



package core

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. core
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait JsonCodec[A] extends JsonValueCodec[A] with JsonKeyCodec[A]

  2. trait JsonKeyCodec[A] extends AnyRef

  3. class JsonParseException extends RuntimeException

  4. final class JsonReader extends AnyRef

  5. trait JsonValueCodec[A] extends AnyRef

  6. final class JsonWriter extends AnyRef

  7. case class ReaderConfig(throwParseExceptionWithStackTrace: Boolean = false, appendHexDumpToParseException: Boolean = true, preferredBufSize: Int = 16384, preferredCharBufSize: Int = 1024) extends Product with Serializable


    Configuration for com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonReader that contains flags for tuning of parsing exceptions and preferred sizes for internal buffers that created on the reader instantiation and reused in runtime for parsing of messages.

    Configuration for com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonReader that contains flags for tuning of parsing exceptions and preferred sizes for internal buffers that created on the reader instantiation and reused in runtime for parsing of messages.
    All configuration params already initialized by recommended default values, but in some cases they should be altered for performance reasons:

    • turn off stack traces for parsing exceptions to greatly reduce impact on performance for cases when exceptions can be not exceptional (e.g. under DoS attacks over open to the world systems), see more details here:
    • turn off appending of hex dump to minimize length of exception message
    • increase preferred size of an internal char buffer to reduce allocation rate of grown and then reduced buffers when large (>1Kb) string instances need to be parsed
    • increase preferred size of an internal byte buffer for parsing from or java.nio.DirectByteBuffer to reduce allocation rate of grown and then reduced buffers during parsing of large (>16Kb) scala.math.BigDecimal, scala.math.BigInt or ADT instances with the discriminator field doesn't appear in the beginning of the JSON object

    a flag that allows to turn on a stack traces for debugging purposes in development


    a flag that allows to turn off hex dumping of affected by error part of an internal byte buffer


    a preferred size (in bytes) of an internal byte buffer when parsing from


    a preferred size (in chars) of an internal char buffer for parsing of string values

  8. class UnsafeUtils extends AnyRef

  9. case class WriterConfig(indentionStep: Int = 0, escapeUnicode: Boolean = false, preferredBufSize: Int = 16384) extends Product with Serializable


    Configuration for com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonWriter that contains params for formatting of output JSON and for tuning of preferred size for internal byte buffer that is created on the writer instantiation and reused in runtime for serialization of messages using or java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.

    Configuration for com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core.JsonWriter that contains params for formatting of output JSON and for tuning of preferred size for internal byte buffer that is created on the writer instantiation and reused in runtime for serialization of messages using or java.nio.DirectByteBuffer.
    All configuration params already initialized to default values, but in some cases they should be altered:

    • turn on pretty printing by specifying of indention step that is greater than 0
    • turn on escaping of Unicode characters to serialize with only ASCII characters
    • increase preferred size of an internal byte buffer to reduce allocation rate of grown and then reduced buffers when writing to or java.nio.DirectByteBuffer lot of large (>16Kb) scala.math.BigDecimal, scala.math.BigInt or other non escaped ASCII strings written using JsonWriter.writeNonEscapedAsciiKey or JsonWriter.writeNonEscapedAsciiVal

    a size of indention for pretty-printed formatting or 0 for compact output


    a flag to turn on hexadecimal escaping of all non-ASCII chars


    a preferred size (in bytes) of an internal byte buffer when writing to or java.nio.DirectByteBuffer

Value Members

  1. object JsonReader

  2. object JsonWriter

  3. final def readFromArray[A](buf: Array[Byte], config: ReaderConfig = readerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): A


    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from a byte array into a value of given A type with specified parsing options.

    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from a byte array into a value of given A type with specified parsing options.


    type of the value to parse


    the byte array to parse from


    a parsing configuration


    a codec for the given A type


    a successfully parsed value

    Exceptions thrown

    JsonParseException if underlying input contains malformed UTF-8 bytes, invalid JSON content or the input JSON structure does not match structure that expected for result type, also in case if end of input is detected while some input bytes are expected

    NullPointerException if the codec, buf or config is null

  4. final def readFromByteBuffer[A](bbuf: ByteBuffer, config: ReaderConfig = readerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): A


    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from a byte buffer into a value of given A type with specified parsing options or with defaults that maximize description of error.

    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from a byte buffer into a value of given A type with specified parsing options or with defaults that maximize description of error.

    Parsing will start from the current position and will continue until the limit of the provided byte buffer or the value will be parsed before reaching of the limit. In any case the buffer position will be set to the next position after the last read byte.


    type of the value to parse


    the byte buffer which will be parsed


    a parsing configuration


    a codec for the given A type


    a successfully parsed value

    Exceptions thrown

    JsonParseException if underlying input contains malformed UTF-8 bytes, invalid JSON content or the input JSON structure does not match structure that expected for the result type, also in case if end of input is detected while some input bytes are expected

    NullPointerException if the codec, bbuf or config is null

  5. final def readFromStream[A](in: InputStream, config: ReaderConfig = readerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): A


    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from an input stream into a value of given A type.

    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from an input stream into a value of given A type.


    type of the value to parse


    the input stream to parse from


    a parsing configuration


    a codec for the given A type


    a successfully parsed value

    Exceptions thrown

    JsonParseException if underlying input contains malformed UTF-8 bytes, invalid JSON content or the input JSON structure does not match structure that expected for result type, also if a low-level I/O problem (unexpected end-of-input, network error) occurs while some input bytes are expected

    NullPointerException if the codec, in or config is null

  6. final def readFromString[A](s: String, config: ReaderConfig = readerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): A


    Deserialize JSON content from a string into a value of given A type with specified parsing options or with defaults that maximize description of error.

    Deserialize JSON content from a string into a value of given A type with specified parsing options or with defaults that maximize description of error.

    While it much less efficient than parsing from a byte array using pooled readers but it can be safely used internally in custom codecs.


    type of the value to parse


    a value of string which will be parsed


    a parsing configuration


    a codec for the given A type


    a successfully parsed value

    Exceptions thrown

    JsonParseException if underlying input contains malformed UTF-8 bytes, invalid JSON content or the input JSON structure does not match structure that expected for the result type, also in case if end of input is detected while some input bytes are expected

    NullPointerException if the codec, s or config is null

  7. final def readFromSubArray[A](buf: Array[Byte], from: Int, to: Int, config: ReaderConfig = readerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): A


    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from a byte array into a value of given A type with specified parsing options or with defaults that maximize description of error.

    Deserialize JSON content encoded in UTF-8 from a byte array into a value of given A type with specified parsing options or with defaults that maximize description of error.


    type of the value to parse


    the byte array to parse from


    the start position of the provided byte array


    the position of end of input in the provided byte array


    a parsing configuration


    a codec for the given A type


    a successfully parsed value

    Exceptions thrown

    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the to is greater than buf length or negative, or from is greater than to or negative

    JsonParseException if underlying input contains malformed UTF-8 bytes, invalid JSON content or the input JSON structure does not match structure that expected for result type, also in case if end of input is detected while some input bytes are expected

    NullPointerException if the codec, buf or config is null

  8. final def scanJsonArrayFromStream[A](in: InputStream, config: ReaderConfig = readerConfig)(f: (A) ⇒ Boolean)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): Unit


    Deserialize JSON array encoded in UTF-8 from an input stream into its values of given A type.

    Deserialize JSON array encoded in UTF-8 from an input stream into its values of given A type.

    All parsed values will be passed to consuming function f.


    type of the value to parse


    the input stream to parse from


    a parsing configuration


    a consumer of values, that returns true to continue scanning or false to complete it


    a codec for the given A type


    a successfully parsed value

    Exceptions thrown

    JsonParseException if underlying input contains malformed UTF-8 bytes, invalid JSON content or the input JSON structure does not match structure that expected for result type, also if a low-level I/O problem (unexpected end-of-input, network error) occurs while some input bytes are expected

    NullPointerException if the codec, in or config is null

    Throwable if some error was thrown by f() call

  9. final def scanJsonValuesFromStream[A](in: InputStream, config: ReaderConfig = readerConfig)(f: (A) ⇒ Boolean)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): Unit


    Deserialize JSON of streaming values encoded in UTF-8 from an input stream into values of given A type.

    Deserialize JSON of streaming values encoded in UTF-8 from an input stream into values of given A type.

    All parsed values will be passed to consuming function f.


    type of the value to parse


    the input stream to parse from


    a parsing configuration


    a consumer of values, that returns true to continue scanning or false to complete it


    a codec for the given A type


    a successfully parsed value

    Exceptions thrown

    JsonParseException if underlying input contains malformed UTF-8 bytes, invalid JSON content or the input JSON structure does not match structure that expected for result type, also if a low-level I/O problem (unexpected end-of-input, network error) occurs while some input bytes are expected

    NullPointerException if the codec, in or config is null

    Throwable if some error was thrown by f() call

  10. final def writeToArray[A](x: A, config: WriterConfig = writerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): Array[Byte]


    Serialize the x argument to a new allocated instance of byte array in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format, that specified by provided configuration options.

    Serialize the x argument to a new allocated instance of byte array in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format, that specified by provided configuration options.


    type of value to serialize


    the value to serialize


    a serialization configuration


    a codec for the given value


    a byte array with x serialized to JSON

    Exceptions thrown

    NullPointerException if the codec or config is null

  11. final def writeToByteBuffer[A](x: A, bbuf: ByteBuffer, config: WriterConfig = writerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): Unit


    Serialize the x argument to the given instance of byte buffer in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format that specified by provided configuration options or defaults that minimizes output size & time to serialize.

    Serialize the x argument to the given instance of byte buffer in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format that specified by provided configuration options or defaults that minimizes output size & time to serialize.

    Serialization will start from the current position up to the provided byte buffer limit. On return the byte buffer will has position set to the next position after the last written byte.


    type of value to serialize


    the value to serialize


    a byte buffer where the value should be serialized


    a serialization configuration


    a codec for the given value

    Exceptions thrown

    BufferOverflowException if the bbuf limit was exceeded during serialization

    NullPointerException if the codec, bbuf or config is null

    ReadOnlyBufferException if the bbuf is read-only

  12. final def writeToStream[A](x: A, out: OutputStream, config: WriterConfig = writerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): Unit


    Serialize the x argument to the provided output stream in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format that specified by provided configuration options.

    Serialize the x argument to the provided output stream in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format that specified by provided configuration options.


    type of value to serialize


    the value to serialize


    an output stream to serialize into


    a serialization configuration


    a codec for the given value

    Exceptions thrown

    NullPointerException if the codec, out or config is null

  13. final def writeToString[A](x: A, config: WriterConfig = writerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): String


    Serialize the x argument to a string in JSON format, that specified by provided configuration options.

    Serialize the x argument to a string in JSON format, that specified by provided configuration options.

    While it much less efficient than serialization to a byte array using pooled writers but it can be safely used internally in custom codecs.


    type of value to serialize


    the value to serialize


    a serialization configuration


    a codec for the given value


    a string with x serialized to JSON

    Exceptions thrown

    NullPointerException if the codec or config is null

  14. final def writeToSubArray[A](x: A, buf: Array[Byte], from: Int, to: Int, config: WriterConfig = writerConfig)(implicit codec: JsonValueCodec[A]): Int


    Serialize the x argument to the given instance of byte array in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format that specified by provided configuration options or defaults that minimizes output size & time to serialize.

    Serialize the x argument to the given instance of byte array in UTF-8 encoding of JSON format that specified by provided configuration options or defaults that minimizes output size & time to serialize.


    type of value to serialize


    the value to serialize


    a byte array where the value should be serialized


    a position in the byte array from which serialization of the value should start


    an exclusive position in the byte array that limits where serialization of the value should stop


    a serialization configuration


    a codec for the given value


    number of next position after last byte serialized to buf

    Exceptions thrown

    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the from is greater than to or negative, if 'to' is greater than buf length or to limit was exceeded during serialization

    NullPointerException if the codec, buf or config is null

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
