Class SingltonBrowserImage

  • public class SingltonBrowserImage
    extends Object
    Capturing and asserting the image (screenshot) of a Path element. It supports both canvas and a standard element image. It supports both accurate and fuzzy assertion. It provides utility functions to display an element in a separate window.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SingltonBrowserImage

        public SingltonBrowserImage​(Path el)
        el - The element the represents the image we are interested in
    • Method Detail

      • captureToFile

        public void captureToFile​(File outputFile)
        Capture the image of an element as a png, and save it to the given file
        outputFile - - output file
      • captureImgSourceToFile

        public void captureImgSourceToFile​(File outputFile)
        Capture the source of an img element as a png, and save it to the given file
        outputFile - - output file
      • captureCanvasToFile

        public void captureCanvasToFile​(File outputFile)
        Capture the image of an HTML5 canvas as a png, and save it to the given file. If the element given is not a canvas, this will fail. Note that it is more optimized - it downloads only the section of the canvas as an image.
        outputFile - - output file
      • show

        public void show()
        Display the element image in a separate window. This is useful for troubleshooting/development. Note that this will not work well if you do it inside a debugger evaluation.
      • showCanvas

        public void showCanvas()
        Similar to show(), but optimized for an HTML5 canvas element
      • assertImageIsEqualToExpected

        public void assertImageIsEqualToExpected​(InputStream expectedImageInput)
                                          throws IOException
        Verify that the element's image is pixel-perfect
        expectedImageInput - - reference png image
        IOException - - file could not be read
      • assertCanvasImageIsEqualToExpected

        public void assertCanvasImageIsEqualToExpected​(InputStream expectedImageInput)
                                                throws IOException
        Verify that the canvas image is pixel-perfect
        expectedImageInput - - reference png image
        IOException - - file could not be read
      • assertImgSourceIsEqualToExpected

        public void assertImgSourceIsEqualToExpected​(InputStream expectedImageInput)
                                              throws IOException
        Verify that the HTML img source is pixel-perfect
        expectedImageInput - - reference png image
        IOException - - file could not be read
      • getErrorImage

        public Optional<BufferedImage> getErrorImage​(InputStream expectedImageInput)
                                              throws IOException
        compare captured image to a reference image and return an image that highlights the differences. Both images are expected to have the same dimensions, otherwise it throws in AssertionError.
        expectedImageInput - - reference png image
        an image that highlights the different pixels. If the images are equal, returns an empty optional.
        IOException - - file could not be read
        AssertionError - - images are not the same size
      • assertImageIsEqualToExpectedWithShiftAndCrop

        public void assertImageIsEqualToExpectedWithShiftAndCrop​(InputStream expectedImageInput,
                                                                 int maxShift)
                                                          throws IOException
        Verify that the element's image is pixel-perfect, but allowing one to be a cropped/shifted version of the other.
        expectedImageInput - - reference png image
        maxShift - maximum pixels the images are shifted/cropped compared to each other
        IOException - - file could not be read
      • assertImageIsSimilarToExpected

        public void assertImageIsSimilarToExpected​(InputStream expectedImageInput,
                                                   int maxBadPixelsRatio)
                                            throws IOException
        Verify the picture is "similar" to the reference image. Ignores minor differences between the pixels. Does not identify offsets and rotation. It uses a VERY simplistic approach (no wavelets or any other transform).
        expectedImageInput - - reference png image
        maxBadPixelsRatio - - a positive number. For example: If it's 100, then 1% of the pixels can have major differences compared to the reference.
        IOException - - file could not be read