Package jsonvalues

json-values is a one-package and zero-dependency library to work with jsons in a declarative and functional way. The main exceptions thrown by the library are the following:
  • the custom unchecked UserError, when the client makes a programming error. A suggestion in the message to avoid the error is returned.
  • the custom unchecked InternalError, when something unexpected happens because a developer made a mistake. An issue in GitHub must be created
  • the checked MalformedJson, when a string can not be parsed into a json.
  • the unchecked NullPointerException, when a method different than equals receives a null parameter.
All the methods which name ends with an underscore are applied to the whole json recursively, and not only to its first level. For example:
 x={"a":1, "b":[{"c":1, "d":true}]}
 x.size() = 2  // a and b
 x.size_() = 3 // a, b.0.c and b.0.1
 x.mapKeys(toUppercase)  =  {"A":1, "B":[{"c":1, "d":true}]}
 x.mapAllKeys(toUppercase) =  {"A":1, "B":[{"C":1, "D":true}]}