

package uart

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Apb3UartCtrl(config: UartCtrlMemoryMappedConfig) extends Component with Product with Serializable

  2. class AvalonMMUartCtrl extends Component

  3. case class Uart() extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable

  4. class UartCtrl extends Component

  5. case class UartCtrlConfig(g: UartCtrlGenerics) extends Bundle with Product with Serializable

  6. case class UartCtrlFrameConfig(g: UartCtrlGenerics) extends Bundle with Product with Serializable

  7. case class UartCtrlGenerics(dataWidthMax: Int = 8, clockDividerWidth: Int = 20, preSamplingSize: Int = 1, samplingSize: Int = 5, postSamplingSize: Int = 2) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class UartCtrlInitConfig(baudrate: Int = 0, dataLength: Int = 0, parity: UartParityType.E = null, stop: UartStopType.E = null) extends Product with Serializable

  9. class UartCtrlIo extends Bundle

  10. case class UartCtrlMemoryMappedConfig(uartCtrlConfig: UartCtrlGenerics, initConfig: UartCtrlInitConfig = null, busCanWriteClockDividerConfig: Boolean = true, busCanWriteFrameConfig: Boolean = true, txFifoDepth: Int = 1, rxFifoDepth: Int = 1) extends Product with Serializable

  11. class UartCtrlRx extends Component

  12. class UartCtrlTx extends Component

  13. class UartCtrlUsageExample extends Component

Value Members

  1. object Apb3UartCtrl extends Serializable

  2. object AvalonMMUartCtrl

  3. object UartCtrlRxState extends SpinalEnum

  4. object UartCtrlTxState extends SpinalEnum

  5. object UartCtrlUsageExample

  6. object UartParityType extends SpinalEnum

  7. object UartStopType extends SpinalEnum
