

package i2c

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Apb3I2cCtrl(generics: I2cSlaveMemoryMappedGenerics) extends Component with Product with Serializable

  2. case class I2c() extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable

    I2C interface definition

  3. class I2cEdgeDetector extends Area

    Detect the rising and falling Edge of the SCL signals

  4. class I2cIoFilter extends Area

    Filter the SCL and SDA input signals

  5. case class I2cMasterMemoryMappedGenerics(timerWidth: Int) extends Product with Serializable

  6. class I2cSlave extends Component

    I2C Slave IO Layer :

    I2C Slave IO Layer :

    This component manages the low level of the I2C protocol. (START, STOP, Send & Receive bit data)

    | |<------- I2C ------->| |---> CMD | Master | | Slave | || ||<--- RSP

    3 bit frame => : | | | | | | | | | CMD : START DRIVE READ DRIVE READ DRIVE READ DRIVE STOP RSP : | |RSP | |RSP | |RSP |

  7. case class I2cSlaveBus() extends Bundle with IMasterSlave with Product with Serializable

  8. case class I2cSlaveCmd() extends Bundle with Product with Serializable

    Define the command interface

  9. case class I2cSlaveConfig(g: I2cSlaveGenerics) extends Bundle with Product with Serializable

    Run-time configuration for the I2CSlave

  10. case class I2cSlaveGenerics(samplingWindowSize: Int = 3, samplingClockDividerWidth: BitCount = 10 bits, tsuDatWidth: BitCount = 6 bits, timeoutWidth: BitCount = 20 bits) extends Product with Serializable

    Generics for the I2C Slave

    Generics for the I2C Slave


    : deepth sampling


    : Width of the clock divider

  11. case class I2cSlaveIo(g: I2cSlaveGenerics) extends Bundle with Product with Serializable

  12. case class I2cSlaveMemoryMappedGenerics(ctrlGenerics: I2cSlaveGenerics, addressFilterCount: Int = 0, masterGenerics: I2cMasterMemoryMappedGenerics = null) extends Product with Serializable

  13. case class I2cSlaveRsp() extends Bundle with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Apb3I2cCtrl extends Serializable

  2. object I2cCtrl

  3. object I2cSlaveCmdMode extends SpinalEnum

    Mode used to manage the slave
