Package oshi.hardware

Interface GraphicsCard

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GraphicsCard

GraphicsCard interface.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getDeviceId()
    Retrieves the card's Device ID
    java.lang.String getName()
    Retrieves the full name of the card.
    java.lang.String getVendor()
    Retrieves the card's manufacturer/vendor
    java.lang.String getVersionInfo()
    Retrieves a list of version/revision data from the card.
    long getVRam()
    Retrieves the Video RAM (VRAM) available on the GPU
  • Method Details

    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
      Retrieves the full name of the card.
      The name of the card.
    • getDeviceId

      java.lang.String getDeviceId()
      Retrieves the card's Device ID
      The Device ID of the card
    • getVendor

      java.lang.String getVendor()
      Retrieves the card's manufacturer/vendor
      The vendor of the card as human-readable text if possible, or the Vendor ID (VID) otherwise
    • getVersionInfo

      java.lang.String getVersionInfo()
      Retrieves a list of version/revision data from the card. Users may need to further parse this list to identify specific GPU capabilities.
      A comma-delimited list of version/revision data
    • getVRam

      long getVRam()
      Retrieves the Video RAM (VRAM) available on the GPU
      Total number of bytes.