Package oshi.util

Class FileSystemUtil


@ThreadSafe public final class FileSystemUtil extends Object
Utility class for common filesystem code
  • Method Details

    • isFileStoreExcluded

      public static boolean isFileStoreExcluded(String path, String volume, List<PathMatcher> pathIncludes, List<PathMatcher> pathExcludes, List<PathMatcher> volumeIncludes, List<PathMatcher> volumeExcludes)
      Evaluates if file store (identified by path and volume) should be excluded or not based on configuration pathIncludes, pathExcludes, volumeIncludes, volumeExcludes. Inclusion has priority over exclusion. If no exclusion/inclusion pattern is specified, then filestore is not excluded.
      path - Mountpoint of filestore.
      volume - Filestore volume.
      pathIncludes - List of patterns for path inclusions.
      pathExcludes - List of patterns for path exclusions.
      volumeIncludes - List of patterns for volume inclusions.
      volumeExcludes - List of patterns for volume exclusions.
      true if file store should be excluded or false otherwise.
    • loadAndParseFileSystemConfig

      public static List<PathMatcher> loadAndParseFileSystemConfig(String configPropertyName)
      Load from config and parse file system include/exclude line.
      configPropertyName - The config property containing the line to be parsed.
      List of PathMatchers to be used to match filestore volume and path.
    • parseFileSystemConfig

      public static List<PathMatcher> parseFileSystemConfig(String config)
      Parse file system include/exclude line.
      config - The config line to be parsed.
      List of PathMatchers to be used to match filestore volume and path.
    • matches

      public static boolean matches(Path text, List<PathMatcher> patterns)
      Checks if text matches any of @param patterns}.
      text - The text to be matched.
      patterns - List of patterns.
      true if given text matches at least one glob pattern or false otherwise.
      See Also:
      Wikipedia - glob (programming)