Class InputStreamUtils


public class InputStreamUtils extends Object
Convenience methods to read from InputStream.
  • Constructor Details

    • InputStreamUtils

      public InputStreamUtils()
  • Method Details

    • readFully

      public static byte[] readFully(InputStream input)
      Read the InputStream until the end into a new byte array.
      input - the input stream to read
      a new byte array containing data from the input stream
    • readFully

      public static byte[] readFully(InputStream inputStream, int length)
      Read the specified number of bytes from the InputStream into a new byte array. The length of the array is less or equal to length.
      inputStream - the input stream to read from
      length - the number of bytes to read
      a new byte array containing data from the input stream
      RuntimeEOFException - if there is less than length bytes in the stream
    • readFully

      public static void readFully(InputStream inputStream, byte[] b, int off, int length)
      Read the specified number of bytes from the InputStream into the byte array starting from the specified position. The length of the array is less or equal to length.
      inputStream - the input stream to read from
      b - the byte array to read into
      off - offset in the byte array
      length - the number of bytes to read
      RuntimeEOFException - if there is less than length bytes in the stream
    • skipFully

      public static void skipFully(InputStream in, long length)
      Skip the specified number of bytes from the InputStream.
      in - the input stream to skip bytes from
      length - the number of bytes to skip
      RuntimeEOFException - if there is less than length bytes in the stream