

package conf

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class SparkCassServerConf(storagePort: Int = ..., sslStoragePort: Int = ..., internodeEncryption: String = ..., keyStorePath: String = ..., keyStorePassword: String = ..., trustStorePath: String = ..., trustStorePassword: String = ..., protocol: String = ..., algorithm: String = ..., storeType: String = ..., cipherSuites: Set[String] = ..., requireClientAuth: Boolean = ...) extends Serializable with Product

    Server encryption settings for com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra.client.SparkCassSSTableLoaderClient to communicate with other Cassandra nodes utilizing the Transport Layer.

  2. case class SparkCassWriteConf(partitioner: String = ..., throughputMiBPS: Int = ..., connectionsPerHost: Int = ..., ttl: TTLOption = ..., timestamp: TimestampOption = ...) extends Serializable with Product

    Configurations to coordinate and to limit the performance of writes.

Value Members

  1. object SparkCassServerConf extends Serializable

  2. object SparkCassWriteConf extends Serializable
