Class LexicalPreservingPrinter

  • public class LexicalPreservingPrinter
    extends Object
    A Lexical Preserving Printer is used to capture all the lexical information while parsing, update them when operating on the AST and then used them to reproduce the source code in its original formatting including the AST changes.
    • Field Detail


        public static final DataKey<com.github.javaparser.printer.lexicalpreservation.NodeText> NODE_TEXT_DATA
        The nodetext for a node is stored in the node's data field. This is the key to set and retrieve it.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LexicalPreservingPrinter

        public LexicalPreservingPrinter()
    • Method Detail

      • setup

        public static <N extends Node> N setup​(N node)
        Prepares the node so it can be used in the print methods. The correct order is:
        1. Parse some code
        2. Call this setup method on the result
        3. Make changes to the AST as desired
        4. Use one of the print methods on this class to print out the original source code with your changes added
        the node passed as a parameter for your convenience.
      • print

        public static String print​(Node node)
        Print a Node into a String, preserving the lexical information.
      • print

        public static void print​(Node node,
                                 Writer writer)
                          throws IOException
        Print a Node into a Writer, preserving the lexical information.