Package oshi.hardware

Interface LogicalVolumeGroup

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Immutable public interface LogicalVolumeGroup
A logical volume group implemented as part of logical volume management, combining the space on one or more storage devices such as disks or partitions (physical volumes) into a storage pool, and subsequently allocating that space to virtual partitions (logical volumes) as block devices accessible to the file system.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets a map containing information about the logical volumes in the logical volume group, represented to the file system as block devices.
    Gets the logical volume group name.
    Gets a set of all physical volumes in this volume group.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the logical volume group name.
      The name of the logical volume group.
    • getPhysicalVolumes

      Set<String> getPhysicalVolumes()
      Gets a set of all physical volumes in this volume group.
      A set with the names of the physical volumes.
    • getLogicalVolumes

      Map<String,​Set<String>> getLogicalVolumes()
      Gets a map containing information about the logical volumes in the logical volume group, represented to the file system as block devices. The keyset for the map represents a collection of the logical volumes, while the values associated with these keys represent the physical volumes mapped to each logical volume (if known).
      A map with the logical volume names as the key, and a set of associated physical volume names as the value.