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AbstractMessageDigestHasher - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
AbstractMessageDigestHasher(String, String) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher
AbstractPayloadFileExistsInManifestsVistor - Class in com.github.jscancella.verify.internal
Implements SimpleFileVisitor to ensure that the encountered file is in one of the manifests.
AbstractPayloadFileExistsInManifestsVistor(boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.AbstractPayloadFileExistsInManifestsVistor
accept(Path) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.internal.ManifestFilter
add(String, Class<? extends Hasher>) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.BagitChecksumNameMapping
map an implementation to the bagit algorithm name
add(String, String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata.MetadataBuilder
add a entry into the metadata or append a value if the label already exists
addAcceptableBagitVersion(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addAcceptableMIMESerializationType(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addAlgorithm(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
add a bagit algorithm to use when computing the manifests
addAll(List<AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<String, String>>) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata.MetadataBuilder
add multiple metadata entries
addBagInfoRequirement(String, BagInfoRequirement) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addEntry(ManifestEntry) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest.ManifestBuilder
a convenience method for adding an entry from another manifest
addFile(Path, Path) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest.ManifestBuilder
Add a file or directory on disk to this manifest
addItemToFetch(FetchItem) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Add an item to fetch.
addManifestTypesAllowed(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addManifestTypesRequired(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addMetadata(String, String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Add a human understandable key value pair of information
addPayloadFile(Path) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Add a file to the bag payload
addPayloadFile(Path, String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Add a file to the bag payload.
addTagFile(Path) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Add a file to the bag tags
addTagFileAllowed(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addTagFileRequired(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addTagManifestTypeAllowed(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
addTagManifestTypeRequired(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder


Bag - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
The main representation of the bagit spec.
Bag(Version, Charset, Set<Manifest>, Set<Manifest>, List<FetchItem>, Metadata, Path) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
An immutable Bag object.
BAG_WITHIN_A_BAG - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
A bag contains another bag within its data directory
BagBuilder - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
Used to conveniently create a bag programmatically and incrementally
BagBuilder() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
bagConformsToProfile(InputStream, Bag) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.BagProfileChecker
Check a bag against a bagit-profile as described by
Note: This implementation does not check the Serialization part of the profile!
BagInfoRequirement - Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile
This class is used to define elements in a bag-info.txt file used by a BagitProfile.
BagInfoRequirement(boolean, List<String>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
Constructs a new BagInfoRequirement.
BAGIT_ALGORITHM_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.MD5Hasher
BAGIT_ALGORITHM_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA1Hasher
BAGIT_ALGORITHM_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA224Hasher
BAGIT_ALGORITHM_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA256Hasher
BAGIT_ALGORITHM_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA384Hasher
BAGIT_ALGORITHM_NAME - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA512Hasher
bagitAlgorithmName(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest.ManifestBuilder
Set the bagit algorithm name (example "md5").
BagitChecksumNameMapping - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.hash
Responsible for mapping between the bagit algorithm name and the actual implementation of that checksum.
BagitFileWriter - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.writer.internal
Responsible for writing the bagit.txt to the filesystem
BagitProfile - Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile
An immutable object for all the bagit profile fields.
BagitProfile(URI, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Map<String, BagInfoRequirement>, List<String>, List<String>, boolean, Serialization, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
BagitProfileBuilder - Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile
BagitProfileBuilder() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
BagitProfileDeserializer - Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile
Deserialize bagit profile json to a BagitProfile
BagitProfileDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileDeserializer
BagitProfileDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileDeserializer
BagitTextFileReader - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.reader.internal
This class is responsible for reading and parsing bagit.txt files from the filesystem
BagitTextFileVerifier - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.verify.internal
BagitVersionIsNotAcceptableException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
Class to represent when the bag's version is not in the acceptable list of versions
BagitVersionIsNotAcceptableException(String, Version, List<String>) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions.BagitVersionIsNotAcceptableException
BagitWarning - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance
The BagIt specification is very flexible in what it allows.
BagLinter - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance
The main class for checking if a bag conforms to the specified profile or has other problems
bagLocation(Path) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Set the directory to use when creating a bag
BagProfileChecker - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal
Part of the BagIt conformance suite.
build() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
build() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest.ManifestBuilder
build() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata.MetadataBuilder


checkAgainstProfile(InputStream, Bag) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagLinter
Check a bag against a bagit-profile as described by
Note: This implementation does not check the Serialization part of the profile!
checkBagitFileExists(Bag) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.MandatoryVerifier
make sure the bagit.txt file exists
checkBagitTextFile(Bag) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.BagitTextFileVerifier
Starting with version 1.0, the bagit.txt file must be EXACTLY 2 lines.
checkBagMetadata(Path, Charset, Set<BagitWarning>, Collection<BagitWarning>) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.MetadataChecker
Check the bag metadata (bag-info.txt) for various conformance
checkEncoding(Charset, Set<BagitWarning>, Collection<BagitWarning>) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.EncodingChecker
It is now normal for all files to be UTF-8
checkFetchItemsExist(List<FetchItem>, Path) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.MandatoryVerifier
make sure all the fetch items exist in the data directory
checkForLargeBag(Path, Set<BagitWarning>, Collection<BagitWarning>) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.LargeBagChecker
Check if a bag is "large", which is:
* A large number of files * A large total size of the bag * A large number of manifests
checkIfAtLeastOnePayloadManifestsExist(Bag) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.MandatoryVerifier
Check to make sure the bag has at least one payload manifest (manifest-[ALGORITHM].txt)
checkManifests(Path, Charset, Set<BagitWarning>, Collection<BagitWarning>) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.ManifestChecker
Check for all the manifest specific potential problems
checkPayloadDirectoryExists(Bag) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.MandatoryVerifier
Make sure the payload directory exists
checkVersion(Version, Set<BagitWarning>, Collection<BagitWarning>) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.VersionChecker
Check that the Bag is using the latest version.
clear(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.BagitChecksumNameMapping
remove a particular implementation
com.github.jscancella.conformance - package com.github.jscancella.conformance
com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions - package com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal - package com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal
com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile - package com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile
com.github.jscancella.domain - package com.github.jscancella.domain
com.github.jscancella.domain.internal - package com.github.jscancella.domain.internal
com.github.jscancella.exceptions - package com.github.jscancella.exceptions
com.github.jscancella.hash - package com.github.jscancella.hash
com.github.jscancella.hash.internal - package com.github.jscancella.hash.internal
com.github.jscancella.hash.standard - package com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
com.github.jscancella.internal - package com.github.jscancella.internal
com.github.jscancella.reader.internal - package com.github.jscancella.reader.internal
com.github.jscancella.verify.internal - package com.github.jscancella.verify.internal
com.github.jscancella.writer.internal - package com.github.jscancella.writer.internal
compareTo(Version) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
contains(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
check if the metadata contains a particular label(key)
CorruptChecksumException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when the calculated checksum is different than the manifest specified checksum.
CorruptChecksumException(String, Path, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.CorruptChecksumException
createFileFromManifest(Path, String, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.TagFileReader
Create the file and check it for various things, like starting with a *, or trying to access a file outside the bag
createTagManifests() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder


decodeFilname(String, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.TagFileReader
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileDeserializer
DIFFERENT_CASE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The data directory contains the same file name but with a different case.
DIFFERENT_NORMALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The manifest contains a path that differs from the file in the data directory due to normalization.


encodeFilename(Path, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.RelativePathWriter
as per encode any new lines or carriage returns
EncodingChecker - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal
Part of the BagIt conformance suite.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.FetchItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.ManifestEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
EXTRA_LINES_IN_BAGIT_FILES - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
After version 1.0 the specification read that the bagit.txt MUST contain EXACTLY 2 lines


FetchFileNotAllowedException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
Class to represent when a fetch file is found in a bag but is not allowed according to the bagit profile
FetchFileNotAllowedException(String, Path) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions.FetchFileNotAllowedException
FetchItem - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
An individual item to fetch as specified by
FetchItem(URI, Long, Path) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.FetchItem
FetchReader - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.reader.internal
This class is responsible for reading and parsing fetch.txt file from the filesystem
FetchWriter - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.writer.internal
Responsible for writing out the list of FetchItem to the fetch.txt file on the filesystem
FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.internal
Implements SimpleFileVisitor to calculate the PayloadOxum
FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.internal.FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor
fileEncoding(Charset) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Set the tag file encoding.
FileNotInManifestException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when a file is found in the payload directory but not in any manifest.
FileNotInManifestException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.FileNotInManifestException
FileNotInPayloadDirectoryException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when a file is not in the payload directory but is listed in a manifest.
FileNotInPayloadDirectoryException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.FileNotInPayloadDirectoryException
forbidden - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.Serialization
That serialization is forbidden.
formatRelativePathString(Path, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.RelativePathWriter
format the relative path to ensure it conforms to bagit spec


generatePayloadOxum(Path) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.PayloadOxumGenerator
Calculate the total file and byte count of the files in the payload directory
get(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
get all the values for a specific label (key)
get(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.BagitChecksumNameMapping
Get a specific implementation associated with the bagit algorithm name
getAcceptableBagitVersions() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getAcceptableBagitVersions() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
getAcceptableMIMESerializationTypes() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getAcceptableMIMETypes() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
getAcceptableValues() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
getAlgorithmName() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest.ManifestBuilder
getBagInfoRequirements() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getBagitAlgorithmName() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest
getBagitAlgorithmName() - Method in interface com.github.jscancella.hash.Hasher
getBagitAlgorithmName() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher
getBagitProfileIdentifier() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getBagitProfileVersion() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getBuilder() - Static method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
Convenience method for getting a new builder
getChecksum() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.ManifestEntry
getContactEmail() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getContactName() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getContactPhone() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getCount() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.internal.FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor
getDataDir() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getDescription() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
getEntries() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.ManifestBuilderVistor
getEntries() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest
getExternalDescription() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getFileEncoding() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getFilename(Path) - Static method in interface com.github.jscancella.internal.PathUtils
Needed to get rid of findbugs "dodgy code warnings" in regards to getting the filename of a path as a string
getHash() - Method in interface com.github.jscancella.hash.Hasher
getHash() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher
getHasher() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.ManifestBuilderVistor
getItemsToFetch() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getLength() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.FetchItem
getList() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
all the metadata
getMajor() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
getManifestTypesAllowed() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getManifestTypesRequired() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getManifestTypesRequired() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
getMap() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
getMessageDigestName() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher
getMetadata() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getMinor() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
getPath() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.FetchItem
getPayloadFile() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.PathPair
getPayLoadManifests() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getPhysicalLocation() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.ManifestEntry
getReason() - Method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
getRelative() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.ManifestBuilderVistor
getRelativeLocation() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.PathPair
getRelativeLocation() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.ManifestEntry
getRootDir() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getSerialization() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getSerializationType() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
getSourceOrganization() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getStartingPoint() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.ManifestBuilderVistor
getTagFileDir() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getTagFilesAllowed() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getTagFilesRequired() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getTagFilesRequired() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
getTagManifests() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
getTagManifestTypesAllowed() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getTagManifestTypesRequired() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getTagManifestTypesRequired() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
getTotalSize() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.internal.FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor
getUri() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.FetchItem
getVersion() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
getVersion() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag


hash(Path) - Method in interface com.github.jscancella.hash.Hasher
Create a HEX formatted string checksum hash of the file
hash(Path) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.FetchItem
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.ManifestEntry
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
Hasher - Interface in com.github.jscancella.hash
The interface that any supported checksum algorithm must implement.
HasherInitializationException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when the initializing a new Hasher
HasherInitializationException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.HasherInitializationException


ignoreHiddenFiles - Variable in class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.AbstractPayloadFileExistsInManifestsVistor
initialize() - Method in interface com.github.jscancella.hash.Hasher
Used to do any pre hashing initialization.
initialize() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher
INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.BagitChecksumNameMapping
InvalidBagitFileFormatException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when a specific bag file does not conform to its bagit specfication format
InvalidBagitFileFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.InvalidBagitFileFormatException
InvalidBagitFileFormatException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.InvalidBagitFileFormatException
InvalidBagMetadataException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when the bag metadata file does not conform to the bagit spec, namely:
InvalidBagMetadataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.InvalidBagMetadataException
InvalidBagStateException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
InvalidBagStateException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.InvalidBagStateException
InvalidPayloadOxumException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when the calculated total bytes or number of files for the payload-oxum is different than the supplied values.
InvalidPayloadOxumException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.InvalidPayloadOxumException
isComplete(boolean) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
A bag is complete if
every element is present every file in the payload manifest(s) are present every file in the tag manifest(s) are present.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
isFetchAllowed() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
isFetchFileAllowed() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
isHidden(Path) - Static method in interface com.github.jscancella.internal.PathUtils
Due to the way that windows handles hidden files vs.
isNewer(Version) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
isOlder(Version) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
isRepeatable() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
isRequired() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
isSameOrNewer(Version) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
isSameOrOlder(Version) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
isSupported(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.BagitChecksumNameMapping
check if a bagit algorithm is supported
isValid(boolean) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
A bag is valid if the bag is complete and every checksum has been verified against the contents of its corresponding file.


justValidate() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
Just checks every checksum has been verified against the contents of its corresponding file.


KeyValueReader - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.reader.internal
Convenience class for reading key value pairs from a file


LARGE_BAG_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The bag total size is very large.
LARGE_NUMBER_OF_FILES - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The bag payload contains a large number of files.
LARGE_NUMBER_OF_MANIFESTS - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The bag contains a large number of manifests which may cause validation to take a long time.
LargeBagChecker - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal
Part of the BagIt conformance suite.
LATEST_BAGIT_VERSION() - Static method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
LEADING_DOT_SLASH - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
Is the path relative.
lintBag(Path) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagLinter
The BagIt specification is very flexible in what it allows which leads to situations where something may be technically allowed, but should be discouraged.
lintBag(Path, Collection<BagitWarning>) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagLinter
The BagIt specification is very flexible in what it allows which leads to situations where something may be technically allowed, but should be discouraged.
logger - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.AbstractPayloadFileExistsInManifestsVistor


major - Variable in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
the major version of the bagit specification
MaliciousPathException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an error when the path in a manifest or fetch file has been crafted to point to a file or directory outside the bag.
MaliciousPathException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.MaliciousPathException
MandatoryVerifier - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.verify.internal
Responsible for checking all things related to mandatory files for the bagit specification
Manifest - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
A manifest is a list of files,their corresponding checksum generated using Hasher, and their relative path in the bag
MANIFEST_SETS_DIFFER - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
Starting with version 1.0 all manifest types (tag, payload) MUST list the same set of files, but for older versions it SHOULD list all files
Manifest.ManifestBuilder - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
Programmatically build a manifest
ManifestBuilder(Manifest) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest.ManifestBuilder
ManifestBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest.ManifestBuilder
ManifestBuilderVistor - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain.internal
Creates a manifest from the supplied starting point
ManifestBuilderVistor(Path, Path, Hasher) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.ManifestBuilderVistor
Create a manifest from the starting point
ManifestChecker - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal
Part of the BagIt conformance suite.
ManifestEntry - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
A Manifest Entry is a domain object meant to keep track of various parts needed so it can be listed in a manifest properly
ManifestEntry(Path, Path, String) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.ManifestEntry
ManifestFilter - Class in com.github.jscancella.internal
Responsible for filtering out files that aren't manifests
ManifestFilter() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.internal.ManifestFilter
ManifestReader - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.reader.internal
This class is responsible for reading and parsing manifest files on the filesystem
ManifestVerifier - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.verify.internal
Responsible for all things related to the manifest during verification.
ManifestWriter - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.writer.internal
Responsible for writing out a Manifest to the filesystem
MD5Hasher - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
MD5Hasher() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.MD5Hasher
MD5SUM_TOOL_GENERATED_MANIFEST - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The manifest looks to be generated from using md5sum linux utility which can cause some compatibility problems.
messages - Static variable in class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.AbstractPayloadFileExistsInManifestsVistor
Metadata - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
A class to represent the bag-info.txt (and package-info.txt in older versions)
Metadata.MetadataBuilder - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
Programmatically and dynamically create metadata
MetadataBuilder() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata.MetadataBuilder
programmatically build the metadata
MetadataBuilder(Metadata) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata.MetadataBuilder
programmatically build the metadata, but start off with the included metadata
MetadataChecker - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal
Part of the BagIt conformance suite.
MetadataReader - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.reader.internal
This class is responsible for reading and parsing bagit metadata files from the filesystem
MetadataWriter - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.writer.internal
Responsible for writing out the bag Metadata to the filesystem
MetatdataValueIsNotAcceptableException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
Class to represent when a metadata's value is not in the acceptable list of values
MetatdataValueIsNotAcceptableException(String, String, List<String>, String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions.MetatdataValueIsNotAcceptableException
MetatdataValueIsNotRepeatableException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
Class to represent when a metadata's value is not to be repeated
MetatdataValueIsNotRepeatableException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions.MetatdataValueIsNotRepeatableException
minor - Variable in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
the minor version of the bagit specification
MISSING_TAG_MANIFEST - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
There is no tag manifest.
MissingBagitFileException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
The bagit.txt file is a required file.
MissingBagitFileException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.MissingBagitFileException
MissingPayloadDirectoryException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
The payload directory is a required file.
MissingPayloadDirectoryException(String, Path) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.MissingPayloadDirectoryException
MissingPayloadManifestException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
A bagit bag needs at least one payload manifest.
MissingPayloadManifestException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.MissingPayloadManifestException


NON_STANDARD_ALGORITHM - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
You are using a non-standard checksum algorithm which may cause problems on other systems
NoSuchBagitAlgorithmException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
A class to represent the bagit algorithm name is not mapped.
NoSuchBagitAlgorithmException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.NoSuchBagitAlgorithmException


OLD_BAGIT_VERSION - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The version of the bag is older than the latest version.
optional - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.Serialization
That serialization is optional, but not forbidden.
OS_SPECIFIC_FILES - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The bag contains OS specific files which may cause compatibility issues.


parseVersion(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.BagitTextFileReader
parses the version string into a Version object
PathPair - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain.internal
PathPair(Path, String) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.PathPair
PathUtils - Interface in com.github.jscancella.internal
Responsible for providing some very basic functionality across multiple packages.
PAYLOAD_OXUM_MISSING - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The bag-info.txt file does contain the payload-oum which is used to do a quick verify.
PayloadFileExistsInAllManifestsVistor - Class in com.github.jscancella.verify.internal
Implements SimpleFileVisitor to ensure that the encountered file is in one of the manifests.
PayloadFileExistsInAllManifestsVistor(Set<Manifest>, Path, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.PayloadFileExistsInAllManifestsVistor
PayloadFileExistsInAtLeastOneManifestVistor - Class in com.github.jscancella.verify.internal
Implements SimpleFileVisitor to ensure that the encountered file is in one of the manifests.
PayloadFileExistsInAtLeastOneManifestVistor(Set<Path>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.PayloadFileExistsInAtLeastOneManifestVistor
PayloadOxumDoesNotExistException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
The Bag object should contain the Payload-Oxum metatdata key value pair, this class represents the error when trying to calculate the payload-oxum and it doesn't exist on the bag object.
PayloadOxumDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.PayloadOxumDoesNotExistException
PayloadOxumGenerator - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.hash
preVisitDirectory(Path, BasicFileAttributes) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.AbstractPayloadFileExistsInManifestsVistor


read(Path) - Static method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
Reads a bag from a physical location (on disk).
readBagitTextFile(Path) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.BagitTextFileReader
Read the bagit.txt file and return the version and encoding.
readBagMetadata(Path, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.MetadataReader
Reads the bag metadata file (bag-info.txt or package-info.txt) and returns it.
readFetch(Path, Charset, Path, Version) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.FetchReader
Reads a fetch.txt file
readKeyValuesFromFile(Path, String, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.KeyValueReader
Generic method to read key value pairs from the bagit files, like bagit.txt or bag-info.txt
readManifest(Path, Path, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.ManifestReader
Reads a manifest file and converts it to a Manifest object.
RelativePathWriter - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.writer.internal
util class to format strings correctly
remove(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata.MetadataBuilder
remove the label and all its values
required - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.Serialization
That the bag is required to be serialized.
RequiredManifestNotPresentException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
Class to represent when a specific manifest type is not found, such as md5, sha1, etc (payload or tag)
RequiredManifestNotPresentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions.RequiredManifestNotPresentException
RequiredMetadataFieldNotPresentException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
Class to represent when a specific metadata field is not found
RequiredMetadataFieldNotPresentException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions.RequiredMetadataFieldNotPresentException
RequiredTagFileNotPresentException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions
Class to represent when a specific tag file is not found
RequiredTagFileNotPresentException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.conformance.exceptions.RequiredTagFileNotPresentException
reset() - Method in interface com.github.jscancella.hash.Hasher
When streaming a file, we have no way of knowing when we are done updating.
reset() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher


seContactName(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
Serialization - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile
The type of serialization required by a BagitProfile
setBagitProfileIdentifier(URI) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setBagitProfileVersion(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setContactEmail(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setContactPhone(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setExternalDescription(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setFetchFileAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setSerialization(Serialization) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setSourceOrganization(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfileBuilder
SHA1Hasher - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
SHA1Hasher() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA1Hasher
SHA224Hasher - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
SHA224Hasher() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA224Hasher
SHA256Hasher - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
SHA256Hasher() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA256Hasher
SHA384Hasher - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
SHA384Hasher() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA384Hasher
SHA512Hasher - Class in com.github.jscancella.hash.standard
SHA512Hasher() - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.SHA512Hasher


TAG_FILES_ENCODING - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The tag files do not use UTF-8 for encoding which will cause compatibility issues
TagFileReader - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.reader.internal
Convenience class for reading tag files from the filesystem
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagInfoRequirement
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.BagitProfile
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.FetchItem
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Manifest
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.ManifestEntry
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Metadata
toString() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version


UnparsableVersionException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
If the version string in the bagit.txt file was not in the form <MAJOR>.<MINOR>
UnparsableVersionException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.UnparsableVersionException
update(byte[]) - Method in interface com.github.jscancella.hash.Hasher
For calculating large file checksums it is more efficient to stream the file, thus the need to be able to update a checksum.
update(byte[]) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.standard.AbstractMessageDigestHasher


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagLinter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.BagProfileChecker
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.EncodingChecker
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.LargeBagChecker
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.ManifestChecker
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.MetadataChecker
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.VersionChecker
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.Serialization
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.BagitChecksumNameMapping
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.PayloadOxumGenerator
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.BagitTextFileReader
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.FetchReader
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.KeyValueReader
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.ManifestReader
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.MetadataReader
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.TagFileReader
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.BagitTextFileVerifier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.MandatoryVerifier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.ManifestVerifier
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.BagitFileWriter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.FetchWriter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.ManifestWriter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.MetadataWriter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.RelativePathWriter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagLinter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.BagProfileChecker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.EncodingChecker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.LargeBagChecker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.ManifestChecker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.MetadataChecker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal.VersionChecker
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.profile.Serialization
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.BagitChecksumNameMapping
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.hash.PayloadOxumGenerator
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.BagitTextFileReader
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.FetchReader
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.KeyValueReader
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.ManifestReader
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.MetadataReader
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.reader.internal.TagFileReader
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.BagitTextFileVerifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.MandatoryVerifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.ManifestVerifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.BagitFileWriter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.FetchWriter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.ManifestWriter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.MetadataWriter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.RelativePathWriter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VerificationException - Exception in com.github.jscancella.exceptions
Class to represent an generic exception that happened during verification.
VerificationException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.github.jscancella.exceptions.VerificationException
verifyManifests(Bag, boolean) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.ManifestVerifier
Verify that all the files in the payload directory are listed in the payload manifest and all files listed in all manifests exist.
version(int, int) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Set the bagit specification version
version(Version) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Set the bagit specification version
Version - Class in com.github.jscancella.domain
The version of the bagit specification used to create the bag.
Version(int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
VERSION_0_95() - Static method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
VERSION_1_0() - Static method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Version
VersionChecker - Enum Class in com.github.jscancella.conformance.internal
Part of the BagIt conformance suite.
visitFile(Path, BasicFileAttributes) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.internal.ManifestBuilderVistor
visitFile(Path, BasicFileAttributes) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.hash.internal.FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor
visitFile(Path, BasicFileAttributes) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.PayloadFileExistsInAllManifestsVistor
visitFile(Path, BasicFileAttributes) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.verify.internal.PayloadFileExistsInAtLeastOneManifestVistor


WEAK_CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM - Enum constant in enum class com.github.jscancella.conformance.BagitWarning
The manifest is using an checksum algorithm that is known to be weak.
write() - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.BagBuilder
Write the bag out to a physical location (on disk)
write(Path) - Method in class com.github.jscancella.domain.Bag
Write a bag to a physical location (on disk).
writeBagitFile(Version, Charset, Path) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.BagitFileWriter
Write the bagit.txt file in required UTF-8 encoding.
writeBagMetadata(Metadata, Version, Path, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.MetadataWriter
Write the bag-info.txt (or package-info.txt) file to the specified outputDir with specified encoding (charsetName)
writeFetchFile(List<FetchItem>, Path, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.FetchWriter
Write the fetch.txt file to the outputDir with the specified encoding (charsetName)
writePayloadManifests(Set<Manifest>, Path, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.ManifestWriter
Write the payload manifest(s) to the output directory
writeTagManifests(Set<Manifest>, Path, Version, Charset) - Static method in enum class com.github.jscancella.writer.internal.ManifestWriter
Write the tag manifest(s) to the output directory
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