Interface IndexCreator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AllRefsTabixIndexCreator, DynamicIndexCreator, IntervalIndexCreator, LinearIndexCreator, StreamBasedTabixIndexCreator, TabixIndexCreator, TribbleIndexCreator

public interface IndexCreator
An interface for creating indexes
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    addFeature(Feature feature, long filePosition)
    Add a feature to the index
    finalizeIndex(long finalFilePosition)
    Create the index, given the stream of features passed in to this point
    default void
    Set the sequence dictionary for the index.
  • Method Details

    • addFeature

      void addFeature(Feature feature, long filePosition)
      Add a feature to the index
      feature - the feature, of which start, end, and contig must be filled in
      filePosition - the current file position, at the beginning of the specified feature
    • finalizeIndex

      Index finalizeIndex(long finalFilePosition)
      Create the index, given the stream of features passed in to this point
      finalFilePosition - the final file position, for indexes that have to close out with the final position
      an index object
    • setIndexSequenceDictionary

      default void setIndexSequenceDictionary(SAMSequenceDictionary dict)
      Set the sequence dictionary for the index. Default implementation does nothing.
      dict - the dictionary to add to the index.