Class AsciiLineReaderIterator

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocationAware, LineIterator, Closeable, AutoCloseable, Iterator<String>

public class AsciiLineReaderIterator extends Object implements LocationAware, LineIterator, Closeable
A class that iterates over the lines and line positions in an AsciiLineReader. This class is slower than other LineIterators because it is driven by AsciiLineReader, but offers the benefit of implementing LocationAware, which is required for indexing. If you do not require LocationAware, consider using LineIteratorImpl as an alternative to this class. Note an important distinction in the way this class and its inner iterator differ: in the inner iterator, the position stored with a line is the position at the start of that line. However, getPosition() of the outer class must return the position at the end of the most-recently-returned line (or the start of the underlying AsciiLineReader, if no line has been read). The latter bit of logic here is required to conform with the interface described by LocationAware.getPosition().