

package react

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. react
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. implicit final class AnyExtReact[A] extends AnyVal

  2. trait BackendScope[Props, State] extends Object with ComponentScope_PS[Props, State] with ComponentScope_P[Props] with ComponentScope_SS[State] with ComponentScope_M[TopNode]

    Type of a component's this scope as is available to backends.

  3. trait CompStateAccess[C[_]] extends AnyRef

  4. implicit final class CompStateAccessOps[C[_], A] extends AnyVal

  5. sealed trait ComponentOrNode extends Object

  6. trait ComponentScopeM[Props, State, +Backend] extends Object with ComponentScopeMN[Props, State, Backend, TopNode]

    Type of a mounted component's this scope.

  7. trait ComponentScopeMN[Props, State, +Backend, +Node <: TopNode] extends Object with ComponentScope_PS[Props, State] with ComponentScopeU[Props, State, Backend] with ComponentScope_M[Node]

  8. trait ComponentScopeU[Props, State, +Backend] extends Object with ComponentScope_PS[Props, State] with ComponentScope_P[Props] with ComponentScope_SS[State] with ComponentScope_B[Backend]

    Type of an unmounted component's this scope.

  9. trait ComponentScopeWU[Props, +State, +Backend] extends Object with ComponentScope_PS[Props, State] with ComponentScope_P[Props] with ComponentScope_S[State] with ComponentScope_B[Backend] with ComponentScope_M[TopNode]

    Type of a component's this scope during componentWillUpdate.

  10. trait ComponentScope_B[+Backend] extends Object

  11. trait ComponentScope_M[+Node <: TopNode] extends Object

  12. trait ComponentScope_P[+Props] extends Object

  13. trait ComponentScope_PS[-Props, +State] extends Object

  14. implicit final class ComponentScope_PS_Ext[Props, State] extends AnyVal

  15. implicit final class ComponentScope_P_Ext[Props] extends AnyVal

  16. trait ComponentScope_S[+State] extends Object

  17. trait ComponentScope_SS[State] extends Object with ComponentScope_S[State]

  18. implicit final class ComponentScope_S_Ext[State] extends AnyVal

  19. trait ComponentSpec[Props, State, +Backend, +Node <: TopNode] extends Object

  20. final class ComponentStateFocus[B] extends AnyRef

  21. type OpCallback = UndefOr[() ⇒ Unit]

  22. trait PropsChildren extends Object

    Type of this.props.children

  23. implicit final class PropsChildrenExt extends AnyVal

  24. trait PropsMixedIn extends Object

    Additional methods that React mixes into this.props

  25. trait ReactChildren extends Object


  26. type ReactClipboardEvent = SyntheticClipboardEvent[Node]

  27. type ReactClipboardEventH = SyntheticClipboardEvent[HTMLElement]

  28. type ReactClipboardEventI = SyntheticClipboardEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  29. final class ReactComponentB[P, S, B] extends AnyRef

  30. sealed trait ReactComponentC[P, S, +B, +N <: TopNode] extends AnyRef

    Component constructor.

  31. trait ReactComponentCU[Props, State, +Backend, +Node <: TopNode] extends Function with ReactComponentC_

    The underlying function that creates a Scala-based React component instance.

  32. trait ReactComponentC_ extends Function

    A JS function that creates a React component instance.

  33. trait ReactComponentM[Props, State, +Backend, +Node <: TopNode] extends Object with ReactComponentM_[Node] with ComponentScopeMN[Props, State, Backend, Node]

    A mounted Scala component.

  34. trait ReactComponentM_[+Node <: TopNode] extends Object with ReactComponentU_ with ComponentScope_M[Node]

    A mounted component.

  35. implicit final class ReactComponentM_Ext[N <: TopNode] extends AnyVal

  36. trait ReactComponentU[Props, State, +Backend, +Node <: TopNode] extends Object with ReactComponentU_

    An unmounted Scala component.

  37. implicit final class ReactComponentUExt[P, S, B, N <: TopNode] extends AnyVal

  38. trait ReactComponentU_ extends Object with VDom

    An unmounted component.

  39. type ReactCompositionEvent = SyntheticCompositionEvent[Node]

  40. type ReactCompositionEventH = SyntheticCompositionEvent[HTMLElement]

  41. type ReactCompositionEventI = SyntheticCompositionEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  42. type ReactDragEvent = SyntheticDragEvent[Node]

  43. type ReactDragEventH = SyntheticDragEvent[HTMLElement]

  44. type ReactDragEventI = SyntheticDragEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  45. type ReactEvent = SyntheticEvent[Node]

  46. type ReactEventH = SyntheticEvent[HTMLElement]

  47. type ReactEventI = SyntheticEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  48. implicit final class ReactExt extends AnyVal

  49. type ReactFocusEvent = SyntheticFocusEvent[Node]

  50. type ReactFocusEventH = SyntheticFocusEvent[HTMLElement]

  51. type ReactFocusEventI = SyntheticFocusEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  52. type ReactKeyboardEvent = SyntheticKeyboardEvent[Node]

  53. type ReactKeyboardEventH = SyntheticKeyboardEvent[HTMLElement]

  54. type ReactKeyboardEventI = SyntheticKeyboardEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  55. type ReactMouseEvent = SyntheticMouseEvent[Node]

  56. type ReactMouseEventH = SyntheticMouseEvent[HTMLElement]

  57. type ReactMouseEventI = SyntheticMouseEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  58. type ReactTouchEvent = SyntheticTouchEvent[Node]

  59. type ReactTouchEventH = SyntheticTouchEvent[HTMLElement]

  60. type ReactTouchEventI = SyntheticTouchEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  61. type ReactUIEvent = SyntheticUIEvent[Node]

  62. type ReactUIEventH = SyntheticUIEvent[HTMLElement]

  63. type ReactUIEventI = SyntheticUIEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  64. type ReactWheelEvent = SyntheticWheelEvent[Node]

  65. type ReactWheelEventH = SyntheticWheelEvent[HTMLElement]

  66. type ReactWheelEventI = SyntheticWheelEvent[HTMLInputElement]

  67. class Ref[+T <: TopNode] extends AnyRef

    A named reference to an element in a React VDOM.

  68. class RefP[I, T <: TopNode] extends AnyRef

  69. trait RefsObject extends Object

    Type of this.refs

  70. trait SyntheticClipboardEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  71. trait SyntheticCompositionEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  72. trait SyntheticDragEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticMouseEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  73. trait SyntheticEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object


  74. trait SyntheticFocusEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticUIEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  75. trait SyntheticKeyboardEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticUIEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  76. trait SyntheticMouseEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticUIEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  77. trait SyntheticTouchEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticUIEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  78. trait SyntheticUIEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  79. trait SyntheticWheelEvent[+DOMEventTarget <: Node] extends Object with SyntheticMouseEvent[DOMEventTarget]


  80. type TopNode = HTMLElement

  81. implicit final class UndefReactComponentM_Ext[N <: TopNode] extends AnyVal

  82. trait VDom extends Object

    A React DOM representation of HTML.

  83. trait WrapObj[+A] extends Object

    Allows Scala classes to be used in place of Object.

Value Members

  1. object Addons

  2. implicit object CompStateAccess_SS extends CompStateAccess[ComponentScope_SS]

  3. implicit object ComponentStateFocusAccess extends CompStateAccess[ComponentStateFocus]

  4. object React extends Object

  5. object ReactComponentB

  6. object ReactComponentC

  7. object Ref

  8. def WrapObj[A](v: A): WrapObj[A]

  9. implicit final def autoComponentOrNodeM[N <: TopNode](c: ReactComponentM_[N]): ComponentOrNode

  10. implicit final def autoComponentOrNodeN(n: Node): ComponentOrNode

  11. implicit final def autoComponentOrNodeU(c: ReactComponentU_): ComponentOrNode

  12. implicit final def autoFocusEntireState[P, S, B](b: ComponentScopeU[P, S, B]): ComponentStateFocus[S]

  13. implicit final def autoFocusEntireState[P, S](b: BackendScope[P, S]): ComponentStateFocus[S]

  14. implicit final def autoFocusEntireState[S](s: ComponentScope_SS[S]): ComponentStateFocus[S]

  15. implicit final def autoJsCtor[P, S, B, N <: TopNode](c: ReactComponentC[P, S, B, N]): ReactComponentC_

  16. implicit def autoUnWrapObj[A](a: WrapObj[A]): A

  17. package experiment

  18. val preventDefaultF: (SyntheticEvent[Node]) ⇒ Unit

  19. implicit final def scalaHandHolding1[P, S](b: BackendScope[P, S]): CompStateAccessOps[ComponentScope_SS, S]

  20. implicit final def scalaHandHolding2[P, S, B](b: ComponentScopeU[P, S, B]): CompStateAccessOps[ComponentScope_SS, S]

  21. val stopPropagationF: (SyntheticEvent[Node]) ⇒ Unit

  22. package vdom

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
