Interface FirewallPolicy

    • Method Detail

      • getId

        String getId()
        id : Unique identifier for the firewall policy.
      • getName

        String getName()
        name : Human readable name for the FirewallPolicy (255 characters limit). Does not have to be unique.
      • getTenantId

        String getTenantId()
        tenantId : Owner of the Firewall Policy. Only an administrative user can specify a tenant ID other than its own.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        description : Human readable description for the FirewallPolicy (1024 characters limit).
      • isShared

        Boolean isShared()
        shared : When set to True makes this FirewallPolicy visible to tenants other than its owner, and can be used in FirewallPolicy not owned by its tenant.
      • isAudited

        Boolean isAudited()
        audited : When set to True by the policy owner indicates that the firewall policy has been audited. This attribute is meant to aid in the firewall policy audit workflows. Each time the firewall policy or the associated firewall rules are changed, this attribute will be set to False and will have to be explicitly set to True through an update operation.
      • getFirewallRuleIds

        List<String> getFirewallRuleIds()
        firewallRules(UUID)List : This is an ordered list of firewall rule uuids. The firewall applies the rules in the order in which they appear in this list.
      • getFirewallList

        List<String> getFirewallList()
        firewallList(UUID)List : This is a list of Firewalls associated with Firewall Policy. This is returned when a firewall rule is added or removed from a firewall policy.
      • getNeutronFirewallRules

        List<? extends FirewallRule> getNeutronFirewallRules()
        neutronFirewallRulesList : This is an ordered list of firewall rules (by uuid). The firewall applies the rules in the order in which they appear in this list.
        See Also: