Class LecternMock

All Implemented Interfaces:
LockableTileState, BlockState, Container, Lectern, Lockable, TileState, BlockInventoryHolder, InventoryHolder, Metadatable, Nameable, PersistentDataHolder

public class LecternMock extends ContainerMock implements Lectern
Mock implementation of a Lectern.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LecternMock

      public LecternMock(@NotNull @NotNull Material material)
      Constructs a new LecternMock for the provided Material. Only supports Material.LECTERN
      material - The material this state is for.
    • LecternMock

      protected LecternMock(@NotNull @NotNull Block block)
      Constructs a new LecternMock for the provided Block. Only supports Material.LECTERN
      block - The block this state is for.
    • LecternMock

      protected LecternMock(@NotNull @NotNull LecternMock state)
      Constructs a new LecternMock by cloning the data from an existing one.
      state - The state to clone.
  • Method Details