Class SamRecordIntervalIteratorFactory


public class SamRecordIntervalIteratorFactory extends Object
Create an iterator over a SamReader that only returns reads that overlap one of the intervals in an interval list.
  • Constructor Details

    • SamRecordIntervalIteratorFactory

      public SamRecordIntervalIteratorFactory()
  • Method Details

    • makeSamRecordIntervalIterator

      public CloseableIterator<SAMRecord> makeSamRecordIntervalIterator(SamReader samReader, List<Interval> uniqueIntervals, boolean useIndex)
      samReader -
      uniqueIntervals - list of intervals of interest, with overlaps merged, in coordinate order
      useIndex - if false, do not use a BAM index even if it is present.
      an iterator that will be filtered so that only SAMRecords overlapping the intervals in uniqueIntervals will be returned. If a BAM index is available, it will be used to improve performance. Note however that if there are many intervals that cover a great deal of the genome, using the BAM index may actually make performance worse.