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AbortOnMissingField - Annotation Type in com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
This annotation is used to specify whether or not an exception should be thrown, in case a field is not present in a JSON, that is being deserialized.
add(int, JsonElement) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed JsonElement at the specified index.
add(int, JsonValue) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed JsonValue at the specified index.
add(int, Boolean) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed Boolean at the specified index.
add(int, Character) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed Character at the specified index.
add(int, Number) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed Number at the specified index.
add(int, String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed String at the specified index.
add(JsonValue) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed JsonValue to the JsonArray.
add(Boolean) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed Boolean to the JsonArray.
add(Character) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed Character to the JsonArray.
add(Number) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed Number to the JsonArray.
add(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds the passed String to the JsonArray.
addAll(JsonArray) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Adds all fields stored in the passed JsonArray to itself.
AtomicObjectConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The AtomicObjectConverter is used to provide a way of converting the different atomic numbers found in Java's java.util.concurrent package.
AtomicObjectConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.AtomicObjectConverter


back() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Decrements the index by one until the beginning of the JSON is reached.
buildMaxon() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.MaxonConfigurator
Builds the Maxon with custom configuration.


checkAndNext() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Checks if JsonTokener.hasNext() returns true.
checkAndNextNoIncrement() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
clear() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Removes all of the elements from this JsonArray (optional operation).
clear() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Removes all mappings in this JsonObject.
com.github.mavolin.maxon - package com.github.mavolin.maxon
Contains the Maxon object to convert Objects from and to JSON.
com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert - package com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
Contains the two custom converter classes as well as annotations used in context with conversions.
com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter - package com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
Contains all default JSON converter.
com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions - package com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions
This package contains all exceptions that will be thrown by this library in case of error.
com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues - package com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues
This package provides the three different JsonValues as well as JsonElemt acting as a wrapper for the three former.
com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing - package com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing
Contains classes used for parsing JSON input.
com.github.mavolin.maxon.utils - package com.github.mavolin.maxon.utils
Contains the JsonPrinter used to generate a String output from the three JsonValues.
Converts - Annotation Type in com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
The Converts annotation is used to specify the Classes that can be converted by a JsonConverter, that is annotated with this annotation.


DateFormatConfiguration - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The DateFormatConfiguration is used by Maxon to convert date and time objects of the new java.time package to and from JSON.
DateFormatConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateFormatConfiguration
Instantiates a new Date format configuration.
DateTimeConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The DateTimeConverter is used for converting the various date and time representing objects of Java 8's java.time package, namely LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime and ZonedDateTime, as well as Date.
DateTimeConverter(DateFormatConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateTimeConverter
Instantiates a new DateTimeConverter, that uses the passed DateFormatConfiguration
DeserializationConstructor - Annotation Type in com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
The DeserializationConstructor annotation is used to specify which constructor shall be used, while deserializing a JSON object.


entrySet() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Returns a Set view of the JsonObjectpings contained in this JsonObject.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Checks whether or not this JsonArray is equal to the provided Object.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks, whether or not this JsonElement is equal to the provided Object o.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Checks, whether or not this JsonObject is equal to the provided Object o.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Checks, whether or not this JsonPrimitive is equal to the provided Object o.


getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a BigDecimal.
getAsBigDecimal() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a BigDecimal.
getAsBigDecimal(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the java.math.BigDecimal at the specified index.
getAsBigDecimal(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the BigDecimal associated with the provided key.
getAsBigInteger() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a BigInteger.
getAsBigInteger() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a BigInteger.
getAsBigInteger(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the java.math.BigInteger at the specified index.
getAsBigInteger(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the BigInteger associated with the provided key.
getAsBoolean() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a Boolean.
getAsBoolean() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Boolean.
getAsBoolean(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Boolean at the specified index.
getAsBoolean(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Boolean associated with the provided key.
getAsByte() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a Byte.
getAsByte() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Byte.
getAsByte(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Byte at the specified index.
getAsCharacter() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a Character.
getAsCharacter() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Character.
getAsCharacter(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Character at the specified index.
getAsCharacter(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Character associated with the provided key.
getAsDouble() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a Double.
getAsDouble() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Double.
getAsDouble(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Double at the specified index.
getAsDouble(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Double associated with the provided key.
getAsFloat() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a Float.
getAsFloat() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Float.
getAsFloat(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Float at the specified index.
getAsFloat(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Float associated with the provided key.
getAsInteger() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as an Integer.
getAsInteger() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Integer.
getAsInteger(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Integer at the specified index.
getAsInteger(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Integer associated with the provided key.
getAsJson(JsonValue) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Converts the passed JsonValue to its String JSON representation.
getAsJson(Object) - Method in interface com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.JsonConverter
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.AtomicObjectConverter
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateTimeConverter
Converts the given Object to its JSON representation.
getAsJson(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.ObjectConverterManager
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.PrimitivesConverter
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.UniversalEnumConverter
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Returns the JSON representation of the passed Object.
getAsJson(Object, Maxon) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.ListConverter
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(Object, Maxon) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.MapConverter
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(Object, Maxon) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.UniversalObjectConverter
Converts the passed Object to a JsonValue, which is then processed further by Maxon.
getAsJson(T) - Method in interface com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.ObjectConverter
Converts the Object of the type T to Json.
getAsJsonArray() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a JsonArray.
getAsJsonArray(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the JsonArray at the specified index.
getAsJsonArray(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the JsonArray associated with the provided key.
getAsJsonObject() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a JsonObject.
getAsJsonObject(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the JsonObject at the specified index.
getAsJsonObject(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the JsonObject associated with the provided key.
getAsJsonValue() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a JsonValue.
getAsJsonValue(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the JsonValue at the specified index.
getAsJsonValue(Object) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Gets the specified Object as a JsonVaue.
getAsJsonValue(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the JsonValue associated with the provided key.
getAsLong() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a Long.
getAsLong() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Long.
getAsLong(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Long at the specified index.
getAsLong(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Long associated with the provided key.
getAsShort() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a Short.
getAsShort() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a Short.
getAsShort(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the Short at the specified index.
getAsShort(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Short associated with the provided key.
getAsString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Gets this JsonElement as a String.
getAsString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Gets the JsonPrimitive's value as a String.
getAsString(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Gets the String at the specified index.
getAsString(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets the Boolean associated with the provided key.
getFromJson(JsonValue) - Method in interface com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.ObjectConverter
Extracts the Object out of the passed JsonValue.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.JsonConverter
Extracts information from the passed JsonValue and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.AtomicObjectConverter
Extracts information from the passed JsonValue and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateTimeConverter
Parses the passed JsonValue and returns an object of the type T.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.ObjectConverterManager
Extracts information from the passed JsonValue and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.PrimitivesConverter
Extracts information from the passed JsonElement and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.UniversalEnumConverter
Extracts information from the passed JsonValue and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Converts the passed JsonValue to an Object of the specified Class and returns it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>, Maxon) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.ListConverter
Extracts information from the passed JsonValue and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>, Maxon) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.MapConverter
Extracts information from the passed JsonValue and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(JsonValue, Class<T>, Maxon) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.UniversalObjectConverter
Extracts information from the passed JsonValue and builds a new Object of the type T out of it.
getFromJson(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonValueConverter
Converts a JSON value saved in the passed String to its Java representation
getFromJson(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Converts the passed String to an Object of the specified Class and returns it.
getIndex() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Gets the index of the current character.


has(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Checks if there is an element present, that is associated with the specified key.
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Generates a hash code that is unique to every object, that is not equal to one another, as defined by JsonArray.equals(Object), but is the same for every JsonArray that is equal.
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Generates a hash code that is unique to every object, that is not equal to one another, as defined by JsonElement.equals(Object), but is the same for every JsonElement that is equal.
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Generates a hash code that is unique to every object, that is not equal to one another, as defined by JsonObject.equals(Object), but is the same for every JsonObject that is equal.
hasNext() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Checks if the end of the JSON is reached or if there are still characters left, that haven't been parsed.


IllegalTypeRequestedException - Exception in com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions
A IllegalTypeRequestedException is thrown whenever a getter method is called for an Object, that is not of the return type of the called getter.
IllegalTypeRequestedException() - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.IllegalTypeRequestedException
Constructs a new IllegalTypeRequestedException with null as its detail message.
IllegalTypeRequestedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.IllegalTypeRequestedException
Constructs a new IllegalTypeRequestedException with the specified detail message.
IllegalTypeRequestedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.IllegalTypeRequestedException
Constructs a new IllegalTypeRequestedException with the specified detail message and cause.
IllegalTypeRequestedException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.IllegalTypeRequestedException
Constructs a new IllegalTypeRequestedException with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
IllegalTypeRequestedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.IllegalTypeRequestedException
Constructs a new IllegalTypeRequestedException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
InvalidKeyException - Exception in com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions
A InvalidKeyException is thrown, whenever there is a key provided, that is not associated with a mapping.
InvalidKeyException() - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.InvalidKeyException
Constructs a new InvalidKeyException with null as its detail message.
InvalidKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.InvalidKeyException
Constructs a new InvalidKeyException with the specified detail message.
InvalidKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.InvalidKeyException
Constructs a new InvalidKeyException with the specified detail message and cause.
InvalidKeyException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.InvalidKeyException
Constructs a new InvalidKeyException with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
InvalidKeyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.InvalidKeyException
Constructs a new InvalidKeyException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
isBoolean() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks if the JsonElement represents a boolean.
isBoolean() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Checks if this JsonPrimitive represents a Boolean.
isCharacter() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks if the JsonElement represents a character.
isCharacter() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Checks if this JsonPrimitive represents a Character.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Returns true if this JsonArray contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Checks if this JsonObject contains elements.
isJsonArray() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks if the JsonElement represents a JsonArray.
isJsonObject() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks if the JsonElement represents a JsonObject.
isNull() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks if the JsonElement is JSON null
isNull() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Checks if this JsonPrimitive's value is null.
isNumber() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks if the JsonElement represents a Number.
isNumber() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Checks if this JsonPrimitive represents a Number.
isString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Checks if the JsonElement represents a String.
isString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Checks if this JsonPrimitive represents a String.
iterator() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Returns an iterator over elements of type T.


JsonArray - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues
A JsonArray is a list-like representation of an JSON array.
JsonArray() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Instantiates an empty JsonArray.
JsonConverter - Interface in com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
A JsonConverter is an interface used for all converters.
JsonElement - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues
A JsonElement is the Object used by JsonArrays and JsonObjects in their respective collections, to make the use of the enhanced for loop more easy to use.
JsonElement(JsonValue) - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Creates a new JsonElement holding the passed JsonValue.
JsonObject - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues
A JsonObject is a map-like representation of a JSON object.
JsonObject() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Instantiates an empty JsonObject.
JsonParsingException - Exception in com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions
A JsonParsingException is thrown whenever there was an error, when attempting to parse a JSON value.
JsonParsingException() - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.JsonParsingException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
JsonParsingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.JsonParsingException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
JsonParsingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.JsonParsingException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
JsonParsingException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.JsonParsingException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
JsonParsingException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.JsonParsingException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
JsonPrimitive - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues
JsonPrimitive represents all four JSON primitive types: Nulls, Booleans, Numbers and Strings.
JsonPrimitive(Boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Instantiates a new JsonPrimitive holding a Boolean value.
JsonPrimitive(Character) - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Instantiates a new JsonPrimitive holding String with the value of the passed Character.
JsonPrimitive(Number) - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Instantiates a new JsonPrimitive holding a Number value.
JsonPrimitive(String) - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Instantiates a new JsonPrimitive holding a String value.
JsonPrinter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.utils
The JsonPrinter class is a utility class, used to print JSONs in their String representation using a specific set of style options.
JsonTokener - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing
The JsonTokener is used to parse Strings of JSON data and return them as their respective Java representation (JsonValue).
JsonTokener(String) - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Instantiates a new JsonTokener
JsonValue - Interface in com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues
The JsonValue is an interface representing all JSON values.
JsonValueConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing
The JsonValueConverter is the converter used by Maxon to transform Strings of JSON data to their Java representations and vice-versa.
JsonValueConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonValueConverter


keySet() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this JsonObject.


ListConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The MapConverter is used to convert Lists into JSON objects and vice versa.
ListConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.ListConverter


MapConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The MapConverter is used to convert Maps into JSON objects and vice versa.
MapConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.MapConverter
Maxon - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon
The Maxon class is the heart of this JSON converter.
Maxon() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Instantiates a new Maxon converter with default settings.
MaxonConfigurator - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon
The MaxonConfigurator is used to create a Maxon object with a custom output.
MaxonConfigurator() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.MaxonConfigurator
Instantiates a new MaxonConfigurator.
MissingAnnotationException - Exception in com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions
A MissingAnnotationException gets thrown when a Converts annotation is missing on a JsonConverter.
MissingAnnotationException() - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.MissingAnnotationException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
MissingAnnotationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.MissingAnnotationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
MissingAnnotationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.MissingAnnotationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
MissingAnnotationException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.MissingAnnotationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause, suppression enabled or disabled, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
MissingAnnotationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.github.mavolin.maxon.exceptions.MissingAnnotationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).


next() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Gets the next character and increments the index
next(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Returns a String filled with length times the upcoming characters
nextBoolean() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Extracts the Boolean starting at the current character.
nextCharacter() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
nextNoIncrement() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Returns the next char without incrementing the index
nextNumber() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
nextString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Extracts the String starting at the current character.
NO_WHITESPACE - com.github.mavolin.maxon.PrintStyle
Produces a JSON with no whitespace between the different elements.
NULL - Static variable in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
The constant NULL representing a JSON null.


ObjectConverter<T> - Interface in com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
A ObjectConverter is a more "compact" version of the JsonConverter.
ObjectConverterManager - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The ObjectConverterManager manages all ObjectConverter that are registered for a specific Maxon.
ObjectConverterManager() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.ObjectConverterManager
Instantiates a new ObjectConverterManager.


perform(int, Function<JsonElement, JsonValue>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Performs the Function for the element belonging to the specified index and replaces the old element with the result of the Function.
perform(String, Function<JsonElement, JsonValue>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Performs the Function for the element belonging to the specified key and replaces the old element with the result of the Function
PRETTY_PRINTED - com.github.mavolin.maxon.PrintStyle
Produces a pretty-printed JSON with whitespace between the different elements and a linebreak after each element with the elements being indented.
PrimitivesConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The PrimitivesConverter converts all JSON primitive to JSON, as well as from JSON to their respective Java representation.
PrimitivesConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.PrimitivesConverter
printJsonArray(JsonArray, char, int, boolean, PrintStyle) - Static method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.utils.JsonPrinter
Returns a String printed with the data of the passed JsonArray in the specified style.
printJsonObject(JsonObject, char, int, boolean, PrintStyle) - Static method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.utils.JsonPrinter
Returns a String printed with the data of the passed JsonObject in the specified style.
printJsonPrimitive(JsonPrimitive) - Static method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.utils.JsonPrinter
Returns the JsonPrimitve in its JSON form.
PrintStyle - Enum in com.github.mavolin.maxon
The enum PrintStyle defines the style of the produce JSON String.
put(String, JsonValue) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Associates the passed JsonValue with the specified key and puts it in the map.
put(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Associates the passed Boolean with the specified key and puts it in the map.
put(String, Character) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Associates the passed Character with the specified key and puts it in the map.
put(String, Number) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Associates the passed Number with the specified key and puts it in the map.
put(String, String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Associates the passed String with the specified key and puts it in the map.
putAll(JsonObject) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Gets all elements stored in the passed JsonObject and puts them into this JsonObject.
putOnce(String, JsonValue) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Puts the passed JsonValue into the map and associates it with the passed key, if there is not already an element with the passed key in the list.
putOnce(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Puts the passed Boolean into the map and associates it with the passed key, if there is not already an element with the passed key in the list.
putOnce(String, Character) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Puts the passed Character into the map and associates it with the passed key, if there is not already an element with the passed key in the list.
putOnce(String, Number) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Puts the passed Number into the map and associates it with the passed key, if there is not already an element with the passed key in the list.
putOnce(String, String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Puts the passed String into the map and associates it with the passed key, if there is not already an element with the passed key in the list.


registerConverter(JsonConverter) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Registers a JsonConverter.
registerParser(ObjectConverter<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.ObjectConverterManager
Registers a ObjectConverter with this ObjectConverterManager instance.
registerParser(ObjectConverter<T>, Class<T>) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.Maxon
Registers a ObjectConverter associated with the specified Class.
remove(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Removes the element at the specified position in this JsonArray (optional operation).
remove(String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Remove the the element associated with the specified key and returns the removed element as represented by a JsonElement.
removeInRange(int, int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Removes all elements in the range of startIndex, inclusive, to endIndex, exclusive.


Serialize - Annotation Type in com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
The Serialize interface is used to annotate fields that are to be serialized in the serialization process done by the UniversalObjectConverter.
SerializedName - Annotation Type in com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert
The interface SerializedName can be used to annotate Enums, that are to be converted with the EnumConverter.
set(int, JsonElement) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified index with the passed JsonElement.
set(int, JsonValue) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified index with the passed JsonValue.
set(int, Boolean) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified index with the passed Boolean.
set(int, Character) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified index with the passed Character.
set(int, Number) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified index with the passed Number.
set(int, String) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Replaces the element at the specified index with the passed String.
setDateFormatConfiguration(DateFormatConfiguration) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.MaxonConfigurator
Sets the DateFormatConfiguration which defines how date and time objects shall be parsed.
setDateFormatter(DateFormat) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateFormatConfiguration
Sets the DateFormat for Date to the passed on .
setIgnoreNull(boolean) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.MaxonConfigurator
Choose whether or not nulls found in JsonArrays and JsonObjects are to be ignored or not
setLocalDateFormatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateFormatConfiguration
Sets the DateTimeFormatter for LocalDate to the passed one .
setLocalDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateFormatConfiguration
Sets the DateTimeFormatter for LocalDateTime to the passed one.
setLocalTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateFormatConfiguration
Sets the DateTimeFormatter for LocalTime to the passed one .
setOffsetDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateFormatConfiguration
Sets the DateTimeFormatter for OffsetDateTime to the passe* on .
setPrintStyle(PrintStyle) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.MaxonConfigurator
Sets the PrintStyle used to generate JSON Strings to the passed PrintStyle.
setWhitespaceQuantity(int) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.MaxonConfigurator
Sets the quantity of whitespace characters used for one indent when in PrintStyle.PRETTY_PRINTED mode.
setZonedDateTimeFormatter(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.DateFormatConfiguration
Sets the DateTimeFormatter for ZonedDateTime to the passed on .
SINGLE_WHITESPACE - com.github.mavolin.maxon.PrintStyle
Produces a JSON with one whitespace between the different elements.
size() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Returns the number of elements in this JsonArray.
size() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Returns the number of elements that are contained by the JsonObject
skipCommentAndWhitespace() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.parsing.JsonTokener
Skips all comments and whitespaces until a non-whitespace character is reached.
stream() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Returns a sequential Stream of the elements of this JsonArray.


toggleTabWhitespace(boolean) - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.MaxonConfigurator
If set to true, the default whitespace character will be a tabulator instead of a space.
toString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonArray
Returns a String representation of this JsonArray.
toString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonElement
Returns a String representation of this JsonElement.
toString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Returns a String representation of this JsonObject.
toString() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonPrimitive
Returns a String representation of this JsonPrimitive.


UniversalEnumConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The EnumConverter is one of the two universal converters and is in charge of converting all enums.
UniversalEnumConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.UniversalEnumConverter
Instantiates a new EnumConverter.
UniversalObjectConverter - Class in com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter
The UniversalObjectConverter is used to provide a way to convert all Objects by using Java's reflection api.
UniversalObjectConverter() - Constructor for class com.github.mavolin.maxon.converter.UniversalObjectConverter


value() - Method in annotation type com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.AbortOnMissingField
Defines whether or not to abort in case there is no mapping for a field.
value() - Method in annotation type com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.Converts
The Classes that can be converted with JsonConverter.
value() - Method in annotation type com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.DeserializationConstructor
The names associated with the values that are to be passed to the annotated constructor.
value() - Method in annotation type com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.Serialize
If passed when annotating, the passed String will be used as name for the value instead of the literal field name.
value() - Method in annotation type com.github.mavolin.maxon.convert.SerializedName
Gets the serialized name of the field.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.mavolin.maxon.PrintStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class com.github.mavolin.maxon.jsonvalues.JsonObject
Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this JsonObject.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.mavolin.maxon.PrintStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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