Class Solution

  • public class Solution
    extends Object
    92 - Reverse Linked List II\. Medium Given the `head` of a singly linked list and two integers `left` and `right` where `left <= right`, reverse the nodes of the list from position `left` to position `right`, and return _the reversed list_. **Example 1:** ![]( **Input:** head = [1,2,3,4,5], left = 2, right = 4 **Output:** [1,4,3,2,5] **Example 2:** **Input:** head = [5], left = 1, right = 1 **Output:** [5] **Constraints:** * The number of nodes in the list is `n`. * `1 <= n <= 500` * `-500 <= Node.val <= 500` * `1 <= left <= right <= n` **Follow up:** Could you do it in one pass?
    • Constructor Detail

      • Solution

        public Solution()