Package jsonvalues

package jsonvalues
The `jsonvalues` package provides a set of classes and interfaces for working with JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data in a type-safe and structured manner. It includes representations for various JSON data types, such as objects, arrays, primitives, and more.

JSON Data Types:

- JsValue: An interface representing a JSON value, which can be one of the following types: object, array, primitive, null, or nothing. It serves as the root interface for all JSON data types.

- JsObj: A class representing a JSON object (also known as a map or dictionary). It maps string keys to JSON values.

- JsArray: A class representing a JSON array, which is an ordered collection of JSON values.

- JsPrimitive: An interface representing a JSON primitive value, which can be one of the following types: string, number, boolean, or null. It extends `JsValue`.

- JsStr: A class representing a JSON string value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsInt: A class representing a JSON integer value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsLong: A class representing a JSON long (64-bit integer) value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsBigInt: A class representing a JSON big integer value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsDouble: A class representing a JSON double-precision floating-point number value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsBigDec: A class representing a JSON big decimal value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsBool: A class representing a JSON boolean value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsNull: A class representing a JSON null value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

- JsNothing: A class representing a special JSON value called "nothing," which represents a non-existing or undefined value. It extends `JsPrimitive`.

JSON Manipulation and Creation:

The classes and interfaces in this package allow you to create, manipulate, and traverse JSON data structures. You can build JSON objects, arrays, and primitives, perform operations on them, and serialize/deserialize them as needed.

The classes and interfaces in the `jsonvalues` package provide a powerful and flexible way to work with JSON data, making it easier to handle JSON-related tasks in your applications.

See Also:
  • Class
    Represents the index of a value in a JSON array.
    Represents a JSON array in a persistent data structure.
    Enumeration representing different types of arrays: SET, LIST, or MULTISET.
    Represents an immutable JSON number of type BigDecimal.
    Represents an immutable JSON number of type BigInteger.
    Represents an array of bytes in a JSON-like data structure.
    Represents an immutable JSON boolean.
    Represents an immutable JSON number of type double.
    Represents an immutable instant.
    Represents an immutable JSON number of type integer.
    Represents an immutable JSON number of type long.
    It's a special JSON element that represents 'nothing'.
    Represents null.
    Represents a sealed abstract class for JSON number values.
    Represents a JSON object in a lightweight, immutable, and functional manner.
    Represents any element in a JSON object which can be modeled with a key and the associated element.
    Json<T extends Json<T>>
    Represents an immutable and persistent JSON of type T, where T is either a JsObj or a JsArray.
    Contains the optics defined for JSON objects and arrays
    Contains all the lenses defined for a Json array
    Contains all the optics defined for a Json array
    Contains all the optionals defined for a Json array
    Represents all the lenses defined for a Json object
    Contains all the optics defined for a Json object
    Contains all the optionals defined for a Json object
    Represents any element in a JSON which can be modeled with a path location the associated element.
    Represents the full path location of an element in a JSON.
    Represents a sealed abstract class for primitive JSON values.
    Represents an immutable JSON string.
    Represents a JSON element of any type.
    Represents the key of a value in a JSON object.
    Represents the location of a first-level element in a JSON, either a Key in a JsObj or an Index in a JsArray.
    Exception that models a programming code made by the user.