All Classes and Interfaces

A class representing the schema for arrays in a JSON structure.
A class representing the schema for BigDecimal values in a JSON spec.
A class representing the schema for double values in a JSON spec.
The `ERROR_CODE` enum represents various code codes that can be associated with validation errors when using JSON value specifications (`JsSpecs`).
Represents the index of a value in a JSON array.
A class representing the schema for instant values in a JSON spec.
A class representing the schema for integer values in a JSON spec.
Represents a JSON array in a persistent data structure.
Enumeration representing different types of arrays: SET, LIST, or MULTISET.
Represents a JsArray generator.
Represents a specification of a JSON array
The JsArraySpecParser class is responsible for creating JSON array parsers based on provided JSON specifications (specs).
Represents an immutable JSON number of type BigDecimal.
Represents a JsBigDec generator.
Represents an immutable JSON number of type BigInteger.
Represents a JsBigInt generator.
Represents an array of bytes in a JSON-like data structure.
Represents a JsBinary generator.
Represents an immutable JSON boolean.
Represents a JsBool generator
Represents an immutable JSON number of type double.
Represents a JsDouble generator.
Builder class for creating instances of JsEnum, which represents an enumeration of string symbols.
Represents a code validating a value of a JSON
Builder class for creating instances of JsFixedBinary, which represents a fixed-size binary type.
Represents an immutable instant.
Represents a JsInstant generator.
Represents an immutable JSON number of type integer.
Represents a JsInt generator.
Singleton instance to create JSON readers and writers to parse bytes into JSON and serialize JSON into bytes.
Represents an immutable JSON number of type long.
Represents a JsLong generator.
It's a special JSON element that represents 'nothing'.
Represents null.
Represents a sealed abstract class for JSON number values.
Represents a JSON object in a lightweight, immutable, and functional manner.
Represents a JsObj generator.
Represents any element in a JSON object which can be modeled with a key and the associated element.
Represents a specification of a JSON object, allowing you to define rules and constraints for validating JSON objects.
The JsObjSpecBuilder class is a builder for creating instances of JsObjSpec with additional metadata.
The JsObjSpecParser class is responsible for creating JSON object parsers based on provided JSON specifications (specs).
Represents an immutable and persistent JSON of type T, where T is either a JsObj or a JsArray.
Contains the optics defined for JSON objects and arrays
Contains all the lenses defined for a Json array
Contains all the optics defined for a Json array
Contains all the optionals defined for a Json array
Represents all the lenses defined for a Json object
Contains all the optics defined for a Json object
Contains all the optionals defined for a Json object
Represents any element in a JSON which can be modeled with a path location the associated element.
Represent an exception that is thrown while parsing an array of bytes or string into a JSON.
Represents the full path location of an element in a JSON.
Represents a sealed abstract class for primitive JSON values.
Represent an exception that is thrown while serializing a JSON into an array of bytes.
The `JsSpec` interface represents a specification for validating JSON data structures.
The `JsSpecs` class provides a collection of static factory methods for creating JSON specifications (JsSpec).
Represents an immutable JSON string.
Represents a JsStr generator.
Represents a tuple generator that is modeled with a JsArray generator.
Represents a JSON element of any type.
Represents the key of a value in a JSON object.
A class representing the schema for long values in a JSON spec.
Represents the location of a first-level element in a JSON, either a Key in a JsObj or an Index in a JsArray.
The `SpecError` class represents a code that occurs during the validation of a JSON value against a specification.
The `SpecGenConfBuilder` class is responsible for configuring the generation parameters used by `SpecToGen`.
Class responsible for converting JSON specs to JSON generators.
This class is designed for converting JSON specifications into JSON schemas represented by a JsObj.
A class representing the schema for string values in a JSON structure.
Exception that models a programming code made by the user.