Class ScriptRunner

  • public class ScriptRunner
    extends Object
    Tool to run database scripts
    • Field Detail

      • delimP

        public static final Pattern delimP
        regex to detect delimiter. ignores spaces, allows delimiter in comment, allows an equals-sign
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptRunner

        public ScriptRunner​(Connection connection,
                            boolean autoCommit,
                            boolean stopOnError)
        Default constructor
        connection - the connection
        autoCommit - the auto commit
        stopOnError - the stop on error
    • Method Detail

      • isHasResults

        public boolean isHasResults()
      • setHasResults

        public void setHasResults​(boolean hasResults)
      • getFinalResultSet

        public ResultSet getFinalResultSet()
      • setFinalResultSet

        public void setFinalResultSet​(ResultSet finalResultSet)
      • setDelimiter

        public void setDelimiter​(String delimiter,
                                 boolean fullLineDelimiter)
      • setLogWriter

        public void setLogWriter​(PrintWriter logWriter)
        Setter for logWriter property
        logWriter - - the new value of the logWriter property
      • setErrorLogWriter

        public void setErrorLogWriter​(PrintWriter errorLogWriter)
        Setter for errorLogWriter property
        errorLogWriter - - the new value of the errorLogWriter property
      • runScript

        public void runScript​(Reader reader)
                       throws IOException,
        Runs an SQL script (read in using the Reader parameter)
        reader - - the source of the script
        IOException - the io exception
        SQLException - the sql exception