Package com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor

package com.github.javaparser.ast.visitor
  • Interface Summary
    A visitor that has a return value.
    A visitor that does not return anything.
  • Class Summary
    A visitor that clones (copies) a node and all its children.
    A visitor that calculates deep node equality by comparing all properties and child nodes of the node.
    A visitor that has a return value of List<R>, and has a default implementation for all its visit methods that visits their children in an unspecified order, and all visit methods that returns a value be added to a flattened List<R>.
    A visitor that has a return value (R), and has a default implementation for all its visit methods that visits their children in an unspecified order, and the first visit method that returns a value will stop the visitation and be the end result.
    A visitor that has a return value (R), and has default methods that are used when a specific visit method is not overridden.
    A visitor that calculates a deep hash code for a node by using the hash codes of all its properties, and the hash codes of all its child nodes (by visiting those too.)
    This visitor can be used to save time when some specific nodes needs to be changed.
    A visitor that calculates deep node equality by comparing all properties and child nodes of the node.
    A visitor that calculates a deep hash code for a node by using the hash codes of all its properties, and the hash codes of all its child nodes (by visiting those too.)
    Iterate over all the nodes in (a part of) the AST.
    A visitor that returns nothing, and has a default implementation for all its visit methods that simply visit their children in an unspecified order.
    A visitor that returns nothing, and has default methods that are used when a specific visit method is not overridden.