All Classes and Interfaces

Mock implementation of a Furnace.
Mock implementation of an AbstractHorseInventory.
Mock implementation of an AbstractHorse.
Mock implementation of a Projectile.
Mock implementation of an AbstractSkeleton.
This class represents an active PotionEffect which was applied to a LivingEntity.
Mock implementation of an Ageable.
Mock implementation of an Allay.
Mock implementation of an Ambient.
Mock implementation of AmethystCluster.
Mock implementation of an Animals.
Mock implementation of an AnvilInventory.
Mock implementation of an ArmorStandMeta.
Mock implementation of an ArmorStand.
A class used to prevent synchronous-only methods from being run asynchronously.
Thrown when an asynchronous task throws an exception.
Mock implementation of AttributeInstance.
Mocks the class with the default Attribute values.
This class represents a Sound that was heard by a Player.
Mock implementation of an AxolotlBucketMeta.
Mock implementation of an Axolotl.
Mock implementation of an BannerMeta.
Mock implementation of a Banner.
Mock implementation of a Barrel InventoryType.
Mock implementation of a Barrel.
Mock implementation of an Bat.
Mock implementation of a BeaconInventory.
Mock implementation of a Beacon.
Mock implementation of Bed.
Mock implementation of a Bed.
Mock implementation of a Beehive.
Mock implementation of a Bee.
Mock implementation of a Bell.
Mock implementation of a BiomeProvider.
Mock implementation of a BlastFurnace.
Mock implementation of a Blaze.
Mock implementation of BlockData.
Mock implementation of a Block.
Mock implementation of a BlockState.
Mock implementation of a BookMeta.
Mock implementation of BossBar.
Mock implementation of a BrewerInventory.
Mock implementation of a BrewingStand.
Mock implementation of a BukkitScheduler.
Mock implementation of a BundleMeta.
Mock implementation of a CachedServerIcon.
Mock implementation of Campfire.
Mock implementation of a Campfire.
Mock implementation of a CartographyInventory.
Mock implementation of a Cat.
Mock implementation of a CaveSpider.
Mock implementation of a ChestedHorse.
Mock implementation of a Chest InventoryType.
Mock implementation of a Chest.
Mock implementation of a Chicken.
A simple class that contains an x and z coordinate of a chunk.
Mock implementation of a Chunk.
Mock implementation of a ChunkSnapshot.
Mock implementation of a Cod.
Mock interface of a CommandBlockHolder.
Mock implementation of a CommandBlock.
Represents the result of a command invocation.
Mock implementation of a Comparator.
Mock implementation of a CompassMeta.
Mock implementation of a Conduit.
Mock implementation of a ConsoleCommandSender.
Mock implementation of a Container.
A simple class that contains an x, y and z coordinate as integers.
Mock implementation of a Cow.
Mock implementation of a Creature.
Mock implementation of a CreatureSpawner.
Mock implementation of a Creeper.
Mock implementation of a Criteria.
Mock implementation of a CrossbowMeta.
Mock implementation of a DaylightDetector.
Mock implementation of a Dispenser InventoryType.
Mock implementation of a Dispenser.
Mock implementation of a Donkey.
Mock implementation of a DragonFireball.
Mock implementation of a Dropper InventoryType.
Mock implementation of a Dropper.
Mock implementation of an Egg.
Mock implementation of a ElderGuardian.
Mock implementation of an EnchantmentStorageMeta.
Mock implementation of an EnchantingInventory.
Mock implementation of an EnchantingTable.
Mock implementation of an Enchantment.
Used to keep track of all vanilla enchantments.
Mock implementation of an Ender Chest InventoryType.
Mock implementation of an EnderChest.
Mock implementation of an Enderman.
Mock implementation of a EndGateway.
This mocks the EntityEquipment of a LivingEntityMock.
Mock implementation of an Entity.
A state a entity is in
A type of a entity, it still has the same EntityType.
Thrown when an event handler throws a non-RuntimeException
Mock implementation of an ExperienceOrb.
Mock implementation of a Fireball.
Mock implementation of an FireworkEffectMeta.
Mock implementation of an FireworkMeta.
Mock implementation of a Firework.
Mock implementation of a FishHook.
Mock implementation of a Fish.
Mock implementation of a Flying.
Mock implementation of a Fox.
Mock implementation of a Frog.
Mock implementation of a FurnaceInventory.
Mock implementation of a Ghast.
Mock implementation of a Giant.
Mock implementation of a Goat.
Mock implementation of a GrindstoneInventory.
Mock implementation of a Guardian.
Mock implementation of a Hanging.
Mock implementation of a HelpMap.
Mock implementation of a Hopper InventoryType.
Mock implementation of a Hopper.
Mock implementation of a HorseInventory.
Mock implementation of a Horse.
Mock implementation of a HumanEntity.
Mock implementation of an Inventory.
Mock implementation of an InventoryView.
Mock implementation of an Item.
Mock implementation of an ItemFactory.
Mock implementation of an ItemMeta, Damageable, and Repairable.
This utility class allows us to enable and disable a JavaPlugin.
Mock implementation of a Jigsaw.
Mock implementation of a Jukebox.
Mock implementation of KeyedBossBar.
Mock implementation of an KnowledgeBookMeta.
Mock implementation of a LargeFireball.
Mock implementation of an LeatherArmorMeta.
Mock implementation of a LecternInventory.
Mock implementation of a Lectern.
Mock implementation of LegacyComponentSerializer.Provider based on io.papermc.paper.adventure.providers.LegacyComponentSerializerProviderImpl.
The ListenerEntry is a class that represents a single event handler of a plugin.
Mock implementation of a LivingEntity.
Mock implementation of a LlamaInventory.
Mock implementation of a Llama.
Mock implementation of a LoomInventory.
Mock implementation of a MapCanvas.
Mock implementation of an MapMeta.
Mock implementation of a MapRenderer.
Mock implementation of a MapView.
A rather simple mock implementation for Material Tags.
Represents an object that can receive messages.
Mock implementation of a Metadatable.
Mock implementation of a Minecart.
Mock implementation of a Mob.
Mock implementation of a BanList.
Mock implementation of a BanEntry.
Handles mocking the Bukkit server, along with containing some handy utility methods.
Extension that mocks the Bukkit singleton before each test and subsequently unmocks it after each test.
Marks a ServerMock field or parameter as a mock, which will be reflectively set if the containing class is using the MockBukkitExtension JUnit extension.
Mock implementation of a ChunkGenerator.ChunkData.
Mock implementation of a CommandMap.
Replica of the Bukkit internal PlayerList and CraftPlayerList implementation
A simple plugin that does nothing.
This MockPotionEffectType mocks an actual PotionEffectType by taking an id, a name, whether it is instant and an RGB Color variable.
Mock implementation of a RangedEntity.
Mock implementation of a Monster.
Mock implementation of a Mule.
Mock implementation of a MushroomCow.
Mock implementation of an Objective.
Mock implementation of an OfflinePlayer.
This is about as basic of an implementation for PersistentDataAdapterContext as you could imagine.
This is a mock of the PersistentDataContainer interface to allow the "persistent" storage of data.
This is a mock of a PersistentDataHolder.
Mock implementation of an Pig.
Mock implementation of a PlayerInventory.
Mock implementation of an InventoryView for players.
Mock implementation of a Player.
Used to construct random PlayerMocks and OfflinePlayerMocks.
Mock implementation of a PlayerProfile.
This utility class allows us to create a PluginCommand.
Mock implementation of a PluginManager.
Mock implementation of a PolarBear.
Mock implementation of a PotionMeta.
Mock implementation of an PoweredMinecart.
Mock implementation of a Projectile.
Mock implementation of a PufferFish.
A ScheduledTask that can be repeated.
Mock implementation of a Salmon.
Mock implementation of a BukkitTask.
Mock implementation of a SchoolableFish.
Mock implementation of a ScoreboardManager.
Mock implementation of a Scoreboard.
Mock implementation of a Score.
Mock implementation of a SculkCatalyst.
Mock implementation of a SculkSensor.
Mock implementation of a SculkShrieker.
Represents all configuration options that can be retrieved from a Server.
Enum representing all different world types.
Mock implementation of a Server and Server.Spigot.
The default service manager.
Mock implementation of a Sheep.
Mock implementation of a Shulker Box InventoryType.
Mock implementation of a ShulkerBox.
Mock implementation of a Sign.
A very simple class that allows one to create an instance of an EntityMock when a specific type of entity is not required.
A basic inventory.
A basic inventory view.
A very simple class that allows one to create an instance of a MobMock when a specific type of entity is not required.
A very simple class that allows one to create an instance of a MonsterMock when a specific type of entity is not required.
Mock implementation of a SizedFireball.
Mock implementation of a SkeletonHorse.
Mock implementation of a Skeleton.
Mock implementation of a SkullMeta.
Mock implementation of a Skull.
Mock implementation of Slab.
Mock implementation of a SmallFireball.
Mock implementation of an SmithingInventory.
Mock implementation of a Smoker.
This interface provides methods to assert sounds that were heard.
Mock implementation of an SpawnEggMeta.
Mock implementation of a Spider.
Mock implementation of Stairs.
An implementation of player statistics, similar to CraftStatistic
Mock implementation of a StonecutterInventory.
Mock implementation of a Stray.
Mock implementation of a Structure.
Mock implementation of a SuspiciousStewMeta.
Mock implementation of a Switch.
Mock implementation of a Tadpole.
An TagMisconfigurationException is thrown whenever a Tag contains illegal, invalid or unknown values.
The TagParser is responsible for parsing a JSON input into a TagWrapperMock.
An enum for all the different Material Tag registries.
Used for loading the internal registry of tags.
This is a mock of the Material Tag wrapper in Bukkit.
Mock implementation of a Tameable Creature.
Mock implementation of a Team.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Mock implementation of a ThrowableProjectile.
Mock implementation of a TileState.
Mock implementation of TrapDoor.
Mock implementation of an TropicalFishBucketMeta.
Mock implementation of a TropicalFish.
Sometimes your code may use a method that is not yet implemented in MockBukkit.
Mock implementation of a Vehicle.
Mock implementation of a WallSign.
Mock implementation of a Warden.
Mock implementation of a WitherSkeleton.
Mock implementation of a WitherSkull.
Mock implementation of a Wolf.
Mock implementation of a CraftingInventory.
Mock implementation of a WorldBorder.
Mock implementation of a World.
Mock implementation of a ZombieHorse.
Mock implementation of a Zombie.