Class Solution

  • public class Solution
    extends Object
    2337 - Move Pieces to Obtain a String\. Medium You are given two strings `start` and `target`, both of length `n`. Each string consists **only** of the characters `'L'`, `'R'`, and `'_'` where: * The characters `'L'` and `'R'` represent pieces, where a piece `'L'` can move to the **left** only if there is a **blank** space directly to its left, and a piece `'R'` can move to the **right** only if there is a **blank** space directly to its right. * The character `'_'` represents a blank space that can be occupied by **any** of the `'L'` or `'R'` pieces. Return `true` _if it is possible to obtain the string_ `target` _by moving the pieces of the string_ `start` _**any** number of times_. Otherwise, return `false`. **Example 1:** **Input:** start = "\_L\_\_R\_\_R\_", target = "L\_\_\_\_\_\_RR" **Output:** true **Explanation:** We can obtain the string target from start by doing the following moves: - Move the first piece one step to the left, start becomes equal to "**L**\_\_\_R\_\_R\_". - Move the last piece one step to the right, start becomes equal to "L\_\_\_R\_\_\_**R**". - Move the second piece three steps to the right, start becomes equal to "L\_\_\_\_\_\_**R**R". Since it is possible to get the string target from start, we return true. **Example 2:** **Input:** start = "R\_L\_", target = "\_\_LR" **Output:** false **Explanation:** The 'R' piece in the string start can move one step to the right to obtain "\_**R**L\_". After that, no pieces can move anymore, so it is impossible to obtain the string target from start. **Example 3:** **Input:** start = "\_R", target = "R\_" **Output:** false **Explanation:** The piece in the string start can move only to the right, so it is impossible to obtain the string target from start. **Constraints:** * `n == start.length == target.length` * 1 <= n <= 105 * `start` and `target` consist of the characters `'L'`, `'R'`, and `'_'`.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Solution

        public Solution()
    • Method Detail

      • canChange

        public boolean canChange​(String start,
                                 String target)