Floating point value
Floating comparison result
Floating point value recoded using Berkeley encoding (see https://github.com/ucb-bar/berkeley-hardfloat)
Floating point value recoded using Berkeley encoding (see https://github.com/ucb-bar/berkeley-hardfloat)
Recoded exponent size (1 bit wider than the IEEE754 equivalent float)
Mantissa field size with the implicit one not included
Quad precision IEEE 754
Half precision IEEE 754
Single precision IEEE 754
Double precision IEEE 754
Returns absolute value of the floating point number
Floating Point number comparisons
Converts Floating to Signed integer
Converts floating to Unsigned integer
Quad precision recoded Floating
Half precision recoded Floating
Single precision recoded Floating
Double precision recoded Floating
Floating point value
Size of the exponent field
Size of the mantissa field with the implicit one not included