Class MockBukkit


public class MockBukkit extends Object
Handles mocking the Bukkit server, along with containing some handy utility methods.
  • Method Details

    • setServerInstanceToNull

      protected static void setServerInstanceToNull()
      Sets the global server singleton in Bukkit back to zero.
    • mock

      @NotNull public static @NotNull ServerMock mock()
      Start mocking the Bukkit singleton. Also returns the ServerMock that was created for ease of use.
      The created ServerMock.
    • mock

      @NotNull public static <T extends ServerMock> T mock(@NotNull T serverMockImplementation)
      Start mocking the Bukkit singleton. You can pass your own implementation of the ServerMock instance. The instance you passed is returned.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The mock implementation to use.
      serverMockImplementation - your custom ServerMock implementation.
      The provided ServerMock.
    • getOrCreateMock

      @Nullable public static @Nullable ServerMock getOrCreateMock()
      Get the mock server instance. If no instance exists one will be created. Otherwise existing one is returned
      The ServerMock instance.
    • getMock

      @Nullable public static @Nullable ServerMock getMock()
      Get the mock server instance.
      The ServerMock instance or null if none is set up yet.
    • isMocked

      public static boolean isMocked()
      Checks if Bukkit is being mocked.
      true if Bukkit is being mocked, false if it is not.
    • loadJar

      public static void loadJar(@NotNull @NotNull String path)
      Loads a plugin from a jar.
      path - Path to the jar.
    • loadJar

      public static void loadJar(@NotNull @NotNull File jarFile) throws InvalidPluginException
      Loads a plugin from a jar.
      jarFile - Path to the jar.
      InvalidPluginException - If an exception occurred while loading a plugin.
    • load

      @NotNull public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T load(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> plugin)
      Loads and enables a plugin for mocking.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The plugin's main class to load.
      plugin - The plugin to load for mocking.
      An instance of the plugin's main class.
    • load

      @NotNull public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T load(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> plugin, Object @NotNull ... parameters)
      Loads and enables a plugin for mocking.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The plugin's main class to load.
      plugin - The plugin to load for mocking.
      parameters - Extra parameters to pass on to the plugin constructor.
      An instance of the plugin's main class.
    • loadWith

      @NotNull public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T loadWith(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> plugin, @NotNull @NotNull PluginDescriptionFile descriptionFile, Object @NotNull ... parameters)
      Loads and enables a plugin for mocking. It receives the plugin.yml to use as an extra InputStream argument.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The plugin's main class to load.
      plugin - The plugin to load for mocking.
      descriptionFile - The plugin description file to use instead of plugin.yml.
      parameters - Extra parameters to pass on to the plugin constructor.
      An instance of the plugin's main class.
    • loadWith

      @NotNull public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T loadWith(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> plugin, @NotNull @NotNull InputStream descriptionInput, Object... parameters)
      Loads and enables a plugin for mocking. It receives the plugin.yml to use as an extra File argument.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The plugin's main class to load.
      plugin - The plugin to load for mocking.
      descriptionInput - The input stream to use instead of plugin.yml.
      parameters - Extra parameters to pass on to the plugin constructor.
      An instance of the plugin's main class.
    • loadWith

      @NotNull public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T loadWith(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> plugin, @NotNull @NotNull File descriptionFile, Object... parameters)
      Loads and enables a plugin for mocking. It receives the plugin.yml to use as an extra File argument.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The plugin's main class to load.
      plugin - The plugin to load for mocking.
      descriptionFile - The file to use instead of plugin.yml.
      parameters - Extra parameters to pass on to the plugin constructor.
      An instance of the plugin's main class.
    • loadWith

      @NotNull public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T loadWith(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> plugin, String descriptionFileName, Object... parameters)
      Loads and enables a plugin for mocking. It receives the plugin.yml to use as a resource in the default package from an extra String argument.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The plugin's main class to load.
      plugin - The plugin to load for mocking.
      descriptionFileName - The name of the plugin.yml file as a system resource.
      parameters - Extra parameters to pass on to the plugin constructor.
      An instance of the plugin's main class.
    • loadSimple

      @NotNull public static <T extends JavaPlugin> T loadSimple(@NotNull @NotNull Class<T> plugin, Object @NotNull ... parameters)
      Loads and enables a plugin for mocking. It will not load the plugin.yml file, but rather it will use a mock one. This can be useful in certain multi-project plugins where one cannot always access the plugin.yml file easily during testing.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The plugin's main class to load.
      plugin - The plugin to load for mocking.
      parameters - Extra parameters to pass on to the plugin constructor.
      An instance of the plugin's main class.
    • unmock

      public static void unmock()
      Unload all loaded plugins.
    • createMockPlugin

      @NotNull public static @NotNull MockPlugin createMockPlugin()
      Creates a mock instance of a JavaPlugin implementation. This plugin offers no functionality, but it does allow a plugin that might enable and disable other plugins to be tested.
      An instance of a mock plugin.
    • createMockPlugin

      @NotNull public static @NotNull MockPlugin createMockPlugin(@NotNull @NotNull String pluginName)
      Creates a mock instance of a JavaPlugin implementation and gives you a chance to name the plugin. This plugin offers no functionality, but it does allow a plugin that might enable and disable other plugins to be tested.
      pluginName - A name of a new plugin.
      An instance of a mock plugin.
    • ensureMocking

      public static void ensureMocking()
      Throws an IllegalStateException when not mocked.