Interface HostKeyRepository

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface HostKeyRepository
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int CHANGED  
    static int NOT_INCLUDED  
    static int OK  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void add​(HostKey hostkey, UserInfo ui)
    Adds a host key hostkey
    int check​(java.lang.String host, byte[] key)
    Checks if host is included with the key.
    HostKey[] getHostKey()
    Retuns a list for host keys managed in this repository.
    HostKey[] getHostKey​(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String type)
    Retuns a list for host keys managed in this repository.
    java.lang.String getKnownHostsRepositoryID()
    Returns id of this repository.
    void remove​(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String type)
    Removes a host key if there exists mached key with host, type.
    void remove​(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String type, byte[] key)
    Removes a host key if there exists a matched key with host, type and key.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • check

      int check​(java.lang.String host, byte[] key)
      Checks if host is included with the key.
      See Also:
    • add

      void add​(HostKey hostkey, UserInfo ui)
      Adds a host key hostkey
      hostkey - a host key to be added
      ui - a user interface for showing messages or promping inputs.
      See Also:
    • remove

      void remove​(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String type)
      Removes a host key if there exists mached key with host, type.
      See Also:
      remove(String host, String type, byte[] key)
    • remove

      void remove​(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String type, byte[] key)
      Removes a host key if there exists a matched key with host, type and key.
    • getKnownHostsRepositoryID

      java.lang.String getKnownHostsRepositoryID()
      Returns id of this repository.
      identity in String
    • getHostKey

      HostKey[] getHostKey()
      Retuns a list for host keys managed in this repository.
      See Also:
      getHostKey(String host, String type)
    • getHostKey

      HostKey[] getHostKey​(java.lang.String host, java.lang.String type)
      Retuns a list for host keys managed in this repository.
      host - a hostname used in searching host keys. If null is given, every host key will be listed.
      type - a key type used in searching host keys, and it should be "ssh-dss" or "ssh-rsa". If null is given, a key type type will not be ignored.