This contains all information to run an application
Jar file container in the cluster
This contains context information when starting an AppMaster
Used for verification.
Data Source of ClusterConfig
Data Source of ClusterConfig
Please use ClusterConfigSource.apply(filePath) to construct this object
TODO: ExecutorContext doesn't belong here.
TODO: ExecutorContext doesn't belong here. Need to move to other places
java arguments like -Dxx=yy
Executor main class name like io.gearpump.xx.AppMaster
Executor command line arguments
application jar
Akka config used to initialize the actor system of this executor. It will use io.gearpump.util.Constants.GEARPUMP_CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE to pass the config to executor process
Immutable configuration
Application Flow
All Gearpump application should use this class to load configurations.
All Gearpump application should use this class to load configurations.
Compared with Akka built-in ConfigFactory, this class will also resolve file gear.conf and geardefault.conf.
Overriding order: System Properties > Custom configuration file (by using system property -Dgearpump.config.file) > > gear.conf > geardefault.conf > reference.conf
Used for verification. All AppMaster must extend this interface