

package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BitMap extends IndexedSeq[(Int, Boolean)]

    Implements a bit map where you can check which bits are set and which are not.

  2. final class ChannelWrapper extends AnyVal

  3. abstract class Flag[T] extends AnyRef

    Simplifies the represenation of a collection of flags.

  4. case class Version(major: Int, minor: Int, maintenance: Int) extends Ordered[Version] with Product with Serializable

  5. class Worker extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BitMap

  2. object ChannelFutureTransformer

  3. object ChannelUtils

  4. object ChannelWrapper

  5. object DaemonThreadsFactory extends ThreadFactory

  6. object ExecutorServiceUtils

  7. object FutureUtils

  8. object HexCodec

    The code from this class was copied from the Hex class at commons-codec

  9. object Log

  10. object PrintUtils

  11. object Version extends Serializable

  12. object Worker
