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acceptSeleniumAlert() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Accepts any existing alert message in the current selenium context
activateLogLevel(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
Changes the logging level of the log4j logger used in the specs package to the given value
addCapabilitiesFromFile(String, MutableCapabilities) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
afterGClass() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
Method executed before a class.
afterGMethod(Method) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
Method executed before method.
afterGSuite(ITestContext) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
Method executed after a suite.
aMongoDataBaseContainsaTable(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Checks if a MongoDB database contains a table.
annotationType() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
AppiumSetup(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
If the feature has the @mobile annotation, creates a new Appium driver before each scenario.
apply(WebDriver) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElementCountByMethod
aroundAddLoopTagPointcutScenario(ProceedingJoinPoint, Resource) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
Around add loop tag pointcut scenario string.
aroundReplacementArguments(JoinPoint, TestCaseState) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ReplacementAspect
When a step is about to be executed, the Match#getArguments method is called.
aroundReplacementArguments(ProceedingJoinPoint, TestCaseState) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ifStatementAspect
aroundSetResult(JoinPoint, Instant, TestCase, TestStep, Result) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ifStatementAspect
ArrayListConverter - Class in com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter
ArrayListConverter() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter.ArrayListConverter
assertCommandExistsOnTimeOut(Integer, Integer, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Validates command output with timeout
assertExceptionNotThrown(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Checks if an exception has been thrown.
Assertions - Class in com.privalia.qa.assertions
Assertions() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.assertions.Assertions
assertKeyspaceOnCassandraExists(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Checks if a keyspaces exists in Cassandra.
assertNumberOfRecordsWithColumn(int, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Calculates the amount of records in the last operation where the column matches the expected value
assertRecordMatchesProperties(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Verifies if the selected record matches the given cases by the datatable
assertRecordValue(int, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Verifies that for the record located at the given position, the column contains the expected value
assertResponseLength(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Verifies the length of the response body.
assertResponseMessage(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Verifies if the response body contains an specific string
assertResponseSchema(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Verifies the response body matches a json schema.
assertResponseStatusCode(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Verifies the status response (HTTP response code) of a rest request.
assertResponseStatusLength(Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
assertResponseTime(long) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Verify that service response time
assertRowNumberOfTableOnCassandraKeyspace(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Checks the number of rows in a cassandra table.
assertSeleniumHasAttributeValueByLocator(String, String, Integer, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Verifies that a webelement referenced by locator has attribute with value (as a regexp)
assertSeleniumIsDisplayedByLocator(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Verifies if a webelement referenced by locator is displayed or not
assertSeleniumIsEnabledByLocator(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Verifies if a webelement referenced by locator is enabled or not
assertSeleniumIsSelectedByLocator(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Verifies if a webelement referenced by locator is selected or not
assertSeleniumNElementExists(String, Integer, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Checks that the expected count of webelements are present in the page.
assertSeleniumTextInSource(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Checks if a text exists in the source of an already loaded URL.
assertSeleniumTextNotPresentInSource(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Checks if a text does not exist in the source of an already loaded URL.
assertSeleniumTextOnElementByLocatorPresent(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Verifies that a webelement previously found has the given text
assertTableExistsOnCassandraKeyspace(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Checks if a cassandra keyspace contains a table.
assertThat(DataTable, ArrayList<DBObject>) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.assertions.Assertions
Check if two WebElements are equals.
assertThat(ArrayList<DBObject>) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.assertions.DBObjectsAssert
assertTopicContainsAvroMessageWithProperties(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Search the topic for the given Avro record.
assertTopicContainsMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Check if message exists
assertTopicContainsMessageWithProperties(String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Reads message from topic with properties
assertTopicContainsPartialAvroMessageWithProperties(String, String, int, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Performs a partial property matching on the avro records returned
assertTopicDoesntExist(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Check that a kafka topic does not exist
assertTopicExists(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Check that a kafka topic exist
assertValuesOfTable(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Checks if a cassandra table contains the values of a DataTable.
assertValuesOfTableMongo(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Checks the values of a MongoDB table.
avroRecords - Variable in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils


BaseGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Base class for all classes that contain steps definitions
BaseGSpec() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.BaseGSpec
BaseGTest - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
This is a custom implementation of AbstractTestNGCucumberTests for adding special configuration of GingerSpec to the CucumberOptions annotation of the class Test classes must extend this class in order to be executed with TestNG and use the Gingerspec steps and other functionality
BaseGTest() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
beforeGClass(ITestContext) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
Method executed before a test class.
beforeGMethod(Method) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
Method executed after a test method.
beforeGSuite(ITestContext) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
BigDataGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definition for big data functionality
BigDataGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Generic constructor.
buildCluster() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Build a Cassandra cluster.


captureEvidence(WebDriver, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Capture a snapshot or an evidence in the driver
captureEvidence(WebDriver, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Capture a snapshot or an evidence in the driver
CassandraQueryUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
CassandraQueryUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
CassandraUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
Singelton class of cassandra utils.
CassandraUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Generic utilities for operations over Cassandra.
CassandraUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Generic contructor of CassandraUtils.
checkAck(InputStream) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
checkCookies(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Checks if the cookies in the response matches the specified values
checkHeaders(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Checks if the headers in the response matches the specified values
checkNumberOfPartitions(String, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Check that the number of partitions is the expected for the given topic.
checkParams(String[]) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RunOnEnvTag
checkParams(String, String[]) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
checkShellExitStatus(int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Success exit status is directly checked in the "execute remote command" method, so this is not needed anymore.
checkURL(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Checks that we are in the URL passed
checkURLContains(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Checks if the current URL contains the specified text.
checkValue(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Check value stored in environment variable "is|matches|is higher than|is lower than|contains|is different from" to value provided
checkZnodeExists(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Read zPath
checkZnodeNotExist(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
closeApplication() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.MobileGSpec
Closes an application
closeConnection() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
Close connection
closeWindow() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Closes the current window
com.privalia.qa.aspects - package com.privalia.qa.aspects
com.privalia.qa.assertions - package com.privalia.qa.assertions
com.privalia.qa.conditions - package com.privalia.qa.conditions
com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter - package com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter
com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter - package com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter
com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng - package com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng
com.privalia.qa.exceptions - package com.privalia.qa.exceptions
com.privalia.qa.lookups - package com.privalia.qa.lookups
com.privalia.qa.specs - package com.privalia.qa.specs
com.privalia.qa.utils - package com.privalia.qa.utils
CommonG - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Class with common functions used by all the step definition classes
CommonG() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
commonspec - Variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BaseGSpec
compareTable(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Verifies the results of a SELECT query against a DataTable
Conditions - Enum in com.privalia.qa.conditions
Exception list class(Singleton).
configureConsumerProperties(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Modify consumer properties
configureProducerProperties(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Modify producer properties
connect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Connect to Cassandra host.
connect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Connect to ES.
connect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Connect to Kafka.
connect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Connect to MongoDB Host.
connect(String, int, String, String, Boolean, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Attempts to establish a connection with the given parameters.
connect(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Connect to cluster.
connectDatabase(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Attempts to establish a connection with the given database.
connectionStatus() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Verify the state of the connection
connectToElasticSearch(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Connect to ElasticSearch using custom parameters
connectToGrid(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
Connects to the grid to the given ip:port (i.e localhost:4444)
connectToKafka(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Connect to Kafka.
connectToMongoDBDataBase(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Connect to DataBase of MongoDB(If it not exists, it will be created).
connectToStandAloneNode(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
Verifies the Standalone node is in the address specified and get the list of sessions
connectToZk(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Connect to zookeeper.
connectZk() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
containedInMongoDBResult(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.assertions.DBObjectsAssert
copyFrom(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
Copy remotePath to localPath using the session created
copyFromRemoteFile(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Copies file/s from remote system into local system
copyTo(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
Copy localPath to remotePath using the session created
copyToRemoteFile(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Copies file/s from local system to remote system
createBasicMapping(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Create a basic Index.
createCassandraKeyspace(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Create a Cassandra Keyspace.
createCustomMapping(String, String, String, String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Create a Cassandra index.
createElasticsearchIndex(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Create an elasticsearch index.
createFile(String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Create a file from seed.
createGenericRecord(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
given a json representation of the data, creates a generic record with the given schema
createGenericRecord(String, Map<String, String>, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Creates a GenericRecord to be sent through kafka using avro serializers.
createKeyspace(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Create a keyspace in Cassandra.
createKeyspaceQuery(Boolean, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
createKeyspaceReplication(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
createMapping(String, String, ArrayList<XContentBuilder>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Create a mapping over an index
createMongoDBCollection(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Create a MongoDB collection without options.
createMongoDBCollection(String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Create a MongoDB collection.
createMongoDBDataBase(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Create a MongoDB dataBase.
createNewAvroMessage(String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Creates an Avro record from the specified schema.
createNewAvroMessageFromRegistry(String, String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Creates a new Avro record by reading the schema directly from the schema registry for the specified subject and version
createSingleIndex(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Create an ES Index.
createTable(String, Map<String, String>, ArrayList<String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
createTableWithData(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Create table
createTableWithData(String, Map<String, String>, ArrayList<String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Create a table in Cassandra.
createTopic(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Create a Kafka topic.
createTopic(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Create a Kafka topic.
createZNode(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Create zPath and domcument
CucumberOptionsImpl - Class in com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng
This is a custom implementation of CucumberOptions annotation.
CucumberOptionsImpl(Class) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl


DBException - Exception in com.privalia.qa.exceptions
DBException() - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.DBException
DBException(String) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.DBException
DBException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.DBException
DBException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.DBException
DBObjectsAssert - Class in com.privalia.qa.assertions
DBObjectsAssert(ArrayList<DBObject>) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.assertions.DBObjectsAssert
deactivateLogLevel() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
Returns logging level back to default value (WARN)
DEFAULT_RADIX - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter.NullableStringConverter
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
DefaultLookUp - Class in com.privalia.qa.lookups
Default String Lookup used during variable replacement.
DefaultLookUp() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.lookups.DefaultLookUp
delete(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
deleteDocument(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Deletes a document by its id.
deleteTopic(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Delete a Kafka topic.
deleteTopic(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Delete a Kafka topic.
delimP - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
regex to detect delimiter.
disconnect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Disconnect from Cassandra host.
disconnect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Disconnect of MongoDB host.
disconnect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Closes the connection to the database
disconnect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
disconnectDatabase() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Close the Database connection
disconnectFromKafka() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Close the connection to kafka.
disconnectFromZk() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Disconnect from zookeeper.
dismissSeleniumAlert() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Dismiss any existing alert message in the current selenium context
doReplaceKeys(String, String[]) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
driver - Variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
dropAllDataMongoDBCollection(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Drop all the data associated to a MongoDB Collection.
dropAllIndexes() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
dropCassandraKeyspace(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Drop a Cassandra Keyspace.
dropElasticsearchIndex(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Drop an specific index of ElasticSearch.
dropElasticsearchIndexes() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Drop all the ElasticSearch indexes.
dropKeyspace(boolean, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Drop a keyspace in Cassandra.
dropKeyspace(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Drop a keyspace in Cassandra.
dropKeyspaceQuery(Boolean, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
dropMongoDBCollection(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Drop a MongoDBCollection.
dropMongoDBDataBase(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Drop MongoDB Database.
dropMongoDBDataBase(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Drop a MongoDB DataBase.
dropSingleIndex(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Drop an ES Index
dropTable(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Drop a table of a keyspace.
dropTableQuery(Boolean, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
dropTableWithData(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Drop table
dryRun() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl


elasticSearchIndexContainsDocument(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Check that an elasticsearch index contains a specific document
elasticSearchIndexDoesNotExist(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Check that the ElasticSearch index does not exist.
elasticSearchIndexExist(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Check that the ElasticSearch index exists.
elasticSearchQueryWithFilter(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Execute query with filter over elasticsearch
ElasticSearchUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
ElasticSearchUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
ElasticSearchUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Default constructor.
ElementCountByMethod - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Custom ExpectedCondition to evaluate if the amount of web elements in a page match the expected count.
ElementCountByMethod(String, String, Integer) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElementCountByMethod
elementDeSelect(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Choose no option from a select webelement found previously
elementSelect(String, String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Choose an option from a select webelement found previously
elementsWhereEqual(List<Map<String, String>>, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Returns the amount of records in which the specified column has the given value
elementWhereNotEqual(List<Map<String, String>>, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Returns tue amount of records where the value of the specified column is different to the given value
entityShouldRun(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JiraConnector
Determines if the entity status matches any of the expected statuses
EnvPropertyLookup - Class in com.privalia.qa.lookups
Custom lookup for getting values from properties files
EnvPropertyLookup() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.lookups.EnvPropertyLookup
ES_DEFAULT_CLUSTER_NAME - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
ES_DEFAULT_NATIVE_PORT - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
evaluateJSONElementOperation(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Evaluate an expression.
evaluateNumberOfRowsReturnedByQuery(String, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Check amount of rows returned by last query
evaluateWebserviceResponse(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SoapServiceGSpec
Verifies response of webservice.
evaluateXml(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Given an String representing an XML object, returns the value of the given variable
exampleLines(String, String[], List<String>, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
ExceptionList - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
Exception list class(Singleton).
executeCommand(String, String, Integer, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Executes the command specified in remote system
executeJavascript(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Executes a JavaScript function in the current driver.
executeJavascriptOnElement(String, String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Executes a JavaScript function in the given element referenced by locator
executeLocalCommand(String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Executes the command specified in the local system
executeMethod(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Executes the given method in the remote webservice
executeMethodWithParams(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Alter the given XML request with the given values in the Map before executing the given method
executeQueriesList(List<String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Execute a list of queries over Cassandra.
executeQuery(Reader) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results If the SQL statement returned a ResultSet, it is converted to a List of List and stored in an accessible variable in case it needs to be used
executeQuery(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement
executeQuery(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Execute a query over Cassandra.
executeQueryFromFile(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Executes an SQL from a file.
executeSelectQuery(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Executes an SQL statement which returns a ResultSet, such as a SELECT statement
executeSelectQuery(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object.
executeUpdateQuery(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement.
executeWebserviceMethod(String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SoapServiceGSpec
Executes remote webservice method with parameters
exists(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
existsKeyspace(String, boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Checks if a keyspace exists in Cassandra.
existsMapping(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Check if a mapping exists in an expecific index.
existsTable(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Checks if a keyspace contains an especific table.
exitsCollections(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Checks if a collection exists in a MongoDB dataBase.
exitsMongoDbDataBase(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Checks if a database exists in MongoDB.
extract(WebElement) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.assertions.SeleniumExtractor
extraGlue() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl


FakerLookUp - Class in com.privalia.qa.lookups
Evaluates the given expression using the java faker library
FakerLookUp() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.lookups.FakerLookUp
featureBuilderRead(Resource) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
Pointcut is executed for FeatureParser.read(Resource)
featureDoc - Class in com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter
A java class that contains a representation of the feature file.
featureDoc(String) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
features() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
featureStepConverter(String, String, String[]) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
FileParserGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for handling and parsing text files.
FileParserGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
FileParserUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
Singleton class to retrieve FileParserUtils instance
FileParserUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Base class for parsing text files based on XML definitions This class makes use of Utah Parser: A Java library for parsing semi-structured text files https://github.com/sonalake/utah-parser/tree/master/src/test/java/com/sonalake/utah
FileParserUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Generic constructor
filterNodes(List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
Apply the given filter to the list of nodes and only returns the nodes that matches the given filter.
filterRecordThatMatches(List<Map<String, String>>, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Returns a list of records that matches the expected condition.
findShellOutput(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Check the existence of a text at a command output


generateRandomNumberInRange(Integer, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Creates a random integer within range
generateRandomStrings(String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Generate numeric or alphanumeric strings
generateRestRequest(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Generates a request to a REST endpoint
get(String) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ThreadProperty
Get a property shared.
get(String, String) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ThreadProperty
Get a property shared.
getAllAvailableNodesFromGrid() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
This method may not work with newer version of selenium grid since the UI has changed completely!
getAllNodesFromGrid() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
Returns the list of all the nodes (regardless if they are busy or not).
getAllSessions() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
Gets the fetch list of sessions and returns them as list of capabilities
getAvailableSoapActions() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Returns a Map with all the posible SOAP operations for the the first service found in the WSDL file
getAvroRecords() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
getBrowserName() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the browser name.
getCassandraClient() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the cassandra utils.
getCassandraResults() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getCassandraUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtil
getChannels(List<String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SlackConnector
Parses the provided set of tags and returns all the channels referenced by the slack tag.
getClient() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Get ES client(Connected previously).
getCommandExitStatus() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getCommandResult() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getCommonSpec() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BaseGSpec
Constructor BaseGSpec.
getCondition() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.conditions.TextFieldCondition
getCookies() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getCSVResults() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getDataBaseType() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
getDriver() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the remoteWebDriver.
getElasticSearchClient() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the elasticSearch utils.
getElasticsearchResults() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getElasticSearchUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtil
getExceptions() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the exception list.
getExceptions() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ExceptionList
getExitStatus() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
getFeatureDescription() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
getFeatureName() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
getFeatureName(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
getFeatureRules() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
getFileParserUtil() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the File Parser class
getFileParserUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtil
getFinalResultSet() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
getFirstRecordThatMatches(List<Map<String, String>>, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Returns the first record that matches the given condition
getFirstRecordWithColumn(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Returns the first records in the set in which the column has the given value
getFirstTicketReference(List<String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JiraConnector
Returns the first reference to the jira ticket from the tag reference
getInterpolator() - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ReplacementAspect
getJSONPathString(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Parse jsonpath expression from a given string.
getKafkaUtils() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the Kafka utils.
getKafkaUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtil
getKeyspaces() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Get a list of the existing keyspaces in Cassandra.
getLastFileParseRecord() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the last selected record
getLastFileParseResult() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the records resulted from the last operation when decoding/parsing files
getLastSoapResponse() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the las response from a remote method execution in the webservice as an XML String
getLogger() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the common logger.
getMetadata() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Get the metadata of the Cassandra Cluster.
getMongoDBClient() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the MongoDB utils.
getMongoDBCollection(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Get a MongoDB collection.
getMongoDBCollections() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Get a list of collections of a database.
getMongoDBUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtil
getMongoResults() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getNodeSessions() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
getPageSource() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
getParams(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
getParams(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RunOnEnvTag
getParentWindow() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the parentWindow
getPartitions(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Returns the number of partitions for the given topic
getPattern(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
getPortName() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Returns the Port name for the first service found in the WSDL file
getPreviousSqlResult() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the SQL result from the last step
getPreviousSqlResult() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
getPreviousWebElements() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the previous webElement
getPreviousWebElements() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.PreviousWebElements
getProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JiraConnector
Reads the given key from the properties file.
getPropsConsumer() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
getRecord(int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Returns the record at the specified position in the set
getRecordAtPosition(List<Map<String, String>>, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Returns a single record at the specified position
getRemoteSSHConnection() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the common remote connection.
getRestHost() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the common REST host.
getRestPort() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the common REST port.
getRestProtocol() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getRestRequest() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the Rest Request object (restassured)
getRestResponse() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the previos Rest response (restassured)
getResult() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
getResultsType() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getRuleSet() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
getScenName(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
getSchemaFromRegistry(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Fetch version of the schema registered under the specified subject in the registry
getSchemaRegistryUrl() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
getSeleniumAlert() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getSeleniumCookies() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
getServiceName() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Returns name of the first service found in the WSDL description
getSession() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Get the cassandra session.
getSession() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
getSettings() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
getSoapServiceClient() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the SOAP Services utils.
getSoapServiceUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtil
getSqlClient() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the SQL utils.
getSqlUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtil
getTables(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Get tables of a keyspace.
getTargetNameSpace() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Returns Target Namespace
getTextFieldCondition() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.conditions.Conditions
getTextFieldCondition() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the textFieldCondition list.
getValueofColumnAtPosition(List<Map<String, String>>, String, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Get the value of the given column at the given index (starting at 0)
getVariable(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the value of the given placeholder as used in the gherkin step
getWebHost() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the common WEB host.
getWebPort() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the common WEB port.
getWsdlAddress() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Gets the address of the remote wsdl
getZkUtils() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
getZookeeperSecClient() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Get the Zookeeper Sec utils.
getZookeeperSecUtils() - Method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtil
gingerHtmlFormatter - Class in com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter
Simple formatter to create a html web page representation of the feature file with a table of contents menu at the top for easy navigation
gingerHtmlFormatter(String) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.gingerHtmlFormatter
globalSetup(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
Clean the exception list before each scenario.
glue() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
Automatically adds com.privalia.qa.specs to the glue if not present to have access to all GingerSpec steps definitions
goBackBrowserHistory(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
goForwardBrowserHistory(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec


HookGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
This class contains functions that are executed before and after each test.
HookGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
Default constructor.


iAcceptTheAlert() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Accepts an alert message previously found.
iAddTheFileToTheRequest(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Adds the specified file to the request as a form-params parameter (the request contentType must be changed to 'multipart/form-data')
iDismissTheAlert() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Dismiss an alert message previously found.
idleWait(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Wait seconds.
ifStamenetBeginBlock(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Creates a conditional block of execution
ifStamenetEndBlock() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
If statement end block
ifStatementAspect - Class in com.privalia.qa.aspects
Aspect to control the conditional execution of steps based on a given expression.
ifStatementAspect() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ifStatementAspect
ignoreTag(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
Skips an scenario/feature if it contains the @ignore tag
iGoToUrl(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly navigate to the specified url
IMPLICITLY_WAIT - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
IncludeException - Exception in com.privalia.qa.exceptions
IncludeException() - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.IncludeException
IncludeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.IncludeException
IncludeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.IncludeException
IncludeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.IncludeException
indexDocument(String, String, String, XContentBuilder) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Indexes a document.
indexElasticsearchDocument(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Index a document within a mapping type.
indexExists(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Check if an index exists in ES
insertData(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Insert Data
insertData(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
insertData(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Insert data in a keyspace.
insertDocIntoMongoDBCollection(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Insert document in a MongoDB Collection.
insertIntoMongoDBCollection(String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Insert data in a MongoDB Collection.
insertOnMongoTable(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Insert data in a MongoDB table.
insertOnMongoTable(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Insert document in a MongoDB table.
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.conditions.Conditions
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtil
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtil
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.ExceptionList
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtil
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtil
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtil
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtil
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtil
INSTANCE - com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtil
isConnected() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
iSetTheFileInSchemasEmptyJsonToTheElementOnIndex(String, String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Assigns the given file (relative to schemas/) to the referenced web element.
iSetUrlQueryParameters(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Specify a custom map of url query parameters to be added to future request
isHasResults() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner


JaCoCoClient - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Jacoco client for Server coverages.
JaCoCoClient() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.JaCoCoClient
JIRA_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JiraConnector
JiraConnector - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
An small utility for interacting with entities in Jira
JiraConnector() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.JiraConnector
JsonUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Generic utilities for operations with Json and text formats.
JsonUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.JsonUtils


KafkaGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for working with Apache Kafka
KafkaGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Instantiates a new Kafka g spec.
KafkaUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
KafkaUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Generic utilities for operations over Kafka.
KafkaUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Generic contructor of KafkaUtils.


launchApplication() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.MobileGSpec
Launches an application,
linkText() - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.assertions.SeleniumExtractor
Get selenium extractor.
listTopics() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
List all Kafka topics.
loadScript(String) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Load the lines of a CQL script containing one statement per line into a list.
loadTestData(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Load a keyspace in Cassandra using the CQL sentences in the script path.
locateElement(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Looks for webelements inside a selenium context.
locateElementWithPooling(int, int, String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
lookup(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.lookups.DefaultLookUp
Search the given property within the Thread properties first, it not found, it will try to locate the property in the System properties.
lookup(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.lookups.EnvPropertyLookup
The file that contains all common configuration for the project (environment independent configuration) must be located in /resources/configuration/common.properties
lookup(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.lookups.FakerLookUp
lookup(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.lookups.LowerCaseLookup
lookup(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.lookups.MathLookup
lookup(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.lookups.UpperCaseLookUp
LoopIncludeTagAspect - Class in com.privalia.qa.aspects
Aspect for managing the @include, @background and @loop tags.
LoopIncludeTagAspect() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
LowerCaseLookup - Class in com.privalia.qa.lookups
Transforms the given string to lower case
LowerCaseLookup() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.lookups.LowerCaseLookup


matchesOrContains(String) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Checks if a given string matches a regular expression or contains a string
matchesSafely(ArrayList<DBObject>, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.assertions.DBObjectsAssert
matchWithExpresion(String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Verifies the structure of a json document against a set of test cases defined in a datatable
MathLookup - Class in com.privalia.qa.lookups
Evaluates the given Mathematical expression using the exp4j library
MathLookup() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.lookups.MathLookup
MobileGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Step definition for Appium (mobile testing).
MobileGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.MobileGSpec
Generic constructor.
modifyConsumerProperties(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Modify a single property of the producer
modifyData(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the information modified
modifyDataJson(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JsonUtils
Returns the information modified
modifyDataString(String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JsonUtils
Returns the information modified
modifyProducerProperties(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Modify a single property of the producer
modifyTopicPartitioning(String, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Modify number of partition of a Kafka topic.
modifyTopicPartitions(int, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Increase partitions in kafka topic
MongoDBUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
Singelton class of MongoDBUtils.
MongoDBUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Generic operations over MongoDB Driver.
MongoDBUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Generic constructor.
monochrome() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl


name() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
NonReplaceableException - Exception in com.privalia.qa.exceptions
NonReplaceableException() - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.NonReplaceableException
NonReplaceableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.NonReplaceableException
NonReplaceableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.NonReplaceableException
NonReplaceableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.privalia.qa.exceptions.NonReplaceableException
notFindShellOutput(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Check the non existence of a text at a command output
NullableStringConverter - Class in com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter
NullableStringConverter() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter.NullableStringConverter


objectFactory() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
onFinish(ITestContext) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JaCoCoClient
openSSHConnection(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Opens a ssh connection to remote host


PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
parseFeatureDescription(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
parseFeatureRules(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.featureDoc
parseFile(Config, Reader) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Parses the file passed as a Reader object using the definition in the XMLDefinitionFile as a Config object
parseLines(List<String>, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.LoopIncludeTagAspect
parseTemplateFile(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Parse the given file according to the rules described in the XML configuration file The operation returns a list of 'records' (List(Map(String, String))) that is stored internally for further operations
parseWsdl(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Parses the remote WSDL file and store its variables internally for easier access
plugin() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
Automatically adds reference of to the plugins and includes path to store TestNG reports
postCommentToEntity(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JiraConnector
Adds a new comment to the entity
PreviousWebElements - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
PreviousWebElements(List<WebElement>) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.PreviousWebElements
publish() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl


readFileToVariable(String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Saves file in variable with modifications.
readFileToVariableNoDataTable(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Saves file in variable.
readFromCSV(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Read csv file and store result in list of maps
readFromMongoDBCollection(String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtils
Read data from a MongoDB collection.
readTopicFromBeginning(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Fetch messages from the given partition using poll().
readTopicFromBeginning(String, K, V) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
reconnect() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Reconnect to Cassandra host.
registerNewSchema(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Adds a new schema to the schema register.
registerNewSchema(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Publish a new version of the schema under the given subject
RemoteSSHConnection - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
RemoteSSHConnection(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
Default constructor.
removeJSONPathElement(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Remove a subelement in a JsonPath
removeNulls(JsonObject) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JsonUtils
Eliminates null occurrences, replacing them with "TO_BE_NULL"
removeZNode(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Delete zPath, it should be empty
replaceJSONPathElement(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
The function searches over the array by certain field value, and replaces occurences with the parameter provided.
replacementArguments(TestCaseState) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ifStatementAspect
This pointcut is triggered right before the step is executed
replacementArguments(TestCaseState) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ReplacementAspect
ReplacementAspect - Class in com.privalia.qa.aspects
Aspect to replace variables used in the feature files
ReplacementAspect() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ReplacementAspect
replacePlaceholders(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ReplacementAspect
Replaces every placeholder element, enclosed in ${} with the corresponding value
RestSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for testing REST services
RestSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
resultsMustBe(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Checks the different results of a previous query
resultsMustBeCassandra(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Checks the different results of a previous query to Cassandra database
resultsMustBeCSV(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Checks the different results of a previous query to CSV file
resultsMustBeElasticsearch(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Checks the different results of a previous query to Elasticsearch database
resultsMustBeMongo(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Checks the different results of a previous query to Mongo database
retrieveData(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the information contained in file passed as parameter.
retrieveData(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Returns the information contained in file passed as parameter
rotateDevice(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.MobileGSpec
Changes the device orientation
runCommand(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
Execute the command in the session created
runCommandAndGetResult(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
runCommandLoggerAndEnvVar(int, String, Boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
runLocalCommand(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Runs a command locally
runOnEnvTag(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
Allows conditional scenario execution using @skipOnEnv and @runOnEnv tags
RunOnEnvTag - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Allows conditional scenario execution using @skipOnEnv and @runOnEnv tags
RunOnEnvTag() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.RunOnEnvTag
runScript(Reader) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
Runs an SQL script (read in using the Reader parameter)


saveAmountOfRowsReturnedInVariable(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Save amount of rows returned from last query
saveContentWebElementByLocatorInEnvVar(String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Takes the content of a webElement and stores it in the thread environment variable passed as parameter
saveCookieValue(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Saves the cookie value for future use
saveElasticCluster(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Save clustername of elasticsearch in an environment varible for future use.
saveElementEnvironment(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Saves value of a json document for future use.
saveHeaderValue(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Saves the header value for future use
saveInEnvironment(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Save value for future use.
saveSeleniumCookies() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Save cookie in context for future references
saveSqlResultInVariable(int, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Save a specific element (by row and column) in an environmental variable
saveTheValueOfElementPropertyByLocator(String, String, String, Integer, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Saves the given property of the specified webelement (referenced by its locator) in the specified variable.
SCRIPT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
ScriptRunner - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Tool to run database scripts
ScriptRunner(Connection, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
Default constructor
scrollUntilElementVisibleByLocator(String, String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly scrolls the page up or down until the element is visible
searchSimpleFilterElasticsearchQuery(String, String, String, Object, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Simulate a SELET * FROM index.mapping WHERE (One simple filter)
selectRecordsWithProperties(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
From the previous operation, filter all the records from the set that match the conditions given in the datatable.
seleniumBrowse(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
This method is deprecated, use SeleniumGSpec.iGoToUrl(String) instead
seleniumChangeWindow() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Change current focus to another opened window.
seleniumClear(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
seleniumClearByLocator(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Clear the text on the element referenced by locator.
seleniumClick(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
seleniumClickByLocator(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly clicks the given element referenced by locator
seleniumDoubleClick(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
seleniumDoubleClickByLocator(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly double clicks the given element referenced by locator
seleniumDrag(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Search for two webelements dragging the first one to the second
SeleniumExtractor - Class in com.privalia.qa.assertions
seleniumGetwindows() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Assert that a new window is open
SeleniumGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for selenium (web application automation).
SeleniumGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Generic constructor.
seleniumHoverByLocator(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly hovers on the given element referenced by locator
seleniumIdFrame(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Switch to the frame/iframe with the given locator.
seleniumKeys(String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
seleniumKeysByLocator(String, String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Send a strokes to an element referenced by locator.
seleniumMaximize() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Maximizes current browser window.
SeleniumPause() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Temporally stop the execution of the feature
SeleniumRemoteHelper - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
This class contains several functions to extract information from a remote Selenium grid/standalone node
SeleniumRemoteHelper() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
seleniumRightClick(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
seleniumRightClickByLocator(String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly right clicks the given element referenced by locator
seleniumSetup(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
If the feature has the @web annotation, creates a new selenium web driver before each scenario.
seleniumSnapshot() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Takes a snapshot/screenshot/screen capture of the current page.
seleniumSwitchAParentFrame() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Switches to a parent frame/iframe.
seleniumSwitchFrame(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
seleniumTeardown(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
If the feature has the @web or @mobile annotation, closes selenium web driver after each scenario is completed.
seleniumType(String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
seleniumTypeByLocator(String, String, String, Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly types the given text in the element referenced by locator.
seleniumTypeLongTextByLocator(String, String, Integer, DocString) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Directly types the given large text in the element referenced by locator.
sendAndConfirmMessage(String, String, String, long) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Send (and confirm) a message.
sendAvroMessageToTopicWithProperties(String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Send the previously created Avro record.
sendMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
sendMessageToChannels(List<String>, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SlackConnector
Sends the given message to the specified list of channels.
sendMessageToSlackChannel(String, DocString) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Send a message to the given slack channel.
sendMessageToTopic(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Sends a message to a Kafka topic.
sendMessageToTopicWithProperties(String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Sends a message to a Kafka topic with properties.
sendQueryOfType(String, String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Execute a query on (mongo) database
sendQueryOfType(String, String, String, String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Execute a query with schema over a cluster
sendRequestDataTable(String, String, String, String, String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Generates a REST request of the type specified to the indicated endpoint
sendRequestInlineBody(String, String, DocString) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Generates a REST request of the type specified to the indicated endpoint
sendRequestNoDataTable(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Generates a REST request of the type specified to the indicated endpoint
sendRequestTimeout(Integer, Integer, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
set(String, String) - Static method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ThreadProperty
Set a string to share in other class.
setBrowserName(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the browser name.
setCassandraResults(ResultSet) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setCommandExitStatus(int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setCommandResult(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setCookies(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Specify a custom map of cookies to be added to future requests
setCookies(List<Cookie>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setCSVResults(List<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setDelimiter(String, boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
setDriver(WebDriver) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the remoteDriver.
setElasticsearchResults(List<JSONObject>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setErrorLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
Setter for errorLogWriter property
setEventPublisher(EventPublisher) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.gingerHtmlFormatter
setEventPublisher(EventPublisher) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.TestNGPrettyFormatter
setExitStatus(int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
setFinalResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
setHasResults(boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
setHeaders(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Specify a custom map of headers to be added to future requests
setHost(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
setLastFileParseRecord(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Sets the record for the last operation
setLastFileParseResult(List<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Stores the result of an operation when decoding/parsing files
setLastSoapResponse(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Sets the response of the execution of a remote method in a webservice as an XML String
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ScriptRunner
Setter for logWriter property
setMongoResults(DBCursor) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setMonochrome(boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.TestNGPrettyFormatter
setNativePort(Integer) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
setNodeSessions(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
setPageSource(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
setParentWindow(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Sets the parentWindow
setPreviousElement(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Saves the value in the attribute in class extending CommonG.
setPreviousSqlResult(List<List<String>>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Sets the result of the SQL sentence
setPreviousWebElements(PreviousWebElements) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the previous webElement
setPreviousWebElements(List<WebElement>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.PreviousWebElements
setRemoteSSHConnection(RemoteSSHConnection) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the remote connection.
setRemoteWSDL(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SoapServiceGSpec
Set URL of remote WSDL
setRestHost(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the REST host.
setRestPort(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the REST port.
setRestProtocol(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the REST host.
setRestProxy(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Sets a proxy for the rest client
setRestProxyWithCredentials(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Sets a proxy for the rest client with credentials
setRestRequest(RequestSpecification) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Sets the Rest request object (restassured)
setRestResponse(Response) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Sets the Rest response (restassured)
setResult(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
setResult(Instant, TestCase, TestStep, Result) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.aspects.ifStatementAspect
This pointcut is triggered right after the creation of the TestStepFinished event.
setResultsType(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setSchemaRegistryUrl(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
Set remote schema registry url and port for all future requests
setSchemaRegistryURL(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.KafkaGSpec
Sets URL of schema registry.
setSeleniumAlert(Alert) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setSeleniumCookies(Set<Cookie>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
setSession(Session) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RemoteSSHConnection
setSettings(LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtils
Set settings about ES connector.
setupApp(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
This method is deprecated, use SeleniumGSpec.iGoToUrl(String) instead
setupApp(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.RestSpec
Set app host and port for Rest requests.
setUpClass() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.BaseGTest
Overrides the parent method AbstractTestNGCucumberTests.setUpClass() and executes custom code before the object is created
setWebHost(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the WEB host.
setWebPort(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Set the WEB port.
setZkHost(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtils
setZookeeperSecConnection(String, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
SLACK_PROPERTIES_FILE - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SlackConnector
SlackConnector - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
An small utility for posting messages in slack
SlackConnector() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.SlackConnector
snippets() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
SoapServiceGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for working with SOAP web services
SoapServiceGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.SoapServiceGSpec
SoapServiceUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
Singleton class to retrieve SoapServiceUtils instance
SoapServiceUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Class to execute methods on any remote WebService.
SoapServiceUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
sortElements(String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Sort elements in envVar by a criteria and order.
SqlDatabaseGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for working with relational databases (postgresql and mysql)
SqlDatabaseGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
SqlUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
Singleton class to retrieve SqlUtils instance
SqlUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
Generic operations on SQL relational databases.
SqlUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Generic constructor.
SshGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for running bash commands and establishing SSH connections with a remote host
SshGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.SshGSpec
Default constructor.
strict() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
sumColumn(String, float) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Calculates the sum of the given column.
sumColumn(List<Map<String, String>>, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Sum al lthe values in the given colum.


tags() - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.testng.CucumberOptionsImpl
tagsIteration(List<String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.RunOnEnvTag
teardown(Scenario) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.HookGSpec
Checks if the scenario contains any reference to a Jira ticket and will try to update its status based on the result of the scenario execution.
TestNGPrettyFormatter - Class in com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter
This class is responsible for printing the steps/features/scenarios to console.
TestNGPrettyFormatter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.reporter.TestNGPrettyFormatter
TextFieldCondition - Class in com.privalia.qa.conditions
TextFieldCondition() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.conditions.TextFieldCondition
thisIsADatatable(DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
This step is for testing purposes of GingerSpec.
thisIsADocString(DocString) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
This step is for testing purposes of GingerSpec.
ThreadProperty - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
transform(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter.ArrayListConverter
transform(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.cucumber.converter.NullableStringConverter
transformToJsonString(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SeleniumRemoteHelper
Transforms the string representation of the node's capabilities into a proper json string
transformXml(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtils
Alter the given XML request with the given values in the Map
transitionEntity(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.JiraConnector
Transition (change status) of the entity to the value provided in the properties file.
truncateTable(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Truncate a table of a keyspace.
truncateTable(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Truncate table
truncateTableInMongo(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
Truncate table in MongoDB.
truncateTableQuery(Boolean, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils


updateMarathonJson(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
UpperCaseLookUp - Class in com.privalia.qa.lookups
Transforms the given string to upper case
UpperCaseLookUp() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.lookups.UpperCaseLookUp
useKeyspace(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtils
Use a keyspace in Cassandra.
useQuery(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraQueryUtils
UtilsGSpec - Class in com.privalia.qa.specs
Steps definitions for other useful functions/operations
UtilsGSpec(CommonG) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.specs.UtilsGSpec
Default constructor.


validateRecordValues(Map<String, String>, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtils
Validates the value of a given key in a record
VALUE_SUBSTRING - Static variable in class com.privalia.qa.specs.BigDataGSpec
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.conditions.Conditions
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ExceptionList
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtil
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.conditions.Conditions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.CassandraUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ElasticSearchUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ExceptionList
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.FileParserUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.KafkaUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.MongoDBUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.SoapServiceUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtil
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyLastResult(String, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.FileParserGSpec
Verifies that the stored result from the last operation contains the specified amount of records, or if the amount of records is greater that or equal than the expected
verifyTable(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.SqlUtils
Verify if a table exists
verifyTableContent(String, DataTable) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Verify if the content of a table matches the given DataTable
verifyTableDoesNotExists(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Verify if a table does not exists
verifyTableExists(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SqlDatabaseGSpec
Verify if a table exists


waitAlert(int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Checks if an alert message is open in the current page.
waitAlertWithPooling(int, int) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.CommonG
Similar to CommonG.locateElementWithPooling(int, int, String, String, Integer, String), looks for an alert message inside a selenium context.
waitWebElement(String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Waits for the given element to be present on the page
waitWebElementWithPooling(int, int, int, String, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Checks that a web elements exists in the page and if it is of the type specified in the given time interval.
waitWebElementWithTime(int, String, String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.specs.SeleniumGSpec
Waits for the given element to be present on the page


zCreate(String, boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
zCreate(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
ZookeeperSecUtil - Enum in com.privalia.qa.utils
ZookeeperSecUtils - Class in com.privalia.qa.utils
ZookeeperSecUtils() - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
ZookeeperSecUtils(String, int) - Constructor for class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
zRead(String) - Method in class com.privalia.qa.utils.ZookeeperSecUtils
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