Interface Visitable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnnotationDeclaration, AnnotationExpr, AnnotationMemberDeclaration, ArrayAccessExpr, ArrayCreationExpr, ArrayCreationLevel, ArrayInitializerExpr, ArrayType, AssertStmt, AssignExpr, BinaryExpr, BlockComment, BlockStmt, BodyDeclaration, BooleanLiteralExpr, BreakStmt, CallableDeclaration, CastExpr, CatchClause, CharLiteralExpr, ClassExpr, ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration, ClassOrInterfaceType, Comment, CompactConstructorDeclaration, CompilationUnit, ConditionalExpr, ConstructorDeclaration, ContinueStmt, DoStmt, DoubleLiteralExpr, EmptyStmt, EnclosedExpr, EnumConstantDeclaration, EnumDeclaration, ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt, Expression, ExpressionStmt, FieldAccessExpr, FieldDeclaration, ForEachStmt, ForStmt, IfStmt, ImportDeclaration, InitializerDeclaration, InstanceOfExpr, IntegerLiteralExpr, IntersectionType, JavadocComment, LabeledStmt, LambdaExpr, LineComment, LiteralExpr, LiteralStringValueExpr, LocalClassDeclarationStmt, LocalRecordDeclarationStmt, LongLiteralExpr, MarkerAnnotationExpr, MemberValuePair, MethodCallExpr, MethodDeclaration, MethodReferenceExpr, Modifier, ModuleDeclaration, ModuleDirective, ModuleExportsDirective, ModuleOpensDirective, ModuleProvidesDirective, ModuleRequiresDirective, ModuleUsesDirective, Name, NameExpr, Node, NodeList, NormalAnnotationExpr, NullLiteralExpr, ObjectCreationExpr, PackageDeclaration, Parameter, PatternExpr, PrimitiveType, ReceiverParameter, RecordDeclaration, ReferenceType, ReturnStmt, SimpleName, SingleMemberAnnotationExpr, Statement, StringLiteralExpr, SuperExpr, SwitchEntry, SwitchExpr, SwitchStmt, SynchronizedStmt, TextBlockLiteralExpr, ThisExpr, ThrowStmt, TryStmt, Type, TypeDeclaration, TypeExpr, TypeParameter, UnaryExpr, UnionType, UnknownType, UnparsableStmt, VariableDeclarationExpr, VariableDeclarator, VarType, VoidType, WhileStmt, WildcardType, YieldStmt

public interface Visitable
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <R,​ A> R
    accept​(GenericVisitor<R,​A> v, A arg)
    Accept method for visitor support.
    <A> void
    accept​(VoidVisitor<A> v, A arg)
    Accept method for visitor support.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      <R,​ A> R accept(GenericVisitor<R,​A> v, A arg)
      Accept method for visitor support.
      Type Parameters:
      R - the type of the return value of the visitor
      A - the type the user argument passed to the visitor
      v - the visitor implementation
      arg - the argument passed to the visitor (of type A)
      the result of the visit (of type R)
    • accept

      <A> void accept(VoidVisitor<A> v, A arg)
      Accept method for visitor support.
      Type Parameters:
      A - the type the argument passed for the visitor
      v - the visitor implementation
      arg - any value relevant for the visitor (of type A)