Class LinuxOperatingSystem

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LinuxOperatingSystem
extends AbstractOperatingSystem
Linux is a family of open source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Linux is typically packaged in a Linux distribution.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • queryManufacturer

      public java.lang.String queryManufacturer()
      Specified by:
      queryManufacturer in class AbstractOperatingSystem
    • queryFamilyVersionInfo

      public AbstractOperatingSystem.FamilyVersionInfo queryFamilyVersionInfo()
      Specified by:
      queryFamilyVersionInfo in class AbstractOperatingSystem
    • queryBitness

      protected int queryBitness​(int jvmBitness)
      Description copied from class: AbstractOperatingSystem
      Backup OS-specific query to determine bitness if previous checks fail
      Specified by:
      queryBitness in class AbstractOperatingSystem
      jvmBitness - The bitness of the JVM
      The operating system bitness
    • queryElevated

      protected boolean queryElevated()
      Specified by:
      queryElevated in class AbstractOperatingSystem
    • getFileSystem

      public FileSystem getFileSystem()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Instantiates a FileSystem object.
      A FileSystem object.
    • getInternetProtocolStats

      public InternetProtocolStats getInternetProtocolStats()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Instantiates a InternetProtocolStats object.
      a InternetProtocolStats object.
    • getSessions

      public java.util.List<OSSession> getSessions()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Gets currently logged in users.

      On macOS, Linux, and Unix systems, the default implementation uses native code (see man getutxent) that is not thread safe. OSHI's use of this code is synchronized and may be used in a multi-threaded environment without introducing any additional conflicts. Users should note, however, that other operating system code may access the same native code.

      The Who.queryWho() method produces similar output parsing the output of the Posix-standard who command, and may internally employ reentrant code on some platforms. Users may opt to use this command-line variant by default using the oshi.os.unix.whoCommand configuration property.

      Specified by:
      getSessions in interface OperatingSystem
      getSessions in class AbstractOperatingSystem
      An UnmodifiableList of OSSession objects representing logged-in users
    • getProcesses

      public OSProcess[] getProcesses​(int limit, OperatingSystem.ProcessSort sort, boolean slowFields)
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Gets currently running processes. If a positive limit is specified, returns only that number of processes; zero will return all processes. The order may be specified by the sort parameter, for example, to return the top cpu or memory consuming processes; if null, no order is guaranteed.
      limit - Max number of results to return, or 0 to return all results
      sort - If not null, determines sorting of results
      slowFields - If false, skip OSProcess fields that are slow to retrieve (e.g., group information on Windows, open files on Unix and Linux). If true, include all fields, regardless of how long it takes to retrieve the data.
      An array of OSProcess objects for the specified number (or all) of currently running processes, sorted as specified. The array may contain null elements if a process terminates during iteration.
    • getProcess

      public OSProcess getProcess​(int pid, boolean slowFields)
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Gets information on a currently running process
      pid - A process ID
      slowFields - If false, skip OSProcess fields that are slow to retrieve (e.g., group information on Windows, open files on Unix and Linux). If true, include all fields, regardless of how long it takes to retrieve the data.
      An OSProcess object for the specified process id if it is running; null otherwise
    • getChildProcesses

      public OSProcess[] getChildProcesses​(int parentPid, int limit, OperatingSystem.ProcessSort sort)
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Gets currently running child processes of provided PID. If a positive limit is specified, returns only that number of processes; zero will return all processes. The order may be specified by the sort parameter, for example, to return the top cpu or memory consuming processes; if null, no order is guaranteed.
      parentPid - A process ID
      limit - Max number of results to return, or 0 to return all results
      sort - If not null, determines sorting of results
      An array of OSProcess objects presenting the specified number (or all) of currently running child processes of the provided PID, sorted as specified. The array may contain null elements if a process terminates during iteration.
    • getProcessAffinityMask

      public long getProcessAffinityMask​(int processId)
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Retrieves the process affinity mask for the specified process.

      On Windows systems with more than 64 processors, if the threads of the calling process are in a single processor group, returns the process affinity mask for that group (which may be zero if the specified process is running in a different group). If the calling process contains threads in multiple groups, returns zero.

      If the Operating System fails to retrieve an affinity mask (e.g., the process has terminated), returns zero.

      processId - The process ID for which to retrieve the affinity.
      a bit vector in which each bit represents the processors that a process is allowed to run on.
    • getProcessId

      public int getProcessId()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Gets the current process ID
      the Process ID of the current process
    • getProcessCount

      public int getProcessCount()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Get the number of processes currently running
      The number of processes running
    • getThreadCount

      public int getThreadCount()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Get the number of threads currently running
      The number of threads running
    • getSystemUptime

      public long getSystemUptime()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Get the System up time (time since boot).
      Number of seconds since boot.
    • getSystemBootTime

      public long getSystemBootTime()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Get Unix time of boot.
      The approximate time at which the system booted, in seconds since the Unix epoch.
    • getNetworkParams

      public NetworkParams getNetworkParams()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Instantiates a NetworkParams object.
      A NetworkParams object.
    • getReleaseFilename

      protected static java.lang.String getReleaseFilename()
      Looks for a collection of possible distrib-release filenames
      The first valid matching filename
    • getHz

      public static long getHz()
      Gets Jiffies per second, useful for converting ticks to milliseconds and vice versa.
      Jiffies per second.
    • getServices

      public OSService[] getServices()
      Description copied from interface: OperatingSystem
      Gets the all services on the system. The definition of what is a service is platform-dependent.
      Specified by:
      getServices in interface OperatingSystem
      getServices in class AbstractOperatingSystem
      An array of OSService objects