Package oshi.hardware

Interface PowerSource

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPowerSource, FreeBsdPowerSource, LinuxPowerSource, MacPowerSource, SolarisPowerSource, WindowsPowerSource

public interface PowerSource
The Power Source is one or more batteries with some capacity, and some state of charge/discharge
  • Method Details

    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
      Name of the power source at the Operating System level.
      The power source name, as reported by the operating system.
    • getDeviceName

      java.lang.String getDeviceName()
      Name of the power source at the device level.
      The power source name, as reported by the device itself.
    • getRemainingCapacity

      @Deprecated double getRemainingCapacity()
      Estimated remaining capacity as a fraction of max capacity.

      This is an estimated/smoothed value which should correspond to the Operating System's "percent power" display, and may not directly correspond to the ratio of getCurrentCapacity() to getMaxCapacity().

      A value between 0.0 (fully drained) and 1.0 (fully charged)
    • getRemainingCapacityPercent

      double getRemainingCapacityPercent()
      Estimated remaining capacity as a fraction of max capacity.

      This is an estimated/smoothed value which should correspond to the Operating System's "percent power" display, and may not directly correspond to the ratio of getCurrentCapacity() to getMaxCapacity().

      A value between 0.0 (fully drained) and 1.0 (fully charged)
    • getTimeRemaining

      @Deprecated double getTimeRemaining()
      Estimated time remaining on the power source, in seconds, as reported by the operating system.

      This is an estimated/smoothed value which should correspond to the Operating System's "battery time remaining" display, and will react slowly to changes in power consumption.

      If positive, seconds remaining. If negative, -1.0 (calculating) or -2.0 (unlimited)
    • getTimeRemainingEstimated

      double getTimeRemainingEstimated()
      Estimated time remaining on the power source, in seconds, as reported by the operating system.

      This is an estimated/smoothed value which should correspond to the Operating System's "battery time remaining" display, and will react slowly to changes in power consumption.

      If positive, seconds remaining. If negative, -1.0 (calculating) or -2.0 (unlimited)
    • getTimeRemainingInstant

      double getTimeRemainingInstant()
      Estimated time remaining on the power source, in seconds, as reported by the battery. If the battery is charging, this value may represent time remaining to fully charge the battery.

      Note that this value is not very accurate on some battery systems. The value may vary widely depending on present power usage, which could be affected by disk activity and other factors. This value will often be a higher value than getTimeRemainingEstimated().

      Seconds remaining to fully discharge or fully charge the battery.
    • getPowerUsageRate

      double getPowerUsageRate()
      Power Usage Rate of the battery, in milliWatts (mW).
      If positive, the charge rate. If negative, the discharge rate.
    • getVoltage

      double getVoltage()
      Voltage of the battery, in Volts.
      the battery voltage, or -1 if unknown.
    • getAmperage

      double getAmperage()
      Amperage of the battery, in milliAmperes (mA).
      the battery amperage. If positive, charging the battery. If negative, discharging the battery.
    • isPowerOnLine

      boolean isPowerOnLine()
      Reports whether the device is plugged in to an external power source.
      true if plugged in, false otherwise.
    • isCharging

      boolean isCharging()
      Reports whether the battery is charging.
      true if the battery is charging, false otherwise.
    • isDischarging

      boolean isDischarging()
      Reports whether the battery is discharging.
      true if the battery is discharging, false otherwise.
    • getCapacityUnits

      PowerSource.CapacityUnits getCapacityUnits()
      The units of battery capacity.
    • getCurrentCapacity

      int getCurrentCapacity()
      The current (remaining) capacity of the battery.
      The current capacity. Units are defined by getCapacityUnits().
    • getMaxCapacity

      int getMaxCapacity()
      The maximum capacity of the battery. When compared to design capacity, permits a measure of battery state of health. It is possible for max capacity to exceed design capacity.
      The maximum capacity. Units are defined by getCapacityUnits().
    • getDesignCapacity

      int getDesignCapacity()
      The design (original) capacity of the battery. When compared to maximum capacity, permits a measure of battery state of health. It is possible for max capacity to exceed design capacity.
      The design capacity. Units are defined by getCapacityUnits().
    • getCycleCount

      int getCycleCount()
      The cycle count of the battery, if known.
      The cycle count of the battery, or -1 if unknown.
    • getChemistry

      java.lang.String getChemistry()
      The battery chemistry (e.g., Lithium Ion).
      the battery chemistry.
    • getManufactureDate

      java.time.LocalDate getManufactureDate()
      The battery's date of manufacture.

      Some battery manufacturers encode the manufacture date in the serial number. Parsing this value is operating system and battery manufacturer dependent, and is left to the user.

      the manufacture date, if available. May be null.
    • getManufacturer

      java.lang.String getManufacturer()
      The name of the battery's manufacturer.
      the manufacturer name.
    • getSerialNumber

      java.lang.String getSerialNumber()
      The battery's serial number.

      Some battery manufacturers encode the manufacture date in the serial number. Parsing this value is operating system and battery manufacturer dependent, and is left to the user.

      the serial number.
    • getTemperature

      double getTemperature()
      The battery's temperature, in degrees Celsius.
      the battery's temperature, or 0 if uknown.
    • updateAttributes

      boolean updateAttributes()
      Updates statistics on this battery.
      true if the update was successful. If false the battery statistics are unchanged.