To ensure that DOM doesn't change in the middle of an observation, replace code like...
To ensure that DOM doesn't change in the middle of an observation, replace code like...
new Obs($)
...with code like...
$.ensureConsistency(new Obs(_))
The currently selected option in a <select> dropdown.
The currently selected option in a <select> dropdown.
The text value of the currently selected option in a <select> dropdown.
The text value of the currently selected option in a <select> dropdown.
To ensure that DOM doesn't change in the middle of an observation, use this pattern:
To ensure that DOM doesn't change in the middle of an observation, use this pattern:
class Obs($: DomZipper) { // Before making any observations... private val checkConsistency = $.startConsistencyCheck() // ... obs here ... // After making all observations... checkConsistency() }
(This assumes you're using ErrorHandler.Throw)
(Since version 2.3.0) Use .describe