Logs authenticated requests.
type of user
Retrieves the authenticated username from the request.
Retrieves the authenticated username from the request.
Attempts to read the "username" session variable, but if no such thing exists, attempts to authenticate based on the the HTTP Authorization header, finally if that also fails, authenticates based on credentials in the query string.
the authentication result wrapped in an scala.Option if successfully authenticated, scala.None otherwise
Authenticates based on the "u" and "p" query string parameters.
Authenticates based on the "u" and "p" query string parameters.
the username, if successfully authenticated
Basic HTTP authentication.
Basic HTTP authentication.
The "Authorization" request header should be like: "Basic base64(username:password)", where base64(x) means x base64-encoded.
credentials verifier: returns true on success, false otherwise
request from which the Authorization header is validated
the username wrapped in an Option if successfully authenticated, None otherwise
Called when an unauthorized request has been made.
Called when an unauthorized request has been made. Also called when a failed authentication attempt is made.
Returns HTTP 401 by default; override to handle unauthorized requests in a more app-specific manner.
header of request which failed authentication
"auth failed" result
Override if you intend to use password authentication.
Override if you intend to use password authentication.
True if the credentials are valid; false otherwise. False by default.