


package function

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class At[S, I, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to an A at an index I

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to an A at an index I


    source of Lens




    target of Lens, A is supposed to be unique for a given pair (S, I)

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  2. trait AtFunctions extends AnyRef
  3. abstract class Cons[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Prism between an S and its head A and tail S

    Typeclass that defines a Prism between an S and its head A and tail S


    source of Prism and tail of Prism target


    head of Prism target, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  4. abstract class Cons1[S, H, T] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines an Iso between an S and its head H and tail T Cons1 is like Cons but for types that have *always* an head and tail, e.g.

    Typeclass that defines an Iso between an S and its head H and tail T Cons1 is like Cons but for types that have *always* an head and tail, e.g. a non empty list


    source of Iso


    head of Iso target, A is supposed to be unique for a given S


    tail of Iso target, T is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  5. trait Cons1Functions extends AnyRef
  6. trait ConsFunctions extends AnyRef
  7. abstract class Curry[F, G] extends Serializable
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  8. trait CurryFunctions extends AnyRef
  9. trait CurryInstances extends CurryInstances1
  10. trait CurryInstances1 extends CurryInstances2
  11. trait CurryInstances2 extends AnyRef
  12. abstract class Each[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Traversal from a monomorphic container S to all of its elements of type A

    Typeclass that defines a Traversal from a monomorphic container S to all of its elements of type A


    source of Traversal


    target of Traversal, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  13. trait EachFunctions extends AnyRef
  14. abstract class Empty[S] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Prism from an S and its empty value

    Typeclass that defines a Prism from an S and its empty value


    source of Prism

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  15. trait EmptyFunctions extends AnyRef
  16. abstract class Field1[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its first element of type A

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its first element of type A


    source of Lens


    target of Lens, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  17. trait Field1Functions extends AnyRef
  18. abstract class Field2[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its second element of type A

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its second element of type A


    source of Lens


    target of Lens, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  19. trait Field2Functions extends AnyRef
  20. abstract class Field3[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its third element of type A

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its third element of type A


    source of Lens


    target of Lens, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  21. trait Field3Functions extends AnyRef
  22. abstract class Field4[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its fourth element of type A

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its fourth element of type A


    source of Lens


    target of Lens, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  23. trait Field4Functions extends AnyRef
  24. abstract class Field5[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its fifth element of type A

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its fifth element of type A


    source of Lens


    target of Lens, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  25. trait Field5Functions extends AnyRef
  26. abstract class Field6[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its sixth element of type A

    Typeclass that defines a Lens from an S to its sixth element of type A


    source of Lens


    target of Lens, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  27. trait Field6Functions extends AnyRef
  28. abstract class FilterIndex[S, I, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Traversal from an S to all its elements A whose index I in S satisfies the predicate

    Typeclass that defines a Traversal from an S to all its elements A whose index I in S satisfies the predicate


    source of Traversal




    target of Traversal, A is supposed to be unique for a given pair (S, I)

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  29. trait FilterIndexFunctions extends AnyRef
  30. trait GenericOptics extends AtFunctions with ConsFunctions with Cons1Functions with CurryFunctions with EachFunctions with EmptyFunctions with Field1Functions with Field2Functions with Field3Functions with Field4Functions with Field5Functions with Field6Functions with FilterIndexFunctions with IndexFunctions with PlatedFunctions with PossibleFunctions with ReverseFunctions with SnocFunctions with Snoc1Functions with WrappedFunctions
  31. abstract class Index[S, I, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines an Optional from an S to an A at an index I Index is less powerful than At as it cannot create or delete value

    Typeclass that defines an Optional from an S to an A at an index I Index is less powerful than At as it cannot create or delete value


    source of Optional




    target of Optional, A is supposed to be unique for a given pair (S, I)

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  32. trait IndexFunctions extends AnyRef
  33. abstract class Plated[A] extends Serializable

    Plated is a type-class for types which can extract their immediate self-similar children.

    Plated is a type-class for types which can extract their immediate self-similar children.


    the parent and child type of a Plated

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  34. trait PlatedFunctions extends AnyRef
  35. abstract class Possible[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines an Optional from a monomorphic container S to a possible value A.

    Typeclass that defines an Optional from a monomorphic container S to a possible value A. There must be at most one A in S.


    source of the Optional


    target of the Optional, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

  36. trait PossibleFunctions extends AnyRef
  37. abstract class Reverse[S, A] extends Serializable
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  38. trait ReverseFunctions extends AnyRef
  39. abstract class Snoc[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines a Prism between an S and its init S and last S

    Typeclass that defines a Prism between an S and its init S and last S


    source of Prism and init of Prism target


    last of Prism target, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  40. abstract class Snoc1[S, I, L] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines an Iso between an S and its init H and last T Snoc1 is like Snoc but for types that have *always* an init and a last element, e.g.

    Typeclass that defines an Iso between an S and its init H and last T Snoc1 is like Snoc but for types that have *always* an init and a last element, e.g. a non empty list


    source of Iso


    init of Iso target, I is supposed to be unique for a given S


    last of Iso target, L is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  41. trait Snoc1Functions extends AnyRef
  42. trait SnocFunctions extends AnyRef
  43. abstract class Wrapped[S, A] extends Serializable

    Typeclass that defines an Iso from an S to an A where S is expected to wrap A.

    Typeclass that defines an Iso from an S to an A where S is expected to wrap A.


    source of Iso


    target of Iso, A is supposed to be unique for a given S

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  44. trait WrappedFunctions extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object At extends AtFunctions with Serializable
  2. object Cons extends ConsFunctions with Serializable
  3. object Cons1 extends Cons1Functions with Serializable
  4. object Curry extends CurryFunctions with CurryInstances with Serializable
  5. object Each extends EachFunctions with Serializable
  6. object Empty extends EmptyFunctions with Serializable
  7. object Field1 extends Field1Functions with Serializable
  8. object Field2 extends Field2Functions with Serializable
  9. object Field3 extends Field3Functions with Serializable
  10. object Field4 extends Field4Functions with Serializable
  11. object Field5 extends Field5Functions with Serializable
  12. object Field6 extends Field6Functions with Serializable
  13. object FilterIndex extends FilterIndexFunctions with Serializable
  14. object Index extends IndexFunctions with Serializable
  15. object Plated extends PlatedFunctions with Serializable
  16. object Possible extends PossibleFunctions with Serializable
  17. object Reverse extends ReverseFunctions with Serializable
  18. object Snoc extends SnocFunctions with Serializable
  19. object Snoc1 extends Snoc1Functions with Serializable
  20. object Wrapped extends WrappedFunctions with Serializable
  21. object all extends GenericOptics
  22. object fields extends Field1Functions with Field2Functions with Field3Functions with Field4Functions with Field5Functions with Field6Functions
