

package api

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CheckpointStore extends AnyRef

    CheckpointStore persistently stores mapping of timestamp to checkpoint it's possible that two checkpoints have the same timestamp CheckpointStore needs to handle this either during write or read

  2. trait CheckpointStoreFactory extends Serializable

  3. trait MessageDecoder extends Serializable

    MessageDecoder decodes raw bytes to Message It is usually written by end user and passed into TimeReplayableSource

  4. trait MessageFilter extends AnyRef

    filter offsets and store the mapping from timestamp to offset

  5. trait OffsetManager extends MessageFilter with OffsetTimeStampResolver

    manages message's offset on TimeReplayableSource and timestamp

  6. trait OffsetStorage extends AnyRef

    OffsetStorage stores the mapping from TimeStamp to Offset

  7. trait OffsetStorageFactory extends Serializable

  8. trait OffsetTimeStampResolver extends AnyRef

    resolve timestamp to offset by look up the underlying storage

  9. trait TimeReplayableSource extends DataSource


  10. trait TimeStampFilter extends Serializable

    TimeStampFilter filters message comparing its TimeStamp with the predicate.

Value Members

  1. object OffsetStorage
