - Variable in class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateOne
comment - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
comment(String) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
COMMENT - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
Cond<O> - Class in jio.exp
Cond(List<Val<Boolean>>, List<Val<O>>) - Constructor for class jio.exp.Cond
Cond(List<Val<Boolean>>, List<Val<O>>, Val<O>) - Constructor for class jio.exp.Cond
cons(int) - Static method in interface jio.server.MockStatusCodeResp
cons(String) - Static method in interface jio.server.MockBodyResp
Cons<O> - Class in jio.exp
consAfter(String, Duration) - Static method in interface jio.server.MockBodyResp
consequence(Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.IfElse
consumer - Variable in class jio.mongo.Watcher
Converters - Class in jio.mongo
Count - Class in jio.mongo.functions
Count(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, CountOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.Count
Count(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.Count
counter - Static variable in class jio.server.PostReqHandler
create() - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
createClient() - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder


DEFAULT_OPTIONS - Static variable in class jio.mongo.functions.ReplaceOne
defaultTimeout - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
Delay - Class in jio.exp
DeleteMany<O> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
DeleteMany(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<DeleteResult, O>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteMany
DeleteMany(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<DeleteResult, O>, DeleteOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteMany
DeleteOne<O> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
DeleteOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<DeleteResult, O>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteOne
DeleteOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<DeleteResult, O>, DeleteOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteOne
DeleteReqHandler - Class in jio.server
DeleteReqHandler(MockBodyResp, MockStatusCodeResp, MockHeadersResp) - Constructor for class jio.server.DeleteReqHandler
deleteResult2JsObj - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
DeleteServerHandler - Class in jio.server
DeleteServerHandler() - Constructor for class jio.server.DeleteServerHandler


EMPTY - Static variable in interface jio.server.MockBodyResp
EMPTY - Static variable in interface jio.server.MockHeadersResp
EMPTY_AUTHORIZATION_CODE - Static variable in class jio.Failures
equals(Object) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class jio.Pair
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class jio.Triple
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.


failure - Variable in class jio.client.ReqEvent
failure(Throwable) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cons
Failures - Class in jio
Failures() - Constructor for class jio.Failures
fallbackTo(Lambda<Throwable, O>) - Method in interface jio.Val
fallbackToOn(Lambda<Throwable, O>) - Method in interface jio.Val
fallbackToOn(Lambda<Throwable, O>, Executor) - Method in interface jio.Val
FALSE - Static variable in class jio.exp.Cons
filter - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
filter(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
FILTER - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
FindAll - Class in jio.mongo.functions
FindAll(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindAll
findIterable2JsArray - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
findIterableHead - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
FindOne - Class in jio.mongo.functions
FindOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindOne
FindOneAndDelete - Class in jio.mongo.functions
FindOneAndDelete(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndDelete
FindOneAndDelete(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, FindOneAndDeleteOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndDelete
FindOneAndReplace - Class in jio.mongo.functions
FindOneAndReplace(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndReplace
FindOneAndReplace(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, FindOneAndReplaceOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndReplace
FindOneAndUpdate - Class in jio.mongo.functions
FindOneAndUpdate(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndUpdate
FindOneAndUpdate(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, FindOneAndUpdateOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndUpdate
FindOptions - Class in jio.mongo
FindOptionsBuilder - Class in jio.mongo
FindOptionsBuilder() - Constructor for class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
first() - Method in class jio.exp.PairExp
first() - Method in class jio.exp.TripleExp
first() - Method in class jio.Pair
Returns the value of the first record component.
first() - Method in class jio.Triple
Returns the value of the first record component.
flatMap(Lambda<O, Q>) - Method in interface jio.Val
flatMap(Lambda<O, Q>, Lambda<Throwable, Q>) - Method in interface jio.Val
flatMapOn(Lambda<O, Q>) - Method in interface jio.Val
flatMapOn(Lambda<O, Q>, Executor) - Method in interface jio.Val
flatMapOn(Lambda<O, Q>, Lambda<Throwable, Q>) - Method in interface jio.Val
flatMapOn(Lambda<O, Q>, Lambda<Throwable, Q>, Executor) - Method in interface jio.Val
fromHandler(HttpResponse.BodyHandler<T>) - Method in class jio.client.MyHttpClient


get() - Method in class jio.exp.Cond
get() - Method in class jio.exp.Cons
get() - Method in class jio.exp.IfElse
get() - Method in class jio.exp.ParallelAny
get() - Method in class jio.exp.SequentialAny
get() - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class jio.Failures
GET_REFRESH_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class jio.Failures
GetAccessTokenRequest - Class in jio.client.oauth
Default req to get the access token in a Client Credentials Code POST https://host:port/uri grant_type=client_credentials Accept: application/json Authorization: Base64(ClientId:ClientSecret) Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded the default uri is /token the default host and port are the ones specified in the HttpClientModule where the requests that need the token are defined
GetAccessTokenRequest(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class jio.client.oauth.GetAccessTokenRequest
GetAccessTokenRequest(String, String, String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jio.client.oauth.GetAccessTokenRequest
GetReqHandler - Class in jio.server
GetReqHandler(MockBodyResp, MockStatusCodeResp, MockHeadersResp) - Constructor for class jio.server.GetReqHandler


handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class jio.server.PostReqHandler
handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class jio.server.DeleteServerHandler
handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class jio.server.PatchServerHandler
handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class jio.server.PostServerHandler
handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class jio.server.PutServerHandler
handle(Consumer<O>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface jio.Val
handleOn(Consumer<O>, Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface jio.Val
handleOn(Consumer<O>, Consumer<Throwable>, Executor) - Method in interface jio.Val
hashCode() - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
hashCode() - Method in class jio.Pair
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class jio.Triple
Returns a hash code value for this object.
head() - Method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
head() - Method in class jio.exp.ListExp
hint - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
hint(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
HINT - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
HINT_STRING - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
hintString - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
hintString(String) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
HTTP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_CAUSE_PRISM - Static variable in class jio.Failures
HTTP_TIMEOUT_CAUSE_PRISM - Static variable in class jio.Failures
HttpLambda<R> - Interface in jio.client
HttpServerBuilder - Class in jio.server
HttpServerBuilder() - Constructor for class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder


identity() - Static method in interface jio.Lambda
IfElse<O> - Class in jio.exp
ignoreResp - Variable in class jio.client.MyHttpClient
InsertMany<R> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
InsertMany(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<InsertManyResult, R>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.InsertMany
InsertMany(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<InsertManyResult, R>, InsertManyOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.InsertMany
insertManyResult2JsArrayOfHexIds - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
InsertOne<R> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
InsertOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<InsertOneResult, R>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.InsertOne
InsertOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<InsertOneResult, R>, InsertOneOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.InsertOne
insertOneResult2HexId - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
insertOneResult2JsObj - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
INSTANCE - Static variable in class jio.client.JsArrBodyHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class jio.client.JsObjBodyHandler
isEmpty() - Method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
isEmpty() - Method in class jio.exp.ListExp
isEmpty() - Method in class jio.exp.MapExp


jio - module jio
jio - package jio
JIO_FAILURE_CAUSE_PRISM - Static variable in class jio.Failures
jio.client - package jio.client
jio.client.oauth - package jio.client.oauth
jio.exp - package jio.exp
jio.mongo - package jio.mongo
jio.mongo.functions - package jio.mongo.functions
jio.server - package jio.server
JioFailure - Exception in jio
JioFailure(String, String) - Constructor for exception jio.JioFailure
JioFailure(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception jio.JioFailure
join() - Method in class jio.exp.Cons
join() - Method in interface jio.Val
jsArray2ListOfBson - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
jsArray2ListOfJsObj - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
JsArrayExp - Class in jio.exp
JsArrBodyHandler - Class in jio.client
JsArrSpecHandler - Class in jio.client
JsArrSpecHandler(JsArraySpec) - Constructor for class jio.client.JsArrSpecHandler
jsObj2Bson - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
JsObjBodyHandler - Class in jio.client
JsObjExp - Class in jio.exp
Represents a supplier of a completable future which result is a json object.
JsObjSpecHandler - Class in jio.client
JsObjSpecHandler(JsObjSpec) - Constructor for class jio.client.JsObjSpecHandler


Lambda<I,​O> - Interface in jio
limit - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
limit(int) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
LIMIT - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
list - Variable in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
list - Variable in class jio.exp.ListExp
ListExp<O> - Class in jio.exp


map(Function<O, P>) - Method in interface jio.Val
MapExp<O> - Class in jio.exp
MapExp() - Constructor for class jio.exp.MapExp
mapOn(Function<O, P>) - Method in interface jio.Val
mapOn(Function<O, P>, Executor) - Method in interface jio.Val
max - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
max(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
MAX - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
MAX_AWAIT_TIME - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
MAX_TIME - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
maxAwaitTime - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
maxAwaitTime(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
maxTime - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
maxTime(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
method - Variable in class jio.client.ReqEvent
min - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
min(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
MIN - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
MockBodyResp - Interface in jio.server
MockHeadersResp - Interface in jio.server
MockStatusCodeResp - Interface in jio.server
MONGO_TIMEOUT_CODE - Static variable in class jio.Failures
Error that happens when the domain can't be resolved: wrong name or there is no internet connection.
MyHttpClient - Class in jio.client
MyHttpClient(HttpClient) - Constructor for class jio.client.MyHttpClient
MyHttpClient(HttpClient, Duration) - Constructor for class jio.client.MyHttpClient


NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_CAUSE_PRISM - Static variable in class jio.Failures
NO_CURSOR_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
noCursorTimeout - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
noCursorTimeout(boolean) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
NULL() - Static method in class jio.exp.Cons


oauth(HttpLambda<I>, int, boolean) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
oauthBodyRespAsArrOfBytes - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
oauthBodyRespAsJsArray - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
oauthBodyRespAsJsArraySpec - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
oauthBodyRespAsJsObj - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
oauthBodyRespAsJsObjSpec - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
oauthBodyRespAsStr - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
oauthIgnoreResp - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
objectId2Hex - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
of(boolean, boolean...) - Static method in class jio.exp.All
of(boolean, boolean...) - Static method in class jio.exp.Any
of(int, TimeUnit) - Static method in class jio.exp.Delay
of(int, TimeUnit, Executor) - Static method in class jio.exp.Delay
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(I, Val<O>, I, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(Supplier<CompletableFuture<O>>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cons
of(Supplier<O>, ExecutorService) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cons
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(List<I>, Val<O>, List<I>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
of(Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<Boolean>, Val<O>, Val<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cond
ofFilter(JsObj) - Static method in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
ofFilter(JsObj, JsObj) - Static method in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
ofFilter(JsObj, JsObj, JsObj) - Static method in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
ofManagedBlocker(Supplier<O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cons
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.Aggregate
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.Count
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteMany
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.DeleteOne
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOne
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndDelete
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndReplace
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.FindOneAndUpdate
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.InsertMany
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.InsertOne
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.ReplaceOne
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateMany
on(ExecutorService) - Method in class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateOne
options - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
options - Variable in class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateOne
or(Prism<Throwable, ?>, Prism<Throwable, ?>...) - Static method in class jio.Failures


Pair<A,​B> - Class in jio
Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class jio.Pair
Creates an instance of a Pair record.
PairExp<A,​B> - Class in jio.exp
parallel() - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of one mapping
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of three mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of four mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of five mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of six mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of seven mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of eight mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of nine mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of ten mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of eleven mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of twelve mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of thirteen mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of fourteen mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of fifteen mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjexpure of three mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of four mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of five mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of six mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of seven mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eight mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of nine mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of ten mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eleven mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of twelve mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of thirteen mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fourteen mappings
parallel(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fifteen mappings
parallel(Val<? extends JsValue>, Val<? extends JsValue>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
returns a JsArrayFuture from the given head and the tail
parallel(Val<A>, Val<B>) - Static method in class jio.exp.PairExp
parallel(Val<A>, Val<B>, Val<C>) - Static method in class jio.exp.TripleExp
parallel(Val<Boolean>, Val<Boolean>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.All
parallel(Val<Boolean>, Val<Boolean>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.Any
parallel(Val<O>, Val<O>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.ListExp
ParallelAny - Class in jio.exp
partial - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
partial(boolean) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
PARTIAL - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
PatchReqHandler - Class in jio.server
PatchReqHandler(MockBodyResp, MockStatusCodeResp, MockHeadersResp) - Constructor for class jio.server.PatchReqHandler
PatchServerHandler - Class in jio.server
PatchServerHandler() - Constructor for class jio.server.PatchServerHandler
PostReqHandler - Class in jio.server
PostReqHandler(MockBodyResp, MockStatusCodeResp, MockHeadersResp) - Constructor for class jio.server.PostReqHandler
PostServerHandler - Class in jio.server
PostServerHandler() - Constructor for class jio.server.PostServerHandler
predicate(Val<Boolean>) - Static method in class jio.exp.IfElse
projection - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
projection(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
PROJECTION - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
PutReqHandler - Class in jio.server
PutReqHandler(MockBodyResp, MockStatusCodeResp, MockHeadersResp) - Constructor for class jio.server.PutReqHandler
PutServerHandler - Class in jio.server
PutServerHandler() - Constructor for class jio.server.PutServerHandler


race() - Method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
race() - Method in class jio.exp.ListExp
race(PairExp<O, O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.PairExp
race(TripleExp<O, O, O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.TripleExp
random(int, int) - Static method in interface jio.server.MockStatusCodeResp
readNewAccessTokenAfterRefresh - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
readNewAccessTokenAfterRefresh - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
ReadNewToken - Class in jio.client.oauth
ReadNewToken() - Constructor for class jio.client.oauth.ReadNewToken
recover(Function<Throwable, O>) - Method in interface jio.Val
Creates a new value that will handle any matching throwable that this value might contain.
recoverWith(Lambda<Throwable, O>) - Method in interface jio.Val
Creates a new value that will handle any matching throwable that this value might contain by assigning it another value.
recoverWithOn(Lambda<Throwable, O>) - Method in interface jio.Val
recoverWithOn(Lambda<Throwable, O>, Executor) - Method in interface jio.Val
REFRESH_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND_CODE - Static variable in class jio.Failures
RefreshAccessTokenReq - Class in jio.client.oauth
Default req to refresh the token in an Authorization code flow POST https://host:port/uri grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token={{REFRESH_TOKEN}} Accept: application/json Authorization: Base64(ClientId:ClientSecret) Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded the default uri is /token the default host and port are the ones specified in the HttpClientModule where the requests that need to refresh the tokens are defined
RefreshAccessTokenReq(String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class jio.client.oauth.RefreshAccessTokenReq
RefreshAccessTokenReq(String, String, String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jio.client.oauth.RefreshAccessTokenReq
refreshTokenPredicate - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
refreshTokenPredicate - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
ReplaceOne<O> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
ReplaceOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<UpdateResult, O>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.ReplaceOne
ReplaceOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<UpdateResult, O>, ReplaceOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.ReplaceOne
reqAttempts - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
ReqEvent - Class in jio.client
ReqEvent() - Constructor for class jio.client.ReqEvent
resilientReq(HttpLambda<I>, int) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
resultConverter - Variable in class jio.mongo.functions.Aggregate
resultConverter - Variable in class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateOne
retry(int) - Method in class jio.exp.Cond
retry(int) - Method in class jio.exp.Cons
retry(int) - Method in class jio.exp.IfElse
retry(int) - Method in class jio.exp.ParallelAny
retry(int) - Method in class jio.exp.SequentialAny
retry(int) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
retry(int) - Method in interface jio.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution if it fails
retry(int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.Cond
retry(int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.Cons
retry(int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.IfElse
retry(int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.ParallelAny
retry(int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.SequentialAny
retry(int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
retry(int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in interface jio.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution after the an action.
RETRY_EXHAUSTED_CAUSE_PRISM - Static variable in class jio.Failures
retryAccessTokenPredicate - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
retryAccessTokenReqPredicate - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
RetryExhausted - Exception in jio
RetryExhausted(int) - Constructor for exception jio.RetryExhausted
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class jio.exp.Cond
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class jio.exp.Cons
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class jio.exp.IfElse
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class jio.exp.ParallelAny
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class jio.exp.SequentialAny
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int) - Method in interface jio.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution if it fails with an error that satisfies the given predicate.
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.Cond
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.Cons
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.IfElse
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.ParallelAny
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.SequentialAny
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.exp.Switch
retryIf(Predicate<Throwable>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in interface jio.Val
returns a new value tha will retry its execution after an action if it fails with an error that satisfies the given predicate.
retryReqPredicate - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsHttpClient
retryReqPredicate - Variable in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
retryUntil(Predicate<O>, int) - Method in interface jio.Val
retryUntil(Predicate<O>, int, ActionBeforeRetry<O>, ActionBeforeRetry<Throwable>) - Method in interface jio.Val
RETURN_KEY - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
returnKey - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
returnKey(boolean) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder


second() - Method in class jio.exp.PairExp
second() - Method in class jio.exp.TripleExp
second() - Method in class jio.Pair
Returns the value of the second record component.
second() - Method in class jio.Triple
Returns the value of the second record component.
sequential() - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of one mapping
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of three mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of four mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of five mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of six mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of seven mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of eight mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of nine mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of ten mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of eleven mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of twelve mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of thirteen mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of fourteen mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>, String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
static factory method to create a JsObjExp of fifteen mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of one mapping
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjexpure of three mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of four mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of five mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of six mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of seven mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eight mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of nine mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of ten mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of eleven mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of twelve mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of thirteen mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fourteen mappings
sequential(String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>, String, Val<? extends O>) - Static method in class jio.exp.MapExp
static factory method to create a JsObjFuture of fifteen mappings
sequential(Val<? extends JsValue>, Val<? extends JsValue>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
returns a JsArrayFuture from the given head and the tail
sequential(Val<A>, Val<B>) - Static method in class jio.exp.PairExp
sequential(Val<A>, Val<B>, Val<C>) - Static method in class jio.exp.TripleExp
sequential(Val<Boolean>, Val<Boolean>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.All
sequential(Val<Boolean>, Val<Boolean>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.Any
sequential(Val<O>, Val<O>...) - Static method in class jio.exp.ListExp
SequentialAny - Class in jio.exp
set(String, Val<? extends JsValue>) - Method in class jio.exp.JsObjExp
set(String, Val<? extends O>) - Method in class jio.exp.MapExp
setAccessTokenReqAttempts(int) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setAuthorizationHeaderName(String) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setAuthorizationHeaderValue(Function<String, String>) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setBacklog(int) - Method in class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder
setDefaultTimeout(Duration) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder
setReadNewAccessTokenAfterRefresh(Lambda<HttpResponse<R>, String>) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setRefreshTokenPredicate(Predicate<HttpResponse<?>>) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setReqAttempts(int) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setRetryAccessTokenReqPredicate(Predicate<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
setRetryReqPredicate(Predicate<Throwable>) - Method in class jio.client.oauth.ClientCredentialsBuilder
SHOW_RECORD_ID - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
showRecordId - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
showRecordId(boolean) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
skip - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
skip(int) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
SKIP - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
sort - Variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
sort(JsObj) - Method in class jio.mongo.FindOptionsBuilder
SORT - Static variable in class jio.mongo.FindOptions
start(int) - Method in class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder
start(String, int) - Method in class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder
startAtRandom(int, int) - Method in class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder
startAtRandom(String, int, int) - Method in class jio.server.HttpServerBuilder
statusCode - Variable in class jio.client.ReqEvent
str2Oid - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
success(O) - Static method in class jio.exp.Cons
Switch<I,​O> - Class in jio.exp
Switch(Val<I>) - Constructor for class jio.exp.Switch


tail() - Method in class jio.exp.JsArrayExp
tail() - Method in class jio.exp.ListExp
third() - Method in class jio.exp.TripleExp
third() - Method in class jio.Triple
Returns the value of the third record component.
timeout(int, TimeUnit) - Method in interface jio.Val
timeoutOrElse(int, TimeUnit, Supplier<O>) - Method in interface jio.Val
toMongoValExc - Static variable in class jio.Failures
toString() - Method in class jio.Pair
Returns a string representation of this record.
toString() - Method in class jio.Triple
Returns a string representation of this record.
Triple<A,​B,​C> - Class in jio
Triple(A, B, C) - Constructor for class jio.Triple
Creates an instance of a Triple record.
TripleExp<A,​B,​C> - Class in jio.exp
TRUE - Static variable in class jio.exp.Cons


UNKNOWN_MONGO_EXCEPTION_CODE - Static variable in class jio.Failures
UNRESOLVED_ADDRESS_CAUSE_PRISM - Static variable in class jio.Failures
UpdateMany<O> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
UpdateMany(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<UpdateResult, O>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateMany
UpdateMany(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<UpdateResult, O>, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateMany
UpdateOne<O> - Class in jio.mongo.functions
UpdateOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<UpdateResult, O>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateOne
UpdateOne(Supplier<MongoCollection<JsObj>>, Function<UpdateResult, O>, UpdateOptions) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.functions.UpdateOne
updateResult2JsObj - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
updateResult2OptHexId - Static variable in class jio.mongo.Converters
uri - Variable in class jio.client.ReqEvent


Val<O> - Interface in jio
VAL_TIMEOUT_CAUSE_PRISM - Static variable in class jio.Failures


Watcher - Class in jio.mongo
Watcher(Consumer<ChangeStreamIterable<JsObj>>) - Constructor for class jio.mongo.Watcher


_1 - Variable in class jio.exp.PairExp
_1 - Variable in class jio.exp.TripleExp
_2 - Variable in class jio.exp.PairExp
_2 - Variable in class jio.exp.TripleExp
_200 - Static variable in interface jio.server.MockStatusCodeResp
_201 - Static variable in interface jio.server.MockStatusCodeResp
_3 - Variable in class jio.exp.TripleExp
_400 - Static variable in interface jio.server.MockStatusCodeResp
_404 - Static variable in interface jio.server.MockStatusCodeResp
_500 - Static variable in interface jio.server.MockStatusCodeResp
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