Package psiprobe.jfreechart

package psiprobe.jfreechart
Jfreechart dropped simulated 3D support in 1.5.0. Per authors of Jfreechart

"All the classes relating to pseudo-3D charts have been removed, as much better 3D charts are offered by Orson Charts so we prefer not to maintain the pseudo-3D chart code within JFreeChart"

See for more information.

For continued support of psi-probe and to remain on supported software, it was decided to port this code here. This is for internal usage only and eventually psi-probe should follows 'authors' advice for support.

  • Class
    An interface that should be implemented by renderers that use a 3D effect.
    A XYLineAndShapeRenderer that adds a shadow line to the graph to emulate a 3D-effect.