Class JsSpecs


public final class JsSpecs extends Object
The `JsSpecs` class provides a collection of static factory methods for creating JSON specifications (JsSpec). These specifications are used to define validation rules and constraints for JSON data structures to ensure that they conform to expected formats and patterns.

JSON specifications are essential for parsing and validating JSON data in applications, ensuring that the data adheres to predefined rules before processing or storing it.

This class simplifies the creation of these specifications for various JSON data types, including numbers, strings, arrays, objects, and more.

It provides factory methods for creating specifications for different JSON types, including numbers, strings, arrays, and objects. Additionally, custom validation predicates can be specified to enforce specific constraints on JSON data.

JSON specifications created with this class are immutable and can be reused for validating multiple JSON data instances.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static JsSpec
    spec that is conformed by any value
    static JsSpec
    any(Predicate<JsValue> predicate)
    Returns a specification that accepts any JSON value for which the given predicate evaluates to true.
    non-nullable array spec
    array(Predicate<JsValue> predicate)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    non-nullable array of integral numbers spec
    arrayOfBigInt(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of big integers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integral numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    arrayOfBigInt(Predicate<BigInteger> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integral numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integral numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    non-nullable array of booleans spec
    arrayOfBool(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of booleans with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of booleans that satisfies the given predicate.
    non-nullable array of decimal numbers spec
    arrayOfDec(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of decimal numbers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    arrayOfDec(Predicate<BigDecimal> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    non-nullable array of double numbers spec
    arrayOfDouble(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of double with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    arrayOfDouble(DoublePredicate predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of double that satisfies the given predicate.
    non-nullable array of integer numbers spec
    arrayOfInt(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of integers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integer numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    arrayOfInt(IntPredicate predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integer numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integer numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    non-nullable array of long numbers spec
    arrayOfLong(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of long numbers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of long numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    arrayOfLong(LongPredicate predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of long numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of long numbers that satisfies the given predicate.
    non-nullable array of objects spec
    arrayOfObj(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of objects with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of objects, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    arrayOfObj(Predicate<JsObj> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of objects, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of objects that satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an array, and the value of each element is a value that conforms the given spec.
    arrayOfSpec(JsSpec spec, int min, int max)
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an array within the limits of the specified bounds, and the value of each element is a value that conforms the given spec.
    non-nullable array of strings spec
    arrayOfStr(int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for an array of strings with a specified minimum and maximum length.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of strings, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    arrayOfStr(Predicate<String> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of strings, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of strings, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable array that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable integral number
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable integral number that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable binary spec
    static JsSpec
    binary(Predicate<byte[]> predicate)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable JSON binary data that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable boolean
    static JsSpec
    cons(JsValue value)
    Returns a required and non-nullable specification that specifies a constant value.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable decimal number
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable decimal number that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable long number
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable double number that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    fixedBinary(int size)
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable array spec
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable JSON instant that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable integer number
    static JsSpec
    integer(IntPredicate predicate)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable integer number that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable long number
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable long number that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a big integer.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a binary.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a boolean.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a decimal number.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a double.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is an instant.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is an integer.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a long number.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is an object.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a value that conforms the given spec.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a string.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable json object spec
    static JsSpec
    obj(Predicate<JsObj> predicate)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable JSON object that satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a named spec from the cache based on the provided name.
    static JsSpec
    ofNamedSpec(String name, JsSpec spec)
    static JsSpec
    oneSpecOf(List<? extends JsSpec> specs)
    Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible specifications.
    static JsSpec
    oneSpecOf(JsSpec elem, JsSpec... others)
    Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible specifications.
    static JsSpec
    oneStringOf(String elem, String... others)
    Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible symbols.
    static JsSpec
    Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible symbols.
    static <O extends JsValue>
    oneValOf(List<O> cons)
    Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible values.
    static <O extends JsValue>
    oneValOf(O elem, O... others)
    Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible values.
    static JsSpec
    non-nullable string
    static JsSpec
    str(int min, int max)
    Returns a non-nullable string specification that validates strings based on their length within the specified range.
    static JsSpec
    str(Predicate<String> predicate)
    Returns a specification for a non-nullable string, where the string satisfies the given predicate.
    static JsSpec
    str(Pattern pattern)
    Returns a non-nullable string specification with the specified regular expression pattern.
    tuple(JsSpec spec, JsSpec... others)
    Returns a tuple specification where each nth element of the tuple is specified by the nth given spec.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • arrayOfDec

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDec()
      non-nullable array of decimal numbers spec
      a spec
    • arrayOfBigInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBigInt()
      non-nullable array of integral numbers spec
      a spec
    • arrayOfDouble

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDouble()
      non-nullable array of double numbers spec
      a spec
    • arrayOfObj

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfObj()
      non-nullable array of objects spec
      a spec
    • arrayOfBool

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBool()
      non-nullable array of booleans spec
      a spec
    • instant

      public static JsSpec instant()
      non-nullable array spec
      a spec
    • arrayOfLong

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfLong()
      non-nullable array of long numbers spec
      a spec
    • arrayOfInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfInt()
      non-nullable array of integer numbers spec
      a spec
    • arrayOfStr

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfStr()
      non-nullable array of strings spec
      a spec
    • binary

      public static JsSpec binary()
      non-nullable binary spec
      a spec
      See Also:
    • fixedBinary

      public static JsSpec fixedBinary(int size)
    • bigInteger

      public static JsSpec bigInteger()
      non-nullable integral number
      a spec
    • longInteger

      public static JsSpec longInteger()
      non-nullable long number
      a spec
    • doubleNumber

      public static JsSpec doubleNumber()
      non-nullable long number
      a spec
    • bool

      public static JsSpec bool()
      non-nullable boolean
      a spec
    • decimal

      public static JsSpec decimal()
      non-nullable decimal number
      a spec
    • integer

      public static JsSpec integer()
      non-nullable integer number
      a spec
    • obj

      public static JsSpec obj()
      non-nullable json object spec
      a spec
    • array

      public static JsArraySpec array()
      non-nullable array spec
      a spec
    • any

      public static JsSpec any()
      spec that is conformed by any value
      a spec
    • str

      public static JsSpec str()
      non-nullable string
      a spec
    • str

      public static JsSpec str(int min, int max)
      Returns a non-nullable string specification that validates strings based on their length within the specified range.
      min - The minimum allowed length for strings (inclusive).
      max - The maximum allowed length for strings (inclusive).
      A specification for strings that have a length within the specified range.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the provided min is negative, max is non-positive, or min is greater than max.
    • str

      public static JsSpec str(Pattern pattern)
      Returns a non-nullable string specification with the specified regular expression pattern.
      pattern - The regular expression pattern to match strings against.
      A specification for strings that match the given pattern.
      NullPointerException - If the provided pattern is null.
    • arrayOfInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfInt(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of integers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of integers with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfDouble

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDouble(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of double with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of double with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfDouble

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDouble(DoublePredicate predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
    • arrayOfBigInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBigInt(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of big integers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of big integers with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfObj

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfObj(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of objects with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of objects with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfDec

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDec(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of decimal numbers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of decimal numbers with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfBool

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBool(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of booleans with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of booleans with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfStr

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfStr(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of strings with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of strings with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfLong

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfLong(int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for an array of long numbers with a specified minimum and maximum length.
      minLength - The minimum length of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum length of the array (inclusive).
      A specification for an array of long numbers with the specified length constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • cons

      public static JsSpec cons(JsValue value)
      Returns a required and non-nullable specification that specifies a constant value.
      value - The constant value.
      A specification that enforces the provided constant value.
    • str

      public static JsSpec str(Predicate<String> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable string, where the string satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the string must satisfy.
      A specification for strings based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfIntSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfIntSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integer numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the entire array must satisfy.
      An array specification for integer numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfDec

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDec(Predicate<BigDecimal> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each decimal number in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for decimal numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfDouble

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDouble(Predicate<Double> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each decimal number in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for decimal numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfDec

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDec(Predicate<BigDecimal> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate. The array must have a size within the specified range.
      predicate - The predicate that each decimal number in the array must satisfy.
      minLength - The minimum size of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum size of the array (inclusive).
      An array specification for decimal numbers based on the specified predicate and size range.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is lower than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfDecSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDecSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of decimal numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each decimal number in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for decimal numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfBigInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBigInt(Predicate<BigInteger> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integral numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each integral number in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for integral numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfBigInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBigInt(Predicate<BigInteger> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integral numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate. The array must have a minimum and maximum size as specified by the parameters.
      predicate - The predicate that each integral number in the array must satisfy.
      minLength - The minimum size of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum size of the array (inclusive).
      An array specification for integral numbers based on the specified predicate and size constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum size is lower than the minimum size.
    • arrayOfBigIntSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBigIntSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integral numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each integral number in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for integral numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfObj

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfObj(Predicate<JsObj> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of objects, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each object in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for objects based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfObj

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfObj(Predicate<JsObj> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of objects, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each object in the array must satisfy.
      minLength - The minimum size of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum size of the array (inclusive).
      An array specification for objects based on the specified predicate and size constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the maximum length is less than the minimum length.
    • arrayOfObjSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfObjSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of objects that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for objects based on the specified predicate.
    • integer

      public static JsSpec integer(IntPredicate predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable integer number that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the integer must satisfy.
      A specification for integer numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfStrSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfStrSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of strings, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for strings based on the specified predicate.
    • array

      public static JsArraySpec array(Predicate<JsValue> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each value in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for values based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfLong

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfLong(LongPredicate predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of long numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each long number in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for long numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfLong

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfLong(LongPredicate predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of long numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each long number in the array must satisfy.
      minLength - The minimum size of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum size of the array (inclusive).
      An array specification for long numbers based on the specified predicate.
      IllegalArgumentException - If maxLength is less than minLength.
    • arrayOfBoolSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfBoolSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of booleans that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for booleans based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfDoubleSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfDoubleSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of double that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for double based on the specified predicate.
    • longInteger

      public static JsSpec longInteger(LongPredicate predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable long number that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the long number must satisfy.
      A specification for long numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • doubleNumber

      public static JsSpec doubleNumber(DoublePredicate predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable double number that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the double number must satisfy.
      A specification for long numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • decimal

      public static JsSpec decimal(Predicate<BigDecimal> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable decimal number that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the decimal number must satisfy.
      A specification for decimal numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • bigInteger

      public static JsSpec bigInteger(Predicate<BigInteger> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable integral number that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that the integral number must satisfy.
      A specification for integral numbers based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfStr

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfStr(Predicate<String> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of strings, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each string in the array must satisfy.
      An array specification for strings based on the specified predicate.
    • arrayOfStr

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfStr(Predicate<String> predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of strings, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate that each string in the array must satisfy.
      minLength - The minimum size of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum size of the array (inclusive).
      An array specification for strings based on the specified predicate and size constraints.
      IllegalArgumentException - If maxLength is less than minLength.
    • any

      public static JsSpec any(Predicate<JsValue> predicate)
      Returns a specification that accepts any JSON value for which the given predicate evaluates to true. When the type is not specified by the spec, positive numbers are parsed as Long by default, which has to be taken into account when defining the condition.
      predicate - The predicate that determines whether a JSON value is accepted.
      A specification that validates JSON values based on the specified predicate.
    • binary

      public static JsSpec binary(Predicate<byte[]> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable JSON binary data that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate the JSON binary data is tested on.
      A specification that enforces the specified condition for JSON binary data.
      See Also:
    • instant

      public static JsSpec instant(Predicate<Instant> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable JSON instant that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate the JSON instant is tested on.
      A specification that enforces the specified condition for JSON instants.
    • obj

      public static JsSpec obj(Predicate<JsObj> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable JSON object that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate the JSON object is tested on.
      A specification that enforces the specified condition for JSON objects.
    • arrayOfLongSuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfLongSuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of long numbers that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate the array is tested on.
      An array specification that enforces the specified condition for arrays of long numbers.
    • arraySuchThat

      public static JsArraySpec arraySuchThat(Predicate<JsArray> predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array that satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate the array is tested on.
      An array specification that enforces the specified condition for arrays.
    • arrayOfInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfInt(IntPredicate predicate)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integer numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate each integer number of the array is tested on.
      An array specification that enforces the specified condition for integer elements.
    • arrayOfInt

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfInt(IntPredicate predicate, int minLength, int maxLength)
      Returns a specification for a non-nullable array of integer numbers, where each element of the array satisfies the given predicate.
      predicate - The predicate each integer number of the array is tested on.
      minLength - The minimum size of the array (inclusive).
      maxLength - The maximum size of the array (inclusive).
      An array specification that enforces the specified conditions.
      IllegalArgumentException - If maxLength is less than minLength.
    • tuple

      public static JsArraySpec tuple(JsSpec spec, JsSpec... others)
      Returns a tuple specification where each nth element of the tuple is specified by the nth given spec.
      spec - The specification for the first element.
      others - The specifications for the rest of the elements.
      A specification for a tuple that enforces the specified structure.
    • oneValOf

      public static <O extends JsValue> JsSpec oneValOf(List<O> cons)
      Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible values.
      Type Parameters:
      O - The type of the possible JSON values (subtype of JsValue).
      cons - The list of possible JSON values.
      A specification that checks if a JSON value matches one of the provided values.
    • oneValOf

      @SafeVarargs public static <O extends JsValue> JsSpec oneValOf(O elem, O... others)
      Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible values.
      Type Parameters:
      O - The type of the possible JSON values (subtype of JsValue).
      elem - The first possible JSON value.
      others - Additional possible JSON values.
      A specification that checks if a JSON value matches one of the provided values.
    • oneSpecOf

      public static JsSpec oneSpecOf(List<? extends JsSpec> specs)
      Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible specifications.
      specs - The list of possible JSON specifications.
      A specification that checks if a JSON value matches one of the provided specifications.
    • oneSpecOf

      public static JsSpec oneSpecOf(JsSpec elem, JsSpec... others)
      Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible specifications.
      elem - The first possible JSON specification.
      others - Additional possible JSON specifications.
      A specification that checks if a JSON value matches one of the provided specifications.
    • oneStringOf

      public static JsSpec oneStringOf(List<String> cons)
      Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible symbols.
      cons - The list of possible JSON values.
      A specification that checks if a JSON value matches one of the provided values.
    • oneStringOf

      public static JsSpec oneStringOf(String elem, String... others)
      Returns a specification that validates if a JSON value is one of the given possible symbols.
      elem - The first possible symbol value.
      others - Additional possible symbol values.
      A specification that checks if a JSON value matches one of the provided symbol values.
    • mapOfLong

      public static JsSpec mapOfLong()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a long number.
      A JSON specification for objects with long number values.
    • mapOfInteger

      public static JsSpec mapOfInteger()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is an integer.
      A JSON specification for objects with integer values.
    • mapOfBigInteger

      public static JsSpec mapOfBigInteger()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a big integer.
      A JSON specification for objects with big integer values.
    • mapOfBinary

      public static JsSpec mapOfBinary()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a binary.
      A JSON specification for objects with binary values.
    • mapOfDouble

      public static JsSpec mapOfDouble()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a double.
      A JSON specification for objects with double values.
    • mapOfDecimal

      public static JsSpec mapOfDecimal()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a decimal number.
      A JSON specification for objects with decimal number values.
    • mapOfBool

      public static JsSpec mapOfBool()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a boolean.
      A JSON specification for objects with boolean values.
    • mapOfInstant

      public static JsSpec mapOfInstant()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is an instant.
      A JSON specification for objects with instant values.
    • mapOfObj

      public static JsSpec mapOfObj(JsObjSpec spec)
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is an object.
      spec - the spec of the values of the map
      A JSON specification for objects with object values.
    • mapOfStr

      public static JsSpec mapOfStr()
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a string.
      A JSON specification for objects with string values.
    • mapOfSpec

      public static JsSpec mapOfSpec(JsSpec spec)
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an object, and the value of each key is a value that conforms the given spec.
      spec - the spec of the values
      A JSON specification for maps.
    • arrayOfSpec

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfSpec(JsSpec spec)
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an array, and the value of each element is a value that conforms the given spec.
      spec - the spec of the elements
      A JSON specification for arrays.
    • arrayOfSpec

      public static JsArraySpec arrayOfSpec(JsSpec spec, int min, int max)
      Returns a specification that validates that the JSON is an array within the limits of the specified bounds, and the value of each element is a value that conforms the given spec.
      spec - the spec of the elements
      min - the minimum length of the array
      max - the maximum length of the array
      A JSON specification for arrays.
    • ofNamedSpec

      public static JsSpec ofNamedSpec(String name)
      Returns a named spec from the cache based on the provided name. Named specs are created using the JsObjSpecBuilder and are cached for efficient retrieval and use in recursive specifications.

      Named specs represent reusable specifications that can be referenced in other specs, allowing for the creation of recursive data structures. Example usage:

       var spec = JsObjSpecBuilder.withName("person")
                                  .build(JsObjSpec.of("name", JsSpecs.str(),
                                                      "age", JsSpecs.integer(),
                                                      "father", JsSpecs.ofNamedSpec("person")
      name - The name of the named spec to retrieve from the cache.
      A named spec with the specified name.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the specified name does not correspond to a cached named spec.
      See Also:
    • ofNamedSpec

      public static JsSpec ofNamedSpec(String name, JsSpec spec)