

package sim

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. sim
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. implicit class BitVectorPimper extends AnyRef

  2. implicit class BoolPimper extends AnyRef

  3. implicit class ClockDomainPimper extends AnyRef

  4. implicit class EnumPimper[T <: SpinalEnum] extends AnyRef

  5. class SimCompiled[T <: Component] extends AnyRef

  6. case class SimConfig[T <: Component](_withWave: Boolean = false, _waveDepth: Int = 0, _rtlGen: Option[() ⇒ T] = None, _spinalConfig: SpinalConfig = SpinalConfig(), _spinalReport: Option[SpinalReport[T]] = None, _optimisationLevel: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

  7. case class SpinalVerilatorBackendConfig[T <: Component](rtl: SpinalReport[T], withWave: Boolean = false, waveDepth: Int = 0, optimisationLevel: Int = 2) extends Product with Serializable

  8. type suspendable = cpsParam[Unit, Unit]

Value Members

  1. object DoClock

  2. object DoReset

  3. object ForkClock

  4. object SimConfig extends Serializable

  5. object SpinalVerilatorBackend

  6. object SpinalVerilatorSim

  7. def fork(body: ⇒ Unit @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Unit,Unit]): SimThread

  8. def forkJoin(bodys: () ⇒ Unit @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Unit,Unit]*): Unit @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Unit,Unit]

  9. def getBigInt(bt: BaseType): BigInt

  10. def getInt(bt: BaseType): Long

  11. def getLong(bt: BaseType): Long

  12. def setBigInt(bt: BaseType, value: BigInt): Unit

  13. def setLong(bt: BaseType, value: Long): Unit

  14. def simExit(): Unit @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Unit,Unit]

  15. def simTime(): Long

  16. def sleep(cycles: Long): Unit @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Unit,Unit]

  17. def waitUntil(cond: ⇒ Boolean): Unit @scala.util.continuations.cpsParam[Unit,Unit]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
