Class Solution

  • public class Solution
    extends Object
    2281 - Sum of Total Strength of Wizards\. Hard As the ruler of a kingdom, you have an army of wizards at your command. You are given a **0-indexed** integer array `strength`, where `strength[i]` denotes the strength of the ith wizard. For a **contiguous** group of wizards (i.e. the wizards' strengths form a **subarray** of `strength`), the **total strength** is defined as the **product** of the following two values: * The strength of the **weakest** wizard in the group. * The **total** of all the individual strengths of the wizards in the group. Return _the **sum** of the total strengths of **all** contiguous groups of wizards_. Since the answer may be very large, return it **modulo** 109 + 7. A **subarray** is a contiguous **non-empty** sequence of elements within an array. **Example 1:** **Input:** strength = [1,3,1,2] **Output:** 44 **Explanation:** The following are all the contiguous groups of wizards: - [1] from [**1** ,3,1,2] has a total strength of min([1]) \* sum([1]) = 1 \* 1 = 1 - [3] from [1, **3** ,1,2] has a total strength of min([3]) \* sum([3]) = 3 \* 3 = 9 - [1] from [1,3, **1** ,2] has a total strength of min([1]) \* sum([1]) = 1 \* 1 = 1 - [2] from [1,3,1, **2** ] has a total strength of min([2]) \* sum([2]) = 2 \* 2 = 4 - [1,3] from [**1,3** ,1,2] has a total strength of min([1,3]) \* sum([1,3]) = 1 \* 4 = 4 - [3,1] from [1, **3,1** ,2] has a total strength of min([3,1]) \* sum([3,1]) = 1 \* 4 = 4 - [1,2] from [1,3, **1,2** ] has a total strength of min([1,2]) \* sum([1,2]) = 1 \* 3 = 3 - [1,3,1] from [**1,3,1** ,2] has a total strength of min([1,3,1]) \* sum([1,3,1]) = 1 \* 5 = 5 - [3,1,2] from [1, **3,1,2** ] has a total strength of min([3,1,2]) \* sum([3,1,2]) = 1 \* 6 = 6 - [1,3,1,2] from [**1,3,1,2** ] has a total strength of min([1,3,1,2]) \* sum([1,3,1,2]) = 1 \* 7 = 7 The sum of all the total strengths is 1 + 9 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 44. **Example 2:** **Input:** strength = [5,4,6] **Output:** 213 **Explanation:** The following are all the contiguous groups of wizards: - [5] from [**5** ,4,6] has a total strength of min([5]) \* sum([5]) = 5 \* 5 = 25 - [4] from [5, **4** ,6] has a total strength of min([4]) \* sum([4]) = 4 \* 4 = 16 - [6] from [5,4, **6** ] has a total strength of min([6]) \* sum([6]) = 6 \* 6 = 36 - [5,4] from [**5,4** ,6] has a total strength of min([5,4]) \* sum([5,4]) = 4 \* 9 = 36 - [4,6] from [5, **4,6** ] has a total strength of min([4,6]) \* sum([4,6]) = 4 \* 10 = 40 - [5,4,6] from [**5,4,6** ] has a total strength of min([5,4,6]) \* sum([5,4,6]) = 4 \* 15 = 60 The sum of all the total strengths is 25 + 16 + 36 + 36 + 40 + 60 = 213. **Constraints:** * 1 <= strength.length <= 105 * 1 <= strength[i] <= 109
    • Constructor Detail

      • Solution

        public Solution()
    • Method Detail

      • totalStrength

        public int totalStrength​(int[] nums)