Package htsjdk.samtools.sra

package htsjdk.samtools.sra
  • Classes
    That is a thread-safe wrapper for a list of cache Reference objects.
    Describes a single SRA accession for SRA read collection Also provides app string functionality and allows to check if working SRA is supported on the running platform Important: due to checks performed in SRAAccession.isValid(), we won't recognise any accessions other than ones that follow the pattern "^[SED]RR[0-9]{6,9}$", e.g.
    Iterator for aligned reads.
    Allows reading Reference data from SRA
    Extends SAMRecord so that any of the fields will be loaded only when needed.
    Iterator for unaligned reads.
    Provides some functionality which can be used by other classes Created by andrii.nikitiuk on 10/28/15.