Class VCFUtils


public class VCFUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • VCFUtils

      public VCFUtils()
  • Method Details

    • smartMergeHeaders

      public static Set<VCFHeaderLine> smartMergeHeaders(Collection<VCFHeader> headers, boolean emitWarnings) throws IllegalStateException
    • withUpdatedContigs

      public static VCFHeader withUpdatedContigs(VCFHeader oldHeader, File referenceFile, SAMSequenceDictionary refDict)
      Add / replace the contig header lines in the VCFHeader with the in the reference file and master reference dictionary
      oldHeader - the header to update
      referenceFile - the file path to the reference sequence used to generate this vcf
      refDict - the SAM formatted reference sequence dictionary
    • withUpdatedContigsAsLines

      public static Set<VCFHeaderLine> withUpdatedContigsAsLines(Set<VCFHeaderLine> oldLines, File referenceFile, SAMSequenceDictionary refDict)
    • withUpdatedContigsAsLines

      public static Set<VCFHeaderLine> withUpdatedContigsAsLines(Set<VCFHeaderLine> oldLines, File referenceFile, SAMSequenceDictionary refDict, boolean referenceNameOnly)
    • makeContigHeaderLines

      public static List<VCFContigHeaderLine> makeContigHeaderLines(SAMSequenceDictionary refDict, File referenceFile)
      Create VCFHeaderLines for each refDict entry, and optionally the assembly if referenceFile != null
      refDict - reference dictionary
      referenceFile - for assembly name. May be null
      list of vcf contig header lines
    • createTemporaryIndexedVcfFile

      public static File createTemporaryIndexedVcfFile(String prefix, String suffix) throws IOException
      This method creates a temporary VCF file and its appropriately named index file, and will delete them on exit.
      prefix - - The prefix string to be used in generating the file's name; must be at least three characters long
      suffix - - The suffix string to be used in generating the file's name; may be null, in which case the suffix ".tmp" will be used
      A File object referencing the newly created temporary VCF file
      IOException - - if a file could not be created.
    • createTemporaryIndexedVcfFromInput

      public static File createTemporaryIndexedVcfFromInput(File vcfFile, String tempFilePrefix) throws IOException
      This method makes a copy of the input VCF and creates an index file for it in the same location. This is done so that we don't need to store the index file in the same repo The copy of the input is done so that it and its index are in the same directory which is typically required.
      vcfFile - the vcf file to index
      File a vcf file (index file is created in same path).
    • parseVcfDouble

      public static double parseVcfDouble(String str)
      Parses a String as a Double, being tolerant for case-insensitive NaN and Inf/Infinity.