

package squeryl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractSession extends AnyRef

  2. sealed trait CanLookup extends AnyRef

  3. trait EntityMember extends AnyRef

  4. class ForeignKeyDeclaration extends AnyRef

    ForeignKeyDeclaration are to be manipulated only during the Schema definition (this is why all public methods have the implicit arg (implicit ev: Schema))

  5. trait IndirectKeyedEntity[K, T] extends KeyedEntity[K]

  6. trait KeyedEntity[K] extends PersistenceStatus

    For use with View[A] or Table[A], when A extends KeyedEntity[K], lookup and delete by key become implicitly available Example :

  7. trait KeyedEntityDef[-A, K] extends OptionalKeyedEntityDef[A, K]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  8. class LazySession extends AbstractSession

  9. trait Optimistic extends AnyRef

  10. trait OptionalKeyedEntityDef[-A, K] extends AnyRef

  11. trait PersistenceStatus extends AnyRef

  12. trait PrimitiveTypeMode extends QueryDsl with FieldMapper

  13. trait Query[R] extends Queryable[R]

  14. trait Queryable[T] extends AnyRef

  15. trait ReferentialAction extends AnyRef

  16. class Schema extends AnyRef

  17. class Session extends AbstractSession

  18. trait SessionFactory extends AnyRef

  19. class SquerylSQLException extends RuntimeException

  20. class StaleUpdateException extends RuntimeException

  21. class Table[T] extends View[T]

  22. trait TargetsValuesSupertype extends AnyRef

    This marker interface tells squeryl that it should look up jdbc mappers for the supertype of any values of marked type instead of the type directly.

  23. class View[T] extends Queryable[T]

    This class can be used for read only tables or (database) views for an updatable view, or table use Table[T]

Value Members

  1. object Session

  2. object SessionFactory

  3. object SquerylSQLException extends Serializable

    Thrown to indicate that an error has occurred in the SQL database

  4. package adapters

  5. package annotations

  6. package customtypes

  7. package dsl

  8. package internals

  9. package logging

  10. package pg

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object PrimitiveTypeMode extends PrimitiveTypeMode


    (Since version 0.9.6) the PrimitiveTypeMode companion object is deprecated, you should define a mix in the trait for your application. See :
