Class IOUtil


public class IOUtil extends Object
Miscellaneous stateless static IO-oriented methods. Also used for utility methods that wrap or aggregate functionality in Java IO.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • IOUtil

      public IOUtil()
  • Method Details

    • setCompressionLevel

      public static void setCompressionLevel(int compressionLevel)
      Sets the GZip compression level for subsequent GZIPOutputStream object creation.
      compressionLevel - 0 <= compressionLevel <= 9
    • getCompressionLevel

      public static int getCompressionLevel()
    • toBufferedStream

      public static BufferedInputStream toBufferedStream(InputStream stream)
      Wrap the given stream in a BufferedInputStream, if it isn't already wrapper
      stream - stream to be wrapped
      A BufferedInputStream wrapping stream, or stream itself if stream instanceof BufferedInputStream.
    • transferByStream

      public static void transferByStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out, long bytes)
      Transfers from the input stream to the output stream using stream operations and a buffer.
    • maybeBufferOutputStream

      public static OutputStream maybeBufferOutputStream(OutputStream os)
      If Defaults.BUFFER_SIZE > 0, wrap os in BufferedOutputStream, else return os itself.
    • maybeBufferOutputStream

      public static OutputStream maybeBufferOutputStream(OutputStream os, int bufferSize)
      If bufferSize > 0, wrap os in BufferedOutputStream, else return os itself.
    • maybeBufferedSeekableStream

      public static SeekableStream maybeBufferedSeekableStream(SeekableStream stream, int bufferSize)
    • maybeBufferedSeekableStream

      public static SeekableStream maybeBufferedSeekableStream(SeekableStream stream)
    • maybeBufferedSeekableStream

      public static SeekableStream maybeBufferedSeekableStream(File file)
    • maybeBufferedSeekableStream

      public static SeekableStream maybeBufferedSeekableStream(URL url)
    • maybeBufferInputStream

      public static InputStream maybeBufferInputStream(InputStream is)
      If Defaults.BUFFER_SIZE > 0, wrap is in BufferedInputStream, else return is itself.
    • maybeBufferInputStream

      public static InputStream maybeBufferInputStream(InputStream is, int bufferSize)
      If bufferSize > 0, wrap is in BufferedInputStream, else return is itself.
    • maybeBufferReader

      public static Reader maybeBufferReader(Reader reader, int bufferSize)
    • maybeBufferReader

      public static Reader maybeBufferReader(Reader reader)
    • maybeBufferWriter

      public static Writer maybeBufferWriter(Writer writer, int bufferSize)
    • maybeBufferWriter

      public static Writer maybeBufferWriter(Writer writer)
    • deleteFiles

      public static void deleteFiles(File... files)
      Delete a list of files, and write a warning message if one could not be deleted.
      files - Files to be deleted.
    • deleteFiles

      public static void deleteFiles(Iterable<File> files)
    • deletePaths

      public static void deletePaths(Path... paths)
    • deletePaths

      public static void deletePaths(Iterable<Path> paths)
      Iterate through Paths and delete each one. Note: Path is itself an Iterable. This method special cases that and deletes the single Path rather than Iterating the Path for targets to delete.
      paths - an iterable of Paths to delete
    • deletePath

      public static void deletePath(Path path)
      Attempt to delete a single path and log an error if it is not deleted.
    • isRegularPath

      public static boolean isRegularPath(File file)
      true if the path is not a device (e.g. /dev/null or /dev/stdin), and is not an existing directory. I.e. is is a regular path that may correspond to an existing file, or a path that could be a regular output file.
    • isRegularPath

      public static boolean isRegularPath(Path path)
      true if the path is not a device (e.g. /dev/null or /dev/stdin), and is not an existing directory. I.e. is is a regular path that may correspond to an existing file, or a path that could be a regular output file.
    • newTempFile

      public static File newTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File[] tmpDirs, long minBytesFree) throws IOException
      Creates a new tmp file on one of the available temp filesystems, registers it for deletion on JVM exit and then returns it.
    • newTempFile

      public static File newTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File[] tmpDirs) throws IOException
      Creates a new tmp file on one of the potential filesystems that has at least 5GB free.
    • getDefaultTmpDir

      public static File getDefaultTmpDir()
      Returns a default tmp directory.
    • newTempPath

      public static Path newTempPath(String prefix, String suffix, Path[] tmpDirs, long minBytesFree) throws IOException
      Creates a new tmp path on one of the available temp filesystems, registers it for deletion on JVM exit and then returns it.
    • newTempPath

      public static Path newTempPath(String prefix, String suffix, Path[] tmpDirs) throws IOException
      Creates a new tmp file on one of the potential filesystems that has at least 5GB free.
    • getDefaultTmpDirPath

      public static Path getDefaultTmpDirPath()
      Returns a default tmp directory as a Path.
    • deleteOnExit

      public static void deleteOnExit(Path path)
      Register a Path for deletion on JVM exit.
      See Also:
    • basename

      public static String basename(File f)
      Returns the name of the file minus the extension (i.e. text after the last "." in the filename).
    • assertInputIsValid

      public static void assertInputIsValid(String input)
      Checks that an input is is non-null, a URL or a file, exists, and if its a file then it is not a directory and is readable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      input - the input to check for validity
    • isUrl

      public static boolean isUrl(String input)
      Returns true iff the string is a url. Helps distinguish url inputs form file path inputs.
    • assertFileIsReadable

      public static void assertFileIsReadable(File file)
      Checks that a file is non-null, exists, is not a directory and is readable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      file - the file to check for readability
    • assertFileIsReadable

      public static void assertFileIsReadable(Path path)
      Checks that a file is non-null, exists, is not a directory and is readable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      path - the file to check for readability
    • assertFilesAreReadable

      public static void assertFilesAreReadable(List<File> files)
      Checks that each file is non-null, exists, is not a directory and is readable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      files - the list of files to check for readability
    • assertPathsAreReadable

      public static void assertPathsAreReadable(List<Path> paths)
      Checks that each path is non-null, exists, is not a directory and is readable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      paths - the list of paths to check for readability
    • assertInputsAreValid

      public static void assertInputsAreValid(List<String> inputs)
      Checks that each string is non-null, exists or is a URL, and if it is a file then not a directory and is readable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      inputs - the list of files to check for readability
    • assertFileIsWritable

      public static void assertFileIsWritable(File file)
      Checks that a file is non-null, and is either extent and writable, or non-existent but that the parent directory exists and is writable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      file - the file to check for writability
    • assertFilesAreWritable

      public static void assertFilesAreWritable(List<File> files)
      Checks that each file is non-null, and is either extent and writable, or non-existent but that the parent directory exists and is writable. If any condition is false then a runtime exception is thrown.
      files - the list of files to check for writability
    • assertFileIsWritable

      public static void assertFileIsWritable(Path path)
      In some filesystems (e.g. google cloud) it may not make sense to check writability. This method only checks writability when it's (i.e. for now when the path points to a file in the local filesystem)
    • assertDirectoryIsWritable

      public static void assertDirectoryIsWritable(File dir)
      Checks that a directory is non-null, extent, writable and a directory otherwise a runtime exception is thrown.
      dir - the dir to check for writability
    • assertDirectoryIsWritable

      public static void assertDirectoryIsWritable(Path dir)
      Checks that a directory is non-null, extent, writable and a directory otherwise a runtime exception is thrown.
      dir - the dir to check for writability
    • assertDirectoryIsReadable

      public static void assertDirectoryIsReadable(File dir)
      Checks that a directory is non-null, extent, readable and a directory otherwise a runtime exception is thrown.
      dir - the dir to check for writability
    • assertFilesEqual

      public static void assertFilesEqual(File f1, File f2)
      Checks that the two files are the same length, and have the same content, otherwise throws a runtime exception.
    • assertFileSizeNonZero

      public static void assertFileSizeNonZero(File file)
      Checks that a file is of non-zero length
    • openFileForReading

      public static InputStream openFileForReading(File file)
      Opens a file for reading, decompressing it if necessary
      file - The file to open
      the input stream to read from
    • openFileForReading

      public static InputStream openFileForReading(Path path)
      Opens a file for reading, decompressing it if necessary
      path - The file to open
      the input stream to read from
    • openGzipFileForReading

      public static InputStream openGzipFileForReading(File file)
      Opens a GZIP-encoded file for reading, decompressing it if necessary
      file - The file to open
      the input stream to read from
    • openGzipFileForReading

      public static InputStream openGzipFileForReading(Path path)
      Opens a GZIP-encoded file for reading, decompressing it if necessary
      path - The file to open
      the input stream to read from
    • openFileForWriting

      public static OutputStream openFileForWriting(File file)
      Opens a file for writing, overwriting the file if it already exists
      file - the file to write to
      the output stream to write to
    • openFileForWriting

      public static OutputStream openFileForWriting(File file, boolean append)
      Opens a file for writing, gzip it if it ends with ".gz" or "bfq"
      file - the file to write to
      append - whether to append to the file if it already exists (we overwrite it if false)
      the output stream to write to
    • openFileForWriting

      public static OutputStream openFileForWriting(Path path, OpenOption... openOptions)
      Opens a file for writing, gzip it if it ends with ".gz" or "bfq"
      path - the file to write to
      openOptions - options to use when opening the file
      the output stream to write to
    • hasGzipFileExtension

      public static boolean hasGzipFileExtension(Path path)
      check if the file name ends with .gz, .gzip, or .bfq
    • openFileForBufferedWriting

      public static BufferedWriter openFileForBufferedWriting(File file, boolean append)
      Preferred over PrintStream and PrintWriter because an exception is thrown on I/O error
    • openFileForBufferedWriting

      public static BufferedWriter openFileForBufferedWriting(Path path, OpenOption... openOptions)
      Preferred over PrintStream and PrintWriter because an exception is thrown on I/O error
    • openFileForBufferedWriting

      public static BufferedWriter openFileForBufferedWriting(File file)
      Preferred over PrintStream and PrintWriter because an exception is thrown on I/O error
    • openFileForBufferedUtf8Writing

      public static BufferedWriter openFileForBufferedUtf8Writing(File file)
      Preferred over PrintStream and PrintWriter because an exception is thrown on I/O error
    • openFileForBufferedUtf8Writing

      public static BufferedWriter openFileForBufferedUtf8Writing(Path path)
      Preferred over PrintStream and PrintWriter because an exception is thrown on I/O error
    • openFileForBufferedUtf8Reading

      public static BufferedReader openFileForBufferedUtf8Reading(File file)
      Opens a file for reading, decompressing it if necessary
      file - The file to open
      the input stream to read from
    • openGzipFileForWriting

      public static OutputStream openGzipFileForWriting(File file, boolean append)
      Opens a GZIP encoded file for writing
      file - the file to write to
      append - whether to append to the file if it already exists (we overwrite it if false)
      the output stream to write to
    • openGzipFileForWriting

      public static OutputStream openGzipFileForWriting(Path path, OpenOption... openOptions)
      Opens a GZIP encoded file for writing
      path - the file to write to
      openOptions - options to control how the file is opened
      the output stream to write to
    • openFileForMd5CalculatingWriting

      public static OutputStream openFileForMd5CalculatingWriting(File file)
    • openFileForMd5CalculatingWriting

      public static OutputStream openFileForMd5CalculatingWriting(Path file)
    • copyStream

      public static void copyStream(InputStream input, OutputStream output)
      Utility method to copy the contents of input to output. The caller is responsible for opening and closing both streams.
      input - contents to be copied
      output - destination
    • copyFile

      public static void copyFile(File input, File output)
      Copy input to output, overwriting output if it already exists.
    • getFilesMatchingRegexp

      public static File[] getFilesMatchingRegexp(File directory, String regexp)
      directory -
      regexp -
      list of files matching regexp.
    • getFilesMatchingRegexp

      public static File[] getFilesMatchingRegexp(File directory, Pattern regexp)
    • deleteDirectoryTree

      public static boolean deleteDirectoryTree(File fileOrDirectory)
      Delete the given file or directory. If a directory, all enclosing files and subdirs are also deleted.
    • sizeOfTree

      public static long sizeOfTree(File fileOrDirectory)
      Returns the size (in bytes) of the file or directory and all it's children.
    • copyDirectoryTree

      public static void copyDirectoryTree(File fileOrDirectory, File destination)
      Copies a directory tree (all subdirectories and files) recursively to a destination
    • createTempDir

      @Deprecated public static File createTempDir(String prefix, String morePrefix)
      Use createTempDir(String) instead. It turns out the mechanism was not "good enough" and caused security issues, the new implementation combines the prefix/morePrefix into a single prefix. The security flaw is fixed but due to the now extraneous morePrefix argument it is recommended to use the 1 argument form.
      Create a temporary subdirectory in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and morePrefix to generate the name. Note that this method is not completely safe, because it create a temporary file, deletes it, and then creates a directory with the same name as the file. Should be good enough. This has been updated to avoid the problem in
      prefix - The prefix string to be used in generating the file's name;
      morePrefix - This was previously a suffix but the implementation changed; may be null, in which case the morePrefix ".tmp" will be used
      File object for new directory
    • createTempDir

      public static Path createTempDir(String prefix)
    • openFileForBufferedReading

      public static BufferedReader openFileForBufferedReading(File file)
      Checks that a file exists and is readable, and then returns a buffered reader for it.
    • openFileForBufferedReading

      public static BufferedReader openFileForBufferedReading(Path path)
      Checks that a path exists and is readable, and then returns a buffered reader for it.
    • makeFileNameSafe

      public static String makeFileNameSafe(String str)
      Takes a string and replaces any characters that are not safe for filenames with an underscore
    • fileSuffix

      public static String fileSuffix(File f)
      Returns the name of the file extension (i.e. text after the last "." in the filename) including the .
    • getFullCanonicalPath

      public static String getFullCanonicalPath(File file)
      Returns the full path to the file with all symbolic links resolved
    • readFully

      public static String readFully(InputStream in)
      Reads everything from an input stream as characters and returns a single String.
    • readLines

      public static IterableOnceIterator<String> readLines(File f)
      Returns an iterator over the lines in a text file. The underlying resources are automatically closed when the iterator hits the end of the input, or manually by calling close().
      f - a file that is to be read in as text
      an iterator over the lines in the text file
    • slurpLines

      public static List<String> slurpLines(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
      Returns all of the untrimmed lines in the provided file.
    • slurpLines

      public static List<String> slurpLines(InputStream is) throws FileNotFoundException
    • slurp

      public static String slurp(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
      Convenience overload for slurp(, java.nio.charset.Charset) using the default charset Charset.defaultCharset().
    • slurp

      public static String slurp(InputStream is)
      Convenience overload for slurp(, java.nio.charset.Charset) using the default charset Charset.defaultCharset().
    • slurp

      public static String slurp(InputStream is, Charset charSet)
      Reads all of the stream into a String, decoding with the provided Charset then closes the stream quietly.
    • unrollFiles

      public static List<File> unrollFiles(Collection<File> inputs, String... extensions)
      Go through the files provided and if they have one of the provided file extensions pass the file into the output otherwise assume that file is a list of filenames and unfold it into the output.
    • unrollPaths

      public static List<Path> unrollPaths(Collection<Path> inputs, String... extensions)
      Go through the files provided and if they have one of the provided file extensions pass the file to the output otherwise assume that file is a list of filenames and unfold it into the output (recursively).
    • hasScheme

      public static boolean hasScheme(String uriString)
      Check if the given URI has a scheme.
      uriString - the URI to check
      true if the given URI has a scheme, false if not, or if the URI is malformed.
    • getPath

      public static Path getPath(String uriString) throws IOException
      Converts the given URI to a Path object. If the filesystem cannot be found in the usual way, then attempt to load the filesystem provider using the thread context classloader. This is needed when the filesystem provider is loaded using a URL classloader (e.g. in spark-submit).
      uriString - the URI to convert
      the resulting Path
      IOException - an I/O error occurs creating the file system
    • getPaths

      public static List<Path> getPaths(List<String> uriStrings) throws RuntimeIOException
    • toPath

      public static Path toPath(File fileOrNull)
    • filesToPaths

      public static List<Path> filesToPaths(Collection<File> files)
      Takes a list of Files and converts them to a list of Paths Runs .toPath() on the contents of the input.
      files - a List of Files to convert to Paths
      a new List containing the results of running toPath on the elements of the input
    • isGZIPInputStream

      public static boolean isGZIPInputStream(InputStream stream)
      Test whether a input stream looks like a GZIP input. This identifies both gzip and bgzip streams as being GZIP.
      stream - the input stream.
      true if `stream` starts with a gzip signature.
      IllegalArgumentException - if `stream` cannot mark or reset the stream
    • addExtension

      public static Path addExtension(Path path, String extension)
      Adds the extension to the given path.
      path - the path to start from, eg. "/folder/file.jpg"
      extension - the extension to add, eg. ".bak"
    • isBlockCompressed

      public static boolean isBlockCompressed(Path path, boolean checkExtension) throws IOException
      Checks if the provided path is block-compressed.

      Note that using checkExtension=true would avoid the cost of opening the file, but if hasBlockCompressedExtension(String) returns false this would not detect block-compressed files such BAM.

      path - file to check if it is block-compressed.
      checkExtension - if true, checks the extension before opening the file.
      true if the file is block-compressed; false otherwise.
      IOException - if there is an I/O error.
    • isBlockCompressed

      public static boolean isBlockCompressed(Path path) throws IOException
      Checks if the provided path is block-compressed (including extension).

      Note that block-compressed file extensions FileExtensions.BLOCK_COMPRESSED are not checked by this method.

      path - file to check if it is block-compressed.
      true if the file is block-compressed; false otherwise.
      IOException - if there is an I/O error.
    • hasBlockCompressedExtension

      public static boolean hasBlockCompressedExtension(String fileName)
      Checks if a file ends in one of the FileExtensions.BLOCK_COMPRESSED.
      fileName - string name for the file. May be an HTTP/S url.
      true if the file has a block-compressed extension; false otherwise.
    • hasBlockCompressedExtension

      public static boolean hasBlockCompressedExtension(Path path)
      Checks if a path ends in one of the FileExtensions.BLOCK_COMPRESSED.
      path - object to extract the name from.
      true if the path has a block-compressed extension; false otherwise.
    • hasBlockCompressedExtension

      public static boolean hasBlockCompressedExtension(File file)
      Checks if a file ends in one of the FileExtensions.BLOCK_COMPRESSED.
      file - object to extract the name from.
      true if the file has a block-compressed extension; false otherwise.
    • hasBlockCompressedExtension

      public static boolean hasBlockCompressedExtension(URI uri)
      Checks if a file ends in one of the FileExtensions.BLOCK_COMPRESSED.
      uri - file as an URI.
      true if the file has a block-compressed extension; false otherwise.
    • recursiveDelete

      public static void recursiveDelete(Path directory)
      Delete a directory and all files in it.
      directory - The directory to be deleted (along with its subdirectories)