Class CompoundFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:
VariantContextFilter, Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<VariantContextFilter>, Collection<VariantContextFilter>, Predicate<VariantContext>, List<VariantContextFilter>, RandomAccess

public class CompoundFilter extends ArrayList<VariantContextFilter> implements VariantContextFilter
A Predicate on VariantContexts that returns true when either all its sub-predicates are true, or none are false.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • CompoundFilter

      public CompoundFilter(boolean requireAll)
      A constructor that will determine if this compound filter will require that *all* the included filters pass or *some* of them pass (depending on the requireAll parameter in the constructor).
      requireAll - a boolean parameter determining whether this filter requires all its elements to pass (true) for it to pass, or only one (false). If there are no variantfilters it will return true.
  • Method Details

    • test

      public boolean test(VariantContext variantContext)
      Specified by:
      test in interface Predicate<VariantContext>
      variantContext - the record to examine against the sub-filters
      true if variantContext either passes all the filters (when requireAll==true) or doesn't fail any of the filters (when requireAll==false)