Class AgGridMatchers

  • public class AgGridMatchers
    extends Object
    Hamcrest matchers for an AgGrid
    • Constructor Detail

      • AgGridMatchers

        public AgGridMatchers()
    • Method Detail

      • isPresent

        public static org.hamcrest.Matcher<AgGrid> isPresent()
        Verify that the grid, as defined, is present in the browser. In case of an assertion error, gives a useful error message. The assertion can be strict, in which case only the defined rows are expected to exist.
        a Hamcrest matcher
      • containsRow

        public static org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher<AgGridHighLevelOperations> containsRow​(Map<String,​String> row)
        Verify that the grid, as defined, contains a row (which can be partial)
        a Hamcrest matcher